To develop and organize the current status of research on women and family towards a desirable condition, problems and deficiencies in this area are quantitatively studied and evaluated. To this end, in designing the present research titled “Thematic Content Analysis of Scientific Research Papers in 'the Field of Women and Family'“ in scientific research journals approved by the Ministry of Sciences, Researches and Technology (Department of Human Sciences, 2000-2011), all variants (the number of authors, the gender of authors, the thematic orientations of the papers, the frequency of papers in journals, publication year, the education level of the authors of the papers) were thoroughly investigated by establishing a data bank of 1990 scientific research papers from 133 journals. The methodology of the present study is a thematic content analysis of all papers in the field of women and family cited in scientific research journals that were approved by the Ministry of Sciences, Researches and Technology. This way, the thematic prioritization of studies in this area and their existing deficiencies were identified, and ground for the enhancement of studies ahead was set, and the prevention of repetition in future research studies was observed. As a result of this, these factors led to the offering of effective strategies in the field of women and family.