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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Today, development of industry in form of complex, area, district or industrial cities is a common phenomenon in urban areas that particular attention must be paid for optimum locating of such areas. Hence in our country during the last decades, due to the lack of attention to proper factors in locating such land use, has caused the spatial imbalances in the regions. This research, with the aim of studding the effective factors on locating the industrial areas, will analyze and study these factors according to spatial planning and land use planning in Iran.Descriptive - analytical method was used for this study, the required information retrieved from documents and text resources. In the first step, the effective factors and criteria on locating industrial areas were obtained through referring to library and written texts, and with respect to the focus of this research on spatial and land use planning, these factors classified into four spatial levels of national, regional, areal and local, then since this factors have not equal importance and weight, their weights were determined by Analytical Network Process (ANP) model. The obtained results of this research shows the following results: natural factors are more important than human factors, local factors has more weight than other spatial level and the weight of factors reduces with enhance of their spatial level from local level to national ones.

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One of the most important consequences of rapid growth of urbanization in developing countries, is the problem of unofficial construction in surrounding areas and periphery of cities, which has created the challenge of inability of urban managements to respond to the new demands arising from this growth. The aim of this study was to identify the most important factors affecting on the extension of marginalized neighborhoods. In this regard, the physical, economical, social and cultural effects have been studied. The methods used in this study was a descriptive - analytical survey and the statistical population was Babol marginal residents. Sample size of 250 was determined based on the sampling formula Cochran, which was regularly or systematically selected and then using the SPSS software for statistical analysis of the data. Results of correlation analysis suggests that the performance of municipal authorities in the preparation and implementation of development programs and services to increase citizens' satisfaction level of 99% there is a significant relationship. The results of the Chisquare test shows that there is a significant relationship between the unprincipled construction with suitability of land price in urban fringes, low income, marginalized and lack of adequate oversight authority in the field of construction. Accordingly, the reason for uneven and unprincipled construction in a suburb of the study area can be analyzed in low people's income and cheapness of land and housing in fringe areas compared to metropolitan areas of municipal authorities, as well as lack of authorities' attention.The results of the Spearman test also suggests that citizens' partnership will increase with the increase of their satisfaction rate about the performance of administrators and managers. Kruskal-Wallis test for the purpose of comparing the degree of citizen's participation in target neighborhoods suggests that in the marginal neighborhoods of Eastern and Western Katie neighborhoods, participation rate is more than Mozirej and has a higher average rating. Hence adequate supervion of the authorities and managers involved in construction particularly in the marginal areas, encouraging citizens to obtain building permits and business licenses based on the principles and regulations of urban development, optimum presentation of services by the officials, city managers and attracting citizen's patricipation for the preparation and implementation of urban development plans is an inevitable issue.

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Because of appropriate environmental condition and geographical position, solar energy is considered as one of the most efficient renewable energy types in Iran. This research intends to introduce a model by which it is possible to recognize the most optimum installation site for solar panels in urban environment. High potential of the highly elevated rooftops and direct exposure to sunlight and lack of their use in urban environments makes it necessary to utilize them optimally to produce energy from sunlight. In this research, properties of an appropriate site for installing solar panel in urban environment were primarily identified and then the required layers were determined. Layers required for accessing the appropriate sites were produced based on 1: 2000 maps and were modeled spatially in ArcGIS using Boolean logic's AND and Product operators.These results were combined with land use and population factors by technique of Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA). The model was evaluated based on field observation and the Tao-Kendall coefficient was used to determine the homogeneity between the results of the model and those of field observation. The coefficient was calculated 0.771 that indicates a significant relation between the two parameters.

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Experts believe that the existence of old textures and unauthorized settlements in the country, is one of the urban diseases that involves many defects of the country in terms of economical, social, health, cultural and security, and to solve these problems and to ensure the safety of citizens against inefficient, old and decay quality of construction, these areas should be renewed and rehabilitated. This causes that urban managers shall pay attention to these textures in their real agenda. The old textures that have changed and formed as organic by participation of people over the time, today also the participation of the same people for establishing the current and future requirements, is an integral part of the renovation too.This paper, through studying the old texture of Ardabil city as a case study, by using analytical descriptive method, tries to analyze one of the important elements of organizing these kind of textures, i.e. Inhabitant’s participation in relation with the status of social capital of old textures.The results showed a significant relation between two indices of belonging sense to the neighborhood and the local institutional trust index with the participation of the residents of the old texture and also no significant relation between the social correlation index and the participation of the residents in the process of the renovation of urban old texture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Providing citizens’ convenient access to different urban services is an important goal of urban planning. Towns with any role, cannot be far away from commercial activities, because the social life of people and meeting their needs, necessitates such activities. Markets are obvious examples of such business and commercial activities which have existed from earlier times.Khorramabad city is among the cities which due to its old fabric and texture has no market which is located based on scientific regulations.The purpose of locating markets in this research, is the obtainment of sustainable economic development, promotion the quality of services to citizens, creating employment opportunities, income, etc... The criteria used in this study includes the relative value of land, area, access, centrality, population density, the land form, parking potential. After preparing the Vector and Raster layers of the above criteria, the effect or importance of each of these layers as effective factors on locating the assigned markets was specified, which in this study in order to determine the importance rate and standard weights of layers, ARC GIS software has been used.After prioritizing the used information layers and finally by using GIS, the standard weight of the used layers for locating were obtained. After determining the standard weights, the weighted information layers were overlapped based on their importance rate and the information layers were integrated based on their weight and at last, the final locating maps of daily markets were achieved. The results show that with respect to the existing maps, the existing markets, located markets and the existing daily markets in Khoramabad city have not a suitable and proper spatial distribution and no attention is made to the required standards and parameters for locating such market.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today in many cases, urban tourism is considered as the beginning part of sustainable development of cities in developing regions and beginning of proper planning to achieve sustainable urban tourism and identifying areas' potential in this view. Among the potential of these areas, in relation with the urban tourism, the Urban Tourism Infrastructures can be referred.The first purpose of this research, is the ranking of East Azarbaijan province counties in terms of urban tourism infrastructures and second, to determine the distribution of urban tourism infrastructures in the province, using TOPSIS and SAW Techniques and Pearson's skewness coefficient. This research is a descriptive - analytical and data collection was made by documentary method. The results of this study show that, firstly, the counties of Tabriz, Maragheh and Shabestar are the three first and the counties, Varzeqan, Charoymaq and Khodafryn are the three last of East Azerbaijan province in urban tourism infrastructures ranking. Second, using Pearson's skewness coefficient indicates that the distribution of urban tourism infrastructures in the counties of East Azarbaijan province is asymmetric with positive skewness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Among the recognized and available landuses in the cities, Urban planners only for green space Although they have proposed some minimums for per capita of green space, but they believe that it is better not to have per capita for such landuse so that cites become Garden City. This shows the importance and necessity of green space, thus, now green space as a fascinating topic is discussing in scientific centers. The aim of this study is to increase the efficiency and the number of visitors of the parks in Noorabad Mamasani city in Fars province. The discussed issue in this study is that the designers and planners did not consider any difference among three components of culture, economy and environment and lack of attention to public preferences in designing park.To this end, Firstly, after indicating the investigated challenges for each of these components (cultural, economical and environmental), the considered indicators for each of them were identified and designed in the form of a questionnaire. The single variable chi-square test was used after extraction and processing of gathered data and preparation of statistical indicators for the research components. The results indicate that, contrary to common belief among planners, citizens make distinction between the three components (cultural, economical and environmental).The cultural component among the three investigated components has the highest preferences with value (x2) equal to 559.746, Then in environmental component, value of (x2) equal to 506.579 and economic component, value of (x2) equal to 166.411 are at the next ranks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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housing is a multisectoral issue which has quantitative and qualitative concepts. One of the policies of housing in Iran is the low income housing policy, which is known as Mehr housing.According to the execution and completion some of it's phases, it is important to be investigated by various methods. One of these methods, is measurement of satisfaction in order to evaluate the residential quality of the residents. So, in this research resident's satisfaction has been assessed by descriptive statistics methods as well as T test and Linear Regression in four levels. The results indicate that the quality of urban environment in Zahedan Mehr shahr in all levels is low.Nevertheless the extent of residential environment satisfaction is slightly more than the urban environment satisfaction. Meanwhile, among all of the sub-criteria, just two indicators of access services and transportation as well as outside facilities are a little more than the average quality.

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The study of sustainable agriculture and its sub-systems for the purpose of obtaining more knowledge and information about the situation of such systems and development of appropriate mechanisms, strategies and programs for achieving sustainable development of agriculture has a great importance.The main aim of this study is to examine the social-cultural effects of mobilization and renovation projects and integration of paddy lands and evaluation of its success rate in term of social and cultural factor from the view point of agricultures and experts.The research's statistical community includes two study groups. The first are villages which mobilization and renovation and also paddy lands integration have been made in their lands, which are 9 villages in Gharetoghan rural district, that is in the central part of Neka town ship in Mazandaran province, which are considered as the research objective villages in evaluation of the project.Another group are the experts who designed or performed the project or were involved in a way in the project execution.The independent variable of research is the indices of social and cultural dimension of the project and the dependant variable is the project success from social and cultural viewpoint. The research method is descriptive and analytical method. The data was collected through field study and questionnaires distributed among 260 farmers of the studied area and the 68 experts of the project.The findings show that from the social-cultural aspect, experts believe that the project implementation was successful, but farmers believe that it was not successful. Moreover, the correlation coefficient of social- cultural aspect is -0.072; therefore, there is no correlation between the farmers and experts view about the success of social - cultural aspect.

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Industry growth and population increase in cities has led to utilitarian construction. In such constructions, the hygienic issues and supplying minimum air and light in dense urban areas have not been considered. Also the necessity of creating new urban usages for meeting the increasing trend of urban requirements and people housing has gradually reduced the green spaces and urban gardens, which has led to environmental pollution. Therefore this study was made to evaluate and optimal allocation of urban green space in order to achieve urban sustainable pattern in district No.11 of Tehran municipality. The research method in this study is a combination of descriptive - analytical method and type of study is applied one.Hence to calculate of per capita green space in the area, firstly by using normal differential vegetation index (NDVI) related to the data of ASTER sensor, the green space per capita was calculated 2.57 square meters, which is very low in comparing with the minimum per capitas.Therefore AHP model was used to allocate green space. The results show that from 1205 hectare of this area, about 195 hectares of land area equal to 16 percent of the total area of the district were fully compatible and consistent for expansion of green space. Therefore, the results of this study can help to urban planners to understand and prioritize urban issues and find solutions to solve these problems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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