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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    3 (108)
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1. Introduction: Microbial fuel cells are an emerging technology that can convert biochemical energy into electrical energy. The driving force in these cells is the result of oxidation-reduction reactions of an organic substance in which microorganisms are used as biocatalysts. In these cells, the bacteria convert the biodegradable organic matter into electrical energy that is biodegradable. This can both treat wastewater and generate electricity. The main components of a microbial fuel cell are the anode, cathode, proton exchange membrane (PEM) and an electrical circuit. The bacterial population around the anode consumes the organic substrate as food and produces electrons and protons. Electrons are absorbed through the electron transfer chain at the anode surface and transferred to the cathode by an external electrical circuit, resulting in a measurable electric current. The anode part is anaerobic and the cathode part is aerobic (Logan et al. 2006). In the effluents of oil refineries and petrochemicals, there is phenol and its derivatives that cause environmental pollution. On the other hand, in the wastewater treatment system of these industries, there are natural bacteria that cause the biological decomposition of phenolic compounds (Luo et al. 2009). According to the literature, research has been done to remove phenol in the microbial fuel cell, but none of them used the microbial seeds of a refinery wastewater treatment plant. By conducting this research, using this type of microbial seed, the decomposition of phenol and electricity produced in the microbial fuel cell was investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of decomposition of phenol and electricity produced in microbial fuel cells using microbial seeds obtained from wastewater treatment plants of oil refineries. . .

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
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In real construction, the loads imposed on gravity load structures (distributed load-concentrated load) with lateral loads including earthquake, wind or landslide due to soil, consideration of all effective factors is required. In this study, the experimental examination of steel moment resisting frames that is simultaneously affected by concentrated gravity and cyclic loading will be done. The effect of gravity load on cyclic behavior of moment-resisting frame will be investigated. In a moment-resisting frame with certain dimensions, the certain concentrated load will be applied at the middle of beam and according to ATC24 protocol, the lateral cyclic displacement will be created in a frame. By drawing the cyclic diagram for imposed lateral load, the results for various seismic parameters will be evaluated. The results of experimental data and the obtained results from FEM analysis have been compared for some specimens, which had good conformity with the modeled experimental specimens. The investigation of experimental and FEM Results indicates the effect of applying gravity load on moment-resisting frame where cyclic displacement is created. The final resistance of steel frame is less than moment-resisting frame without concentrated load such that the total depreciated energy in steel-moment resisting frame without consideration of gravity load is less than 28% of moment-resisting frame with gravity concentrated load.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: In the present paper, electromechanical finite element modeling of a smart adaptive composite beam is presented. The model is formulated based on linear electromechanics and electro kinematics assumptions. The proposed model is a three layers piezoelectric composite beam that acts as a transverse actuator. The elastic material of the core is isotropic whereas the outer piezoelectric layers are orthotropic. The accuracy of analytic and numerical models is demonstrated by examining the simulation of the two principles of mechanical and electrical energy conservation in a finite element program and also comparing its results with the ANSYS numerical model. In the numerical simulation of the finite element model, there are three mesh including 10, 50, and 100 elements. The parametric simulation consists of three mechanical, electrical, and electromechanical static loading sets. By comparing the results of modeling in the finite element programming and ANSYS, and verifying the principle of electromechanical energy conservation, it can be concluded that the proposed finite element model is efficient and accurate. . .

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
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Today, the buckling-restrained bracing frames (BRBFs) are widely used as a new system contributing to the absorption of a high amount of energy through yielding of the buckling-restrained brace (BRB) core when exposed to compression and tension. The relatively high cost of exploitation of this system has prompted researchers to seek for ways to reduce the costs while providing seismic performance. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of the ratio of the yielding segment cross-sectional area to the elastic segment cross-sectional area as well as the length of the yielding segment to the total length of the BRB core on energy absorption demand of these braces in different stories of the BRB frames. For this purpose, two 5-and-10-story BRB frames have been modeled in Open Sees software, then the nonlinear time history analysis was performed on these frames under seven earthquake records. Using the results of the analysis, the energy absorption demand of braces on different stories with different ratios of the yielding segment cross-sectional area to the elastic segment cross-sectional area as well as the length of the yielding segment to the total length of the BRB core has been calculated. The results indicated that the variation of these ratios in the BRB can be effective in the amount of energy absorption demand of, in addition, the nature of this effect depended on the braced story in the BRB frame. However, the effect of stiffness modification factor on the uniformity of the energy absorption demand of braces in different stories is insignificant compared to the changes in the cross-sectional area of braces in different stories.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: In order to prevent damage caused by earthquakes in different types of structures including concrete structures, various methods are used by structural engineers considering terms of design and working conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the performance of these structures in different conditions and evaluate their impact on the structural behavior coefficient. For this purpose, ABAQUS finite element software has been utilized to model a concrete moment frame with one span in one floor equipped with simple concrete slab, spherical and cubic hollow slabs in different conditions. . . .

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: Geometric imperfections that occur due to the inevitable errors during the fabrication process or erection of structural members, may affect the performance of the steel structure. One of the most common and very efficient shop-welded and field bolted systems is the column-tree moment connection system. Sometimes, in the implementation of the moment-resisting frames with column-tree connections, the middle link beam length after the fabrication does not match with inserted dimension in shop drawing completely and a gap can be seen between the splice plates in beam to beam end-plate bolted splice connection, as shown in Fig. 1. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of different values of the construction imperfections of the middle link beam length on the behavior of column-tree connections. For this purpose, firstly, the effect of the middle link beam construction imperfection in three steel moment-resisting frames with different stories and bays are considered by using SAP2000 software and the values of internal forces in members are extracted. Secondly, non-linear behavior of three-dimensional models of single-sided beam-to-column connection from these frames are investigated by using ANSYS Workbench finite element software. . .

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (پیاپی 108)
  • Pages: 

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هدف از این تحقیق تعیین میزان حذف فنل و تولید الکتریسیته در پیل میکروبی با استفاده از بذر میکروبی فاضلاب پالایشگاه نفت بود. یک پیل میکروبی دو محفظه ای مجهز به غشاء تبادل گر پروتون نفیونی و آند و کاتد از جنس پارچه کربنی در انکوباتور دمای 30 درجه سانتیگراد به مدت 12 هفته بصورت جریان منقطع در دو حالت مدار باز و بسته مورد بهره برداری قرار گرفت. آند در محفظه بی هوازی حاوی محیط کشت حداقل و فنل در محدوده غلظت 50 تا 1000 میلی گرم بر لیتر قرار داده شد. ترکیبات معدنی مورد نیاز رشد باکتری بود. بذر میکروبی از تصفیه خانه فاضلاب پالایشگاه نفت تهران با محیط کشت مخلوط و به محفظه آند اضافه شد. کاتد در محفظه بی هوازی حاوی بافر فسفات قرار داده شد. فنل بوسیله دستگاه HPLC و برق تولیدی بوسیله ولت سنج مجهز به ذخیره کننده داده ها اندازه گیری شد. درهمه غلظتهای مورد آزمایش فنل حداکثر طی 96 ساعت بطور کامل تجزیه می شد. حداکثر حذف فنل و برق تولیدی طی 24 ساعت اولیه هر مرحله از آزمایش مشاهده می شد. سرعت تجزیه فنل در سیستم مدار بسته نسبت به مدار باز بیشتر بود. ماکزیمم ولتاژ و توان تولیدی به ترتیب mv425 و mw/m^2 86/36بدست آمد. بازده کولمبیک پیل ساخته شده 3/5% و حد اکثر میزان حذف اکسیژن مورد نیاز شیمیایی (COD)، 95 درصد بود. با استفاده از مخلوط باکتریایی پالایشگاه نفت در پیل سوختی میکروبی می توان غلظت های بالا از فنل را حذف و الکتریسیته تولید نمود.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: Electrokinetic remediation is one of the methods for cleaning of soil and sediments (Rozas and Castellote, 2012). In this case, by applying a weak electric field using the external power supply, the pollutants are separated from the soil or sediment by various mechanisms, especially electrical migration. But due to the cost of supplying electricity, it is not affordable(Acar et al., 1995). On the other hand, in the microbial fuel cells, bacteria release electrons by consuming organic matter and producing electric current. Therefore, in this study, microbial fuel cells process with three different electrodes at the anode and combination with granular activated carbon was used to produce green weak electric field. Based on the electrical migration mechanism, the removal rate of hexavalent chromium from marine sediments was evaluated by combining three physical, chemical and biological processes...

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: One of the main concerns in optimization methods is reduction the number of function evaluation which is mentioned in many studies like (Gholizadeh et al, 2018). The present study focuses on a method and series of actions designed to achieve the answer with the aim of minimization the total number of analysis,and so the time,needed for global and local search. Although the suggested elite particles method (EPM) can be used for any population based optimization method, but here it is applied to one of the fundamental and widely developed metaheuristic algorithms,namely particle swarm optimization (Eberhart et al, 1995) to handle the truss structures optimization with discrete design variables. As the original version of the assumed method suffers from the slow convergence rate,specially when dealing with the discrete optimization problems,the elite particles modification algorithm,which can be used in almost all population based metaheuristic optimization methods,will be implemented for that method. Here the elite particles method is attached with the particle swarm optimization method and the gained metaheuristic algorithm is named modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO). MPSO utilizes two computational strategies named ‘, Regeneration’,and ‘, Mutation’, . . .

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Seyed Jafar Rangraz Seyed Mehdi | Barmayehvar Behnod | Safehian Majid


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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: In order to reduce dead loads of structures in earthquake prone areas such as Iran, lightweight concretes have several advantages which could be used as a substitution of ordinary concretes. One of the challenges in construction industry is producing an economical and environmental structures which could be able to fulfil requirements of structural and durability properties both. Thus, this industry needs a sustainability evaluation to find sustainable materials in engineering, environmental and economical aspects which this is one of the keys to achieving sustainable development. The main purpose of this research is to investigate economical, environmental and durability properties of lightweight concretes and fiber reinforced lightweight concretes and compare them with ordinary concretes. . .

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: The steel plate shear wall is a lateral force resisting system, of two types of stiffened and unstiffened. The manufacturing of the stiffened type is time-consuming, costly, and needs more supervision,because of many executive details. Steel plate shear wall with a corrugated web is a new system that has been considered as an alternative for all types of stiffened walls. Corrugated sheets have complex geometry and their modeling is difficult in existing conventional software. To overcome the complexity of the modeling of corrugated sheets, flat sheets with orthotropic material properties can be replaced instead of these sheets by the help of material mechanics science. This research aims to provide a specific process for calculating the mechanical properties of an alternative orthotropic flat sheet to the corrugated sheet, and to study the accuracy of the orthotropic model in predicting the monotonic and cyclic behavior of corrugated shear walls. For this purpose, the results of the analyses of the orthotropic and trapezoidal corrugated models of the steel plate shear wall with different characteristics of the waves are compared and the accuracy of the proposed method is examined. . .

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: Air pollution is a serious threat to human health, wildlife, and the environment that the problem is now one of the most serious issues facing mankind. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are one of the most prominent air pollutants that are of particular importance due to their serious toxicants as carcinogens. Due to the harmful effects of VOC compounds on human health, adverse effects on plant degradation and global climate change, it is necessary to prevent their release into the air. The most important sources of VOCs in urban areas are traffic and transportation, gasoline vapors, solvent use and etc. The emissions of VOC from gas stations can be considered seriously. According to research, one of the major sources of VOC pollutants in cities is gas-fueling stations. These studies have been evaluated by many researchers around the world and the volatile organic compounds content is often above the reported international standards (Gonzalez et al, 2002,Kountouriotis et al, 2014, Hicklin et al, 2018). In 2006, three different gas stations were measured, with results ranging from 512 to 1275 μ, g/m 3 in New Delhi (Srivastav et al, 2006). In 2015, a study was carried out at six gas stations in Tehran that showed average concentrations in summer at 860 ppm and in winter at 434 ppm (Eisaei et al, 2015). In another study by Hicklin et al., Volatile organic compounds were distributed in gas stations using two models in Malta, which showed most gas stations were built in residential areas that exceed the standard level (Hicklin et al, 2018). . .

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction : The aim of this paper is to study the uncertainty in piping failure of the Teton earth Dam with considering geometrical parameters and material uncertainty using the BREACH-GUI model. Piping phenomenon in the body of the dam is one of the two common factors in the dam failure, which is a small intubation in the early hours with low diameter and low flow rate, due to erosion of the tunnel walls, the erosion of the tunnel walls increases the diameter of the tunnel and the flow of water passing through It will be tunnel that, if this amount of flow exceeds a limit, it will break the body of the dam and ultimately lead to the complete destruction of the body of the dam. Predicting the main breach characteristics (size, shape, time of formation) and the break outflow hydrograph with Monte Carlo uncertainty simulation are presented in this paper. The model is physically based on the principles of hydraulics, sediment transport, soil mechanics, geometric and material properties of the dam, and the reservoir properties (storage volume, spillway characteristics, and time-dependent reservoir inflow rate). Obtained results show that, the critical uncertainty parameters that produce the shortest time and maximum discharge flow arising from dam failure are ,(frictional angle) and D50 (efficient diameter of soil). Obtained results show that earth dams with smaller shape factor fails faster and also with increasing in the level of water in the reservoir earth dam piping failure of dam intensify and also with increasing height of dam with constant shape factor the possibility of piping failure of dam is increased. . .

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
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1. Introduction: Nowadays challenge of water resource is a problem of many countries in the Middle East. This fact about Urmia Lake in Iran has more importance in the recent decade. Urmia Lake water level has involved many changes and fluctuations due to rainfall changes, droughts and dam constructions. The main purpose of this article is an investigation of System Dynamic (SD) methods for forecasting water level fluctuations using Wavelet Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (WANFIS). . .

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: One of the most common damages in asphalt mixtures is due to the destructive effects of moisture on the cohesion of asphalt binder and adhesion of asphalt binder-aggregate which is called moisture damage (Xiao et al, 2010). Moisture damage can be divided into two mechanisms, adhesion and cohesion. They are related to the strength loss of asphalt mixtures (Tan and Guo, 2013). Water can penetrate between the surface of asphalt binders and the aggregates. It reduces adhesion between binders and aggregates. Also, water can be absorbed in the asphalt binder. It decreases the cohesion properties of asphalt binders. When the cohesion and adhesion properties of asphalt binder reduce, stiffness of asphalt mixtures reduces. There are several different approaches for improving adhesion and reducing moisture sensitivity in asphalt mixtures. One convenient approach is modifying the asphalt binder with a suitable agent. Most of road and transportation agencies have tried to use anti striping additives to increase adhesion at the aggregate-asphalt interface (Kakar et al, 2015). Liquid anti strip additives are chemical surfactants that decrease the aggregate’, s surface tension and improve the surface coverage of aggregates. In contrast in this research, the potential of two types of metallic nano materials in two different percentages (nano AL2O3 and Fe2O3) were evaluated. . .

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: Several loads over the lifetime of buildings threaten the safety of structures. Earthquake, fire, explosion and . . . hazard that jeopardize the safety of the structure. The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods and effects of different parameters on the strength of reinforced concrete frames in the post-earthquake fire scenario. For this purpose, a 7-story concrete frame is designed and mechanically-Thermally molded. After modeling, using three methods of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS), Trento diagram (TDA) and first-order second moment (FOSM), the effect of design parameters on RC frame in post-earthquake fire loading was investigated. . .

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Esfandiari Javad


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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
  • Pages: 

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1. Introduction: In this study, to study the interaction of soil and strip in the passive and active zoon, pull out experiments, direct shear test and numerical modeling of finite elements were performed. The expected results of this study saved the strip. Also, using genetic expression programming (GEP), new design criteria for soil stabilization in narrow and conflicting building spaces were extracted to estimate the pull out force. . .

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (108)
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1. Introduction: Due to the development of urbanization and the limitation of freshwater resources, the importance of wastewater treatment and environmental pollution is of great importance. Inlet wastewater flow can be significantly increased during atmospheric phenomena or chronological events, thereby causing hydraulic shock and consequently destroying biological processes in treatment plants. So that these hydraulic shocks are associated with reduced hydraulic retention time and less purification time for microorganisms, the organic matter is removed from the system faster and the efficiency of stabilization and removal of pollutants is greatly reduced. Therefore, the composition of wastewater has a great impact on the local environmental situation, so it is important to study the amount of incoming wastewater as well as its environmental quality indicators (Sarkheil et al., 2018,Sarkheil et al., 2019). . .

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در این مقاله، فرمول نویسی الکترومکانیکی المان محدود یک تیر کامپوزیت لایه لایه تطبیقی هوشمند ارایه شده است. مدل تیر مرکب هوشمند ارایه شده بر اساس فرضیات الکترومکانیک و الکتروسینماتیک خطی است. مدل تیوری یک تیر کامپوزیت پیزوالکتریک (Piezoelectric) سه لایه است که به صورت یک مکانیزم به کاراندازنده محوری عمل می کند. مصالح الاستیک لایه هسته ایزوتروپیک (Isotropic) بوده اما مواد پیزوالکتریک لایه های بیرونی اورتوتروپیک می باشند. دقت مدل های تحلیلی و عددی با بررسی شبیه سازی دو اصل بقای انرژی مکانیکی و الکتریکی در یک برنامه عناصر محدود و همچنین مقایسه نتایج آن با مدل عددی ANSYS نشان داده شده است. در شبیه سازی عددی در مدل المان محدود، سه مش بندی 10، 50 و 100 المانی ایجاد شده است. شبیه سازی پارامتری شامل سه مجموعه بارگذاری استاتیکی مکانیکی، الکتریکی و الکترومکانیکی می باشد. با مقایسه نتایج مدل سازی ها در برنامه المان محدود نوشته شده و ANSYS و صحت سنجی اصل بقای انرژی الکترومکانیکی در آن ها می توان نتیجه گرفت که مدل المان محدود ارایه شده از کارآمدی و دقت خوبی برخوردار است.

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1. Introduction: Industrialization and growth of population during the last century has led to destruction of many ecosystems used by mankind. Entrance of different kinds of sewage to open water and rivers is known as the first factor reducing the quality of water resource available for mankind. The volume of pollutants in the sewage including total suspended solid, biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand, reached tens of thousands milligrams per liter (Chan et al., 2009). Generally, in order to achieve sustainable economic development, water resources and wastewater management are necessary. Hence, it is necessary to use cost effective methods beside practical methods. Using microalgae for treatment of different kinds of municipal, agricultural and industrial wastewater is an affordable method (de Godos et al., 2010,Di Termini et al., 2011,Muñ, oz and Guieysse, 2006). Nowadays using microalgae in wastewater treatment has gained lots of attention, since microalgae can produce large amounts of biomass in order to attain valuable products and energy besides wastewater treatment and also prevent carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. Furthermore, treatment of different kinds of wastewater by means of microalgae is an environmental friendly method, because in this process no secondary pollutant is produced. The produced biomass is also recycled and used (Olguin, 2003,Rawat et al., 2011). . .

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1. Introduction: Space structures lack non-structural members adding to their stiffness and strength. Also, these structures have lower degree of redundancy, and therefore the loss of an important member in them can result in collapse of the entire structure. Progressive failure in dome structures has been investigated by various researchers (Jihong and Nian 2017,Zhao et al. 2017,Fu and Parke 2018,Gordini et al. 2018,Zheng and Fan 2018). The purpose of this study is to identify the behavior of two-layer dome structures against the occurrence of progressive failure and to determine the relevant failure patterns. The occurrence and pattern of progressive failure in the studied dome is investigated by eliminating the compressive and tensile members as well as the support structures. . .

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    3 (108)
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1. Introduction: Present study was carried out to investigate the effects of sample size on the mechanical behavior of geotextile-reinforced clay in the short time using the PLAXIS 2D software. These simulations were modeled for different confining pressures, different diameters and one to four geotextile layers. Two constitutive models including the Mohr-Coloumb model and hardening soil model were used to simulate the behavior of the soil. . .

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