Quality of life today is a complex concept and many social scientists since are not able to present a comprehensive definition. Because, the concept of life quality for different urban citizens, has a different meaning. The survey method of this paper is descriptive - analytical methods. And the method of data collection is a documentary- survey method. The value of studied samples in this research has been calculated as probability and based on Cochran’s formula with a confidence level of 95.5, 320. The questionnaires has been distributed based on the 16 city divisions, And in each of the districts 20 questionnaires has been distributed. Distribution of options for each question has been set in the form of five Likert. In this the techniques of observation, questionnaires, field research, library resources and Internet use have been used. Review the status of the city's quality of life has been done based on economical, social and physical indicators. And also in the review process of selecting criteria for this study, Delphi method (Soroush) has been used to raise the level of its validity. Based on the presented model, the quality of life in each district is ranked according to the points earned in the following table. According to the table, one of the most critical districts in Babolsar city, based on the indicators of life quality is district No.13 (Bi bi seh-roozeh). In fact there is a spatial discontinuity between eastern and western districts, particularly among districts 13, 14, 15, and 16 with 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 districts.