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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Nursing is a practice-based profession with a unique science and body of knowledge that comprises “, paradigms, frameworks, and theories”,[1]. Over the centuries, the objective (modernism) way of knowing, informed by positivist philosophy and quantitative research method, has defined traditional sciences. According to Allmark (2003), objectivism views scientific knowledge as being gained solely through objective observation, measuring, and quantifying, with a view of predicting and generalizing [2]. . . .

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Nursing care during dialysis involves managing symptoms and preventing complications among patients undergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. In this regard, to improve the quality of nursing care during dialysis, several approaches were developed to enhance hemodialysis adequacy and prevent complications,however, machine learning (ML) emerged as a methodological approach for eval-uating hemodialysis adequacy and complications. The current study aims to analyze ML approach in predicting and managing hemo-dialysis by R programming language analysis to provide a therapeutic concept for hemodialysis management in critical nursing care. An R programming language was used to perform the logical analysis of the data. ML algorithms based on usage rate included logistic regression (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Random Forest (RF), Complement Naive Bayes (CNB), Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy system (G-TSK-FS), k-nearest neighbors' classifier (KNN), Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Multi-adaptive neural-fuzzy system (MANFIS). Also, the use of ML in nursing care during hemodialysis is categorized into three indications for predicting hemodialysis adequacy, complications, and vascular access performance. Using ML in hemodialysis nursing care is a growing research interest. The main application areas are the prediction of hemodialysis adequacy, complications, and vascular access performance. LR and SVM are practical ML algorithms for constructing AI tools to improve hemodialysis management.

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This study was conducted to investigate self-care behaviors and related factors in cardiovascular patients. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the self-care behaviors of patients with cardiovascular diseases in the heart center of Mazandaran province in 2015. The data collection tool was a two-part questionnaire. The first part of the questionnaire was demographic information (age, sex, level of education, duration of hospitalization, occupation, disease diagnosis, hospitalization department, and marital status). The second part included a 12-question European Heart Failure Self Care Behavior questionnaire, each item of which is graded from 1 to 5 based on a Likert scale. A total of 268 cardiovascular patients participated in this study. The mean age of patients was 58. 37 (SD=11. 95). Among the participants, 52. 61% were male, 86. 19% were married, and 65. 67% were literate. Hypertension was present in 52. 61% of them and the average duration of cardiovascular disease in them was 5. 10 (SD=4. 39). The mean of self-care was 29. 00 (SD=6. 76). 141 people (52. 61%) had good self-care behaviors, 121 people (45. 15%) had moderate self-care behaviors, and 6 people (2. 24%) had poor self-care behaviors. In the context of the relationship between demographic variables and self-care behaviors, no statistically significant relationship was observed (P>0. 05). The most self-care behaviors were related to going to the doctor or health centers in case of shortness of breath, taking medicines as recommended by the doctor, allocating enough time to rest, and the least self-care behaviors were related to regular exercise, influenza vaccine injection, and easy handling in case of shortness of breath. There-fore, teaching patients about the importance and how to perform self-care behaviors is very effective in promoting these behaviors and as a result, reducing mortality and hospitalization costs, and nurses play an important role in teaching these behaviors.

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This systematic review aims to examine the ethical issues of do not resuscitate order (DNR) in cancer patients from a nursing perspec-tive. Keywords were obtained based on Medical Subject Headings with titles related to the topic of the article. The data was obtained by searching English keywords (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cancer, dilemma, oncology) in the title and abstract of the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases without time limits to access published foreign studies. Also, to access published Persian studies, Iranian websites, including Scientific Information Database, Magiran, and Iranmedex scientific databases, were searched with equiva-lent Persian keywords. Also, based on the determined keywords, a free search was also conducted in the Google Scholar search engine. The study on the implementation of DNR orders by healthcare providers has been of interest to medical staff, patients, and their families in the past. The issue of choosing between life and death to reduce pain and suffering and the lack of facilities to treat patients in the last stages of the disease is one of the main reasons for making a DNR order, especially in cancer patients who are going through the last stages of their lives. In various studies, various aspects of the treatment staff's and patients' attitudes were examined, but the most atten-tion is paid to factors such as the doctor's moral competence, the patient's independence, the quality of life, and adopting the right time for this order. In these studies, it has been shown that the DNR order is widely used in patients with advanced cancers. Therefore, managers and policymakers in the health field should provide a platform for training the medical care team, especially nurses, in the field of various aspects of the ethical competence of DNR and interaction with these patients and their families.

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The present systematic review was conducted to investigate the nursing students' knowledge and related factors towards pressure ulcer (PU) prevention. A comprehensive, systematic search was performed in different international electronic databases, such as Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and Persian electronic databases such as Iranmedex, and Scientific Information Database using keywords extracted from Medical Subject Headings such as "Knowledge", "Pressure ulcer", and "Nursing student" from the earliest to the Feb-ruary 1, 2023. The quality assessment of the present studies in this systematic review was based on the appraisal tool for cross-sectional studies (AXIS tool). In general, a total of 7, 375 nursing students participated in 14 studies. The average knowledge score of nursing students about the prevention of PUs was 47. 60 out of 100. There was a significant positive relationship between knowledge and the factors such as attitude, age, the number of clinical units, and self-assessment of knowledge. There was also a significant relationship between the knowledge of nursing students and factors such as years of education, the number of clinical units, clinical experience, age, experience in caring for PUs, sex, specialization, level of education, attitude. Overall, the level of knowledge of nursing students about the prevention of PUs was at a moderate level. Therefore, healthcare managers and policymakers might improve nursing students' knowledge by introducing training programs on the prevention of PUs into nursing students' curricula.

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This study was conducted to assess the characteristics and effectiveness of interventions for the improvement of moral sensitivity among nurses. A systematic search was conducted on international databases including PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus, as well as Persian databases including Magiran, Iranmedex, and Scientific Information Database using keywords including moral sensitivity, ethical sensitivity, nurses, and registered nurses from the inception to December 18, 2021. Experimental studies published in Persian and English focusing on effective interventions for the improvement of moral sensitivity among nurses were included. The standard of the studies that qualified for inclusion was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical assessment criteria. A total of 520 nurses were enrolled in eight studies. Of the nurses, 78. 37% were female and 55% were in the intervention group. The mean age of participants was 34. 74 (SD=5. 65) years. Mean study duration, intervention, and follow-up were 10. 38, 5. 59, and 7. 20 weeks, respectively. Seven educational interventions including "nursing ethics workshop" (two studies), "nursing ethics workshop using narration and lecture", "Moral sensitivity workshop", "ethical motivational educational program”, , "virtual narrative ethics workshop", and "empowerment educational program", improved moral sensitivity in nurses. However, the "nursing ethics workshop using seminar" was not effective in the management of moral sensitivity in nurses. The evidence for the positive effects of educational interventions on nurses' moral sensitivity was sparse but encouraging. However, there is a need for further studies to confirm the effectiveness of these interventions on nurses' moral sensitivity.

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The goal of the current systematic review was to learn more about nursing students' quality of life (QoL) and associated determinants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Systematic search was done from the earliest date to August 27, 2022 using keywords extracted from Medical Subject Headings including "Quality of life", "Nursing students", and "COVID-19" in international electronic databases in-cluding Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science. Iranian databases such as Iranmedex were also searched. Utilizing the cross-sectional study appraisal tool (AXIS tool), the quality of the studies included in this review was assessed. This systematic review comprised eight cross-sectional studies with a combined total of 5, 939 nursing students. The findings of the eight research that made up this systematic review revealed that nursing students had a moderate level of QoL during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the findings of the re-search included in this study were conflicting, which may be related to the impact of factors such as age, gender, anxiety, residential area, presence of COVID-19 cases near their residence, the care of COVID-19 patients, nursing-related experience, coping behavior, the feeling of loneliness, general point average, program classification, source of knowledge, trust in the government’, s handling of the pandemic, years in nursing school, subjective happiness, resilience, anxiety, depression, academic stress, the problem with internet use. Therefore, managers and policymakers in the field of nursing should plan and implement appropriate measures to moderate the nega-tive influencing factors on the QoL among nursing students, taking into account the importance of the QoL of nursing students as people present in the health care service system and their presence at the patient's bedside.

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The aim of this research was to examine the effects of early palliative care on individuals who provide care for adult patients with chronic diseases. From the earliest date until November 1, 2022, the databases of Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Iranmedex, and Scientific Information Database were thoroughly searched using purpose-related keywords. To rate the caliber of randomized control trials and quasi-experimental research, the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical evaluation checklist was utilized. A total of 800 patients with chronic disease were included in five studies. This study demonstrated that early palliative care treatments had a similar impact on caregivers' quality of life (QoL) as routine care and delayed palliative care interventions (ES:-0. 01, 95%CI:-0. 20 to 0. 17, Z=0. 15, I2: 0. 0%, P=0. 88). As compared to the normal care group, the early care group's caregivers' depression was modestly reduced by the intervention, but this difference was not statistically significant (ES:-0. 06, 95%CI:-0. 36 to 0. 23, Z=0. 43, I2: 0. 0%, P=0. 67). Early pal-liative care reduced caregiver anxiety, however, the difference between the intervention group and the group receiving standard care was not statistically significant (ES:-0. 25, 95%CI:-0. 64 to 0. 15, Z=1. 23, I2: 0. 0%, P=0. 22). Caregivers' burdens were reported based on three dimensions demand, stress, and objective. Results found the intervention caused a non-significant decrease in the demand dimension (WMD:-0. 48, 95% CI:-1. 13 to 0. 17, Z=1. 44, I2: 0. 0%, P=0. 15) and a significant decrease in the stress dimension (WMD:-0. 65, 95% CI:-1. 26 to-0. 04, Z=2. 09, I2: 0. 0%, P=0. 04), in the intervention group compared to the routine care. In contrast, the inter-vention did not affect the objective dimension (WMD: 0. 30, 95%CI:-0. 48 to 1. 08, Z=0. 76, I2: 0. 0%, P=0. 45) in the intervention group than in routine care. Therefore, it is suggested that more interventional studies be conducted in this area in the future.

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To the Editor: One of the most prevalent and significant consequences in pa-tients who are mechanically ventilated (MV) is ventilator-associ-ated pneumonia (VAP). VAP is undoubtedly linked to higher rates of mortality, morbidity, and length of stay (LOS) in the in-tensive care unit (ICU) [1-3]....

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To the Editor: Pain is a physiological but unpleasant reaction during nursing procedures. Also, to help a person grasp an internal or external threat, pain is regarded as an emotional sense and experience linked to tissue damage [1]. . . .

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