corrosion and scaling is one of the most important factors influencing on drinking water quality that cause health disorders and economic problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate these phenomena in a water network with asbestos-cement mains by corrosion indices. drinking water network of Khoy city was selected as pilot and samples from public water taps with 2 -3 liters volume collected and analyzed by standard methods. Corrosion and scaling potential was surveyed by Langelier, Ryzener, aggressiveness, Larson and Puckorius Indices and with measuring water physical, chemical and microbial parameters. Langelier, Ryzener, Puckorius, aggressiveness and Larson indices in cold season were -0.4±0.2, 8±0.3, 8.5±0.2, 12±0.2 and 0.3±0.1 and in warm season were -0.12±0.25, 7.8±0.3, 9.2±0.22, 12.1±0.2 and 0.27±0.08, respectively. According to the Langelier, Ryzener and Puckorius indices, the water is under saturated and corrosive. Statistical paired samples t test displayed significant difference in means value of Langelier, Ryzener, Puckorius indices between cold and warm seasons of the year (P. value <0.001). The results show that water is unbalanced and could cause corrosion in water distribution system. In terms of health impacts, corrosion in asbestos-cement pipes is important, then providing proper measures for balancing water quality before entering to the network and substituting of mains to prevent of economic and health problems are necessary.