In Defensive R & D centers due to resource constraints, there is no possibility for development of all new defensive products projects, so prioritizing these projects is considered as a necessity. Multi-dimensional decision making is one of the methods that can be used in this regard. To apply this method, one of the basic prerequisites for identifying the appropriate indicators, by taking into account the defense approach, is categorizing and eventually weighing them. In this applied study in terms of purpose, data collected through descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of this research were selected from among the directors and experts of the R&D centers in Defense Industry as well as managers of the product design projects. In this paper, the indices used to prioritize development projects for new defense products explored after reviewing the background of the research and extensive field interview with experts from R&D centers of several Defense Industries in five areas of defense, organization and strategy, knowledge and technology, risk and market. Since the number of identified indicators was widespread, this eventually increased the error of project selection. Therefore, in order to reduce the indicators, the Data Mining technique was used by the Main Component Analysis method. This method was applied on 42 identified indicators, with the help of scores given on 21 projects. Finally the number of indicators was reduced to 25 in 5 areas. Then the title of each cluster was determined according to clustering of the indicators. Also, after weighing, the defensive zone with the weight of 0. 29, and the market area with a weight of 0. 09, received the highest and lowest priority, respectively.