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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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New Urbanism is the important planning movement in this century, and is about creating a better future for us all. It is an international movement to reform the design of the built environment, and is about raising our quality of life and standard of living by creating better places to live. New Urbanism is the revival of our lost art of place-making, and is essentially a re-ordering of the built environment into the form of complete cities, towns, villages, and neighborhoods-the way communities have been built for centuries around the world. New urbanism involves fixing and infilling cities, as well as the creation of compact new towns and villages. The principles of New Urbanism can be applied increasingly to projects at the full range of scales from a single building to an entire community. New Urbanists claim that the physical characteristics of new urbanism can lead to the development of a sense of place. According to this claim, the increase in social interaction also leads to an increase in sense of place among residents. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to recognize the effect of each of the principles of new urbanism on the increase of sense of place in Tehran's Haft-Houz neighborhood. Method: This research is a fundamental research in terms of purpose. Also, due to the fact that its results can be used to solve urban planning problems in the Haft-Houz neighborhood and to promote the sense of place among residents, it is also functional research. Methodologically, this research is a descriptive and analytical research. The study used the researcher-made survey questionnaire as a principal tool for gathering data. At first, 20 questionnaires were distributed among the relevant experts and researchers. Then, based on their suggestions and opinions, the validity of the questionnaire was assessed. To standardize and validate the questionnaire, qualitative assessment was done using an expert panel and quantitative assessment was done using content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI). Reliability assessment was done by a test–, retest method and use of Cronbach's alpha. The result showed that the questionnaire has a high content and Face validity. Also on the basis of Cronbach's alpha reliability is high. The statistical population consists of residents of Haft Houz neighborhood, located in region 8 of Tehran city, according to the Iran population and housing census in 2016, it is 30401 people. The number of samples was obtained using Cochran method. According to the calculations, 321 individuals were sampled for study, but increased to 500 simple in order to achieve better results. A simple random sampling method was used to distribute the questionnaire among the samples. To analyze the data, a multivariate regression model has been used because in this research we have 10 independent variables and 1 dependent variable. The data of these variables are numerical and relative. Results and discussion: The correlation(R) between independent and dependent variables is 0. 88 and is high. Also, the determination coefficient (R square) indicates that 0. 776 of the variation of dependent variable (sense of place) is related to the independent variables (ten principles of New Urbanism) studied in this research. From this, quality of life with a standardized coefficient of 0. 636 has the greatest effect on sense of place. Also, in this study, the sustainability with a beta coefficient of 0. 284, Walkability with beta coefficient of 0. 282, green transportation with beta coefficient of 0. 249, Quality Architecture & Urban Design with beta coefficient of 0. 240, Connectivity with beta coefficient of 0. 027, Mixed-Use & Diversity with beta coefficient of 0. 072, Mixed Housing with beta coefficient of 0. 069 and Traditional Neighborhood Structure with beta coefficient of 0. 064 affect the sense of place in the Haft-Houz neighborhood. Also, the variable "high density" with a beta coefficient of-0. 09 has a decreasing effect on the sense of place. The results of this study showed that, other than the component of increasing density, other components and principles of new urbanism have a positive effect on the sense of place in this Haft Houz Neighborhood. New urbanism through walkability, connectivity, Mixed-Use & Diversity, Traditional Neighborhood Structure, Quality Architecture & Urban Design, green transportation, sustainability, Mixed housing and quality of life have increased the sense of place among residents of Haft-Houz neighborhood. Based on this, we can use the principles of new urbanism in planning and urban design in neighborhoods to enhance the sense of place and identity. As the results showed, the principle of quality of life and sustainability had the greatest impact on the sense of place in the Haft-Houz neighborhood. These principles can be prioritized in urban planning. Other principles can be prioritized in terms of their impact. Conclusion: According to research results, an adjustment can be made in new urbanism. So, instead of increasing the density, we must maintain balance. Because the high density may reduce the interest of residents to the place. Therefore, among the ten Principles of new urbanism, nine principles are acceptable for the planning and development of the Haft-Houz neighborhood. As a result, it can be said that new urbanism has an influence on the development of a sense of place in the Haft-Houz neighborhood in Tehran. This is a result based on the local conditions and views of the residents of Haft-Houz neighborhood in Tehran city. Other research in other neighborhoods may show different results, but the conditions of the neighborhood of Haft-Houz indicate that the neighborhood needs principles of new urbanism, but without high density. Every place should be designed for its own people. These are people who decide what they want and what they do not want. Therefore, people's desires should be decisive in choosing solutions and patterns of architecture and urban planning. In this context, new urbanism is no exception.

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Intordation: The issue of the quality of the residential environment is one of the most important issues in the process of sustainable rural development. In recent years, this topic has been the focus of academic researchers and environmental planners. Since any planning and formulation of sustainability policies aimed at improving the quality of rural residential environment requires identifying and analyzing the status quo, this research tries to identify and analyze this issue. Indicators are the most important criteria for identifying and measuring the quality of a residential environment. So far, various indices based on Physical-spatial conditions have been presented in scientific research. The first attempt of this research was to identify and document the indices and indicators of the quality of the residential environment based on the environmental conditions of the study area. By identifying the indicators, the aim is to answer the following questions. A) What is the quality level of living environment in the studied rural settlements? B) What is the relationship between respondents' contextual variables (age, education, residence, income and cost satisfaction, and job satisfaction) with their assessment of the quality of the residential environment? C) Which of the components of the quality of the residential environment has the most impact on sense of place component? Methodology: The present study is an applied one and its method is descriptive-analytical. Documentary content analysis method was used to formulate theories and obtain research indicators and indicators. In this study, a questionnaire was developed by the researcher. The indices are based on the viewpoints of 20 academic professors and 15 rural researchers in the field of scientific documentation. In the present study, the level of analysis of the village and the unit of analysis of hous eholds residing in the village. The sample size was 195 households. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results and discussion: Results of identifying indices of quality of living environment based on the opinion of university professors and researchers in the field of rural studies 62 indicators in the form of 6 major indicators (enjoyment and access to services and facilities, people and social relations, security and peace, body and architecture, space Housing and Environmental Health Unit) as the basis for the analysis. Findings regarding the status of residential environment quality indicated that the highest average value (3. 6) and standard deviation (1. 1) belonged to the indicator of having good memories of the village and the lowest average value was 1. 77 and The standard deviation of 14/1 is for the public service indicator (gas station, fire station, etc. ). The calculated coefficient of variation indicates that the lowest difference is related to the housing facility and the highest difference is to the public service indicator (gas station, fire station, etc. ). In sum, a survey of average ratings in terms of 6 key components of the quality of the residential environment shows that the lowest and highest mean values were related to the components of access to services and facilities (2. 45) and the people-relationships component, respectively. Social (equal to 3. 33). Also, based on the calculated coefficient of variation, the component of people and social relations has the least dispersion and the environmental health component with the coefficient of variation equal to 0. 39, has the highest dispersion and difference. Conclusion: The results showed that except for two components: public relations and residential space, the other components are in poor and below average condition and the indicators of quality of living environment are lower than average. Zadeh and Alizadeh, 2013,Qadermarzai, Zare Moghani and Ziyari, 2013,Peasant Research, 1398. The results showed that except for two components: public relations and residential space, the other components are in poor and below average condition and the indicators of quality of living environment are lower than average. Zadeh and Alizadeh, 2013,Qadermarzai, Zare Moghani and Ziyari, 2013,Peasant Research, 1398. The results also showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between major indices of quality of residential environment in the study area. Other findings of the study showed a significant relationship between the variables of age, income satisfaction, education and length of stay with residents' assessment of the quality of their residential environment. In other words, people who had higher age, income, length of stay and education than those with lower levels of these variables rated the quality of their living environment more favorably. In this regard, the results of regression indicate significant effect of contextual variables on income, age and education satisfaction on residents' evaluation of the quality of rural environment. This part of the results is in line with the results of Hassan Research, 2003,Huang & Dave, 2015, Lin & Lee, 2017, Khatouni Abadi, Saberi & Ebrahimi, 2011, Dehghani, 1398. Finally, considering the results obtained in order to improve the quality of the residential environment in the study area, the following suggestions are offered: 1) Improving the status of facilities and services in rural areas: Surveys showed that among the six indicators studied, the index of enjoyment and access to services and facilities is less favorable,2) Promoting environmental health in rural areas through measures such as landfill collection, etc., planning for the disposal of surface water and runoff, 3) attention to the promotion of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of rural housing, 4) Supervision of construction in rural areas,5) Consider public participation in the preparation and formulation of physical development plans that can have an effective role in enhancing the quality of the residential environment.

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biuck mohsen

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Introduction: With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the sporadic conflicts between Republic of Armenia and Republic of Azerbaijan turned into a total war which resulted in the occupation of seven other regions than Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia. the Republic of Azerbaijan, relying on the principle of territorial integrity of the countries, emphasizes the belonging of Nagorno-Karabakh to this country,But Armenia and the Armenian separatists of Nagorno-Karabakh reject the position of the Republic of Azerbaijan and insist that 80% of the inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh are Armenians. they believe that this region should be independent. Several negotiations and mediation of some countries to resolve this crisis peacefully were not successful. The fiercest clashes began on September 27, 2020 when Azerbaijan took military action to reclaim its lost lands. The war lasted for 44 days until November 10, when the two countries accepted Russia brokered peace deal. The main question of the article is what factors caused Azerbaijan and Armenia to accept the ceasefire and agree to its implementation. The purpose of this article is to explain the factors influencing the ceasefire agreement in Nagorno-Karabakh using the theory of decision-making in international relations. Methodology: This research is a theoretical study. The methodology of research has a descriptive-analytical nature relying on political geography and geopolitical approach. According to the type of research, data collection and analysis are based on library and documentary methods and using valid and important internal and external written works (including books, articles, reports, etc. ) and online resources (websites and online articles). Results and discussion: Using new military tactics, the Azerbaijani army made up for the weakness in dominating mountainous areas and liberating the occupied territories, and thereby changed the geography of the conflict. To prevent the concentration of Armenian forces, without entering the central part of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Republic of Azerbaijan established a large warfront from north to south with the extensive use of advanced drones made by Israel and Turkey. The southern axis of Azerbaijani army moved to the south of Karabakh and reclaimed many regions from Armenian forces. The recapture of the strategic city of Shusha by Azerbaijan forced the Armenian side to accept the Russia brokered peace deal. One of the most important and influential factors for the military and political failures of Armenia in this war is the destruction and weakening of its strategic relations with Russia during last two years. Armenian PM's tendency towards US, and his expectation for US intervention and support in this conflict, weakened Yerevan's relations with Moscow. And finally, due to the lack of support from White House, Mr. Pashinyan was forced to sign a peace agreement with Azerbaijan which had very serious consequences for him. Political inexperience, lack of accurate environmental, intelligence and security assessment by the government of Nikol Pashinyan, as well as dismissal of experienced military commanders and heads of the National Security Service caused the government and the army to be unaware of the growing capability of the missile and drone system of Azerbaijan. As a result, the Armenian intelligence, security and military systems did not have a comprehensive and realistic assessment of the outbreak of a full-scale war in Nagorno-Karabakh and could not identify the extent and depth of such a pervasive threat. The arrest and trial of prominent political and military figures with the aim of combating economic and political corruption led to the perception in an important part of Armenian and foreign public opinion that the main goal of the anti-corruption campaign was to eliminate political opponents and it is a settlement of previous political grudges. These disputes provided an opportunity for the Azerbaijanis to exploit and defeat the Armenians militarily in the recent Nagorno-Karabakh war. Territorial extent, social (population) and especially military and economic factors are among the most influential geopolitical factors that led to the acceptance of a ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Azerbaijan is superior to Armenia in several factors such as population and vastness, annual income, oil production, exports, military budget, professional military personnel and number of military equipment. The imbalance in the effective geopolitical factors (military, territorial and economic) in the Nagorno-Karabakh war led to superiority of Azerbaijan and induced the feeling of further defeats in Armenian if the war continued. So that the Armenian military resources and army were no longer fully efficient, and the army insisted on accepting the ceasefire. in his interpretation of the Collective Security Treaty, Putin effectively gave the green light to Baku that as long as the war in Nagorno-Karabakh and the seven occupied cities around it continues, Russia will not intervene in the war. They were the main winners of the recent dispute. The five-year ceasefire agreement means that up to the next five years, if either party acts against Moscow's interests, circumstances may change to its detriment. Russia liberated Nagorno-Karabakh from the control of Armenian as well as Azerbaijani by establishing a ceasefire and a government under Moscow's supervision. Although Russia did not support Armenia, it did not allow the whole of Nagorno-Karabakh to belong to Baku so that it would not end in favor of only Azerbaijan and Turkey. Russia waited for the Azerbaijan’, s attack to reach its peak, then intervened to impose an agreement that its own special forces would guarantee. Russia is convinced that in the event of an emergency, only Moscow can guarantee Armenia’, s security and bring Yerevan closer to Moscow again. This would be in Russia's long-term and strategic interests in the South Caucasus. Conclusion: Results indicate that changes in the geography of conflict and military tactics, Armenia’, s miscalculations, lack of geopolitical balance and Russian intervention have led to the ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh.

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One of the identity and historical-cultural bases of Iranian cities is the bazaar and its constituent elements. Today, however, traditional markets have not been able to meet the needs of citizens and the formation of new commercial spaces due to the requirements of modern living conditions has led to a structural-functional decline of the market and its related elements, including houses. Therefore, parts of the market space, including the houses, which did not meet the needs of today's people, have fallen out of favor and have been marginalized. The present article, with a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to study and strategically apply the structure and function of Zanjan historical market houses based on the current economic-cultural needs and identity of the urban community. Data collection was done through field and library studies. The statistical population includes 985 people and 273 people were selected by Cochran sampling. For data analysis, one-sample T test and interactive interaction analysis approach were used with the help of SPSS and Scenario Wizard software. Findings showed that the situation of market house regeneration index based on structural-functional conditions is equal to 2. 96 and score (t =-0. 074) and among market houses, Malek house with the average of 3. 46 has obtained the highest score. . As a result, this house has a better condition for revitalization and regeneration than other houses. Also, the most important strategy for the reconstruction and restoration of structural-functional houses in Zanjan Bazaar in order to repair and recreate the architecture and design of houses should be based on the components of the exterior (design and architecture of the exterior),Proportion (appropriateness of the use of greenhouses with the function of the market and the house),Lighting quality,And a sense of place. Therefore, in order to recreate houses, increase and develop mixed uses,Creating diversity,And it is necessary to strengthen and expand the active edges. Keywords: regeneration, Hall, Traditional Market, Zanjan CityStructural-Functional Reconstruction of Traditional Markets in Iranian Cities with a Futuristic Approach (Case Study: Zanjan Historical Bazaar)AbstractOne of the identity and historical-cultural bases of Iranian cities is the bazaar and its constituent elements. Today, however, traditional markets have not been able to meet the needs of citizens and the formation of new commercial spaces due to the requirements of modern living conditions has led to a structural-functional decline of the market and its related elements, including houses. Therefore, parts of the market space, including the houses, which did not meet the needs of today's people, have fallen out of favor and have been marginalized. The present article, with a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to study and strategically apply the structure and function of Zanjan historical market houses based on the current economic-cultural needs and identity of the urban community. Data collection was done through field and library studies. The statistical population includes 985 people and 273 people were selected by Cochran sampling. For data analysis, one-sample T test and interactive interaction analysis approach were used with the help of SPSS and Scenario Wizard software. Findings showed that the situation of market house regeneration index based on structural-functional conditions is equal to 2. 96 and score (t =-0. 074) and among market houses, Malek house with the average of 3. 46 has obtained the highest score. . As a result, this house has a better condition for revitalization and regeneration than other houses. Also, the most important strategy for the reconstruction and restoration of structural-functional houses in Zanjan Bazaar in order to repair and recreate the architecture and design of houses should be based on the components of the exterior (design and architecture of the exterior),Proportion (appropriateness of the use of greenhouses with the function of the market and the house),Lighting quality,And a sense of place. Therefore, in order to recreate houses, increase and develop mixed uses,Creating diversity,And it is necessary to strengthen and expand the active edges. Keywords: regeneration, Hall, Traditional Market, Zanjan CityStructural-Functional Reconstruction of Traditional Markets in Iranian Cities with a Futuristic Approach (Case Study: Zanjan Historical Bazaar)AbstractOne of the identity and historical-cultural bases of Iranian cities is the bazaar and its constituent elements. Today, however, traditional markets have not been able to meet the needs of citizens and the formation of new commercial spaces due to the requirements of modern living conditions has led to a structural-functional decline of the market and its related elements, including houses. Therefore, parts of the market space, including the houses, which did not meet the needs of today's people, have fallen out of favor and have been marginalized. The present article, with a descriptive-analytical method, seeks to study and strategically apply the structure and function of Zanjan historical market houses based on the current economic-cultural needs and identity of the urban community. Data collection was done through field and library studies. The statistical population includes 985 people and 273 people were selected by Cochran sampling. For data analysis, one-sample T test and interactive interaction analysis approach were used with the help of SPSS and Scenario Wizard software. Findings showed that the situation of market house regeneration index based on structural-functional conditions is equal to 2. 96 and score (t =-0. 074) and among market houses, Malek house with the average of 3. 46 has obtained the highest score. . As a result, this house has a better condition for revitalization and regeneration than other houses. Also, the most important strategy for the reconstruction and restoration of structural-functional houses in Zanjan Bazaar in order to repair and recreate the architecture and design of houses should be based on the components of the exterior (design and architecture of the exterior),Proportion (appropriateness of the use of greenhouses with the function of the market and the house),Lighting quality,And a sense of place. Therefore, in order to recreate houses, increase and develop mixed uses,Creating diversity,And it is necessary to strengthen and expand the active edges.

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Introduction: Today, the majority of thinkers in Western scientific and cultural communities acknowledge that many of these crises originate from the exploitative treatment of the natural environment and have come to the conclusion that humans must stop viewing nature as a commodity or property to exploit and trade. Likewise, we Iranians need to rethink our views of nature based on our own cultural roots and context. Going back to the roots of our own ecological culture, which in fact emphasizes harmony with nature and respecting nature, can be an effective way to prevent and overcome the looming environmental crises of our part of the world. The traditional Iranian ecological culture does not view humans and nature as two separate entities. In this culture, there is no dichotomy of man and nature, but a cohesive biological entity or living organism that is defined based on the structural and functional interactions of its elements. Examining the lived experience of Iranian society in its own geographical context and the place of nature in its ecological culture may provide some insight as to how to return the harmony between humans and nature to today’, s Iranian society. Methodology: This research was carried out in two phases. The first phase involved examining religious, scientific, and philosophical texts and documents related to Iranian culture in the framework of a historical review to clarify the place of nature in the scientific, philosophical and religious thought of Iranian society throughout history. In this phase, the place of nature in Zoroastrianism as well as Islam and in the eyes of well-known scientific and philosophical minds of Iranian culture, including Ikhwā, n Al-Ṣ, afā, , Farabi, Biruni, and Avicenna were studied. The second phase of the research, then conducting 30 semi-structured interviews with experts and thinkers in the fields of environment, sociology, urban planning, natural resources, anthropology, and sustainable development to explore the current views of Iranian society on nature and the environment and the strategies that can be adopted to regenerate our ecological culture. The comments made in these interviews were subjected to a qualitative and conceptual analysis, which was conducted manually with the help of MAXQDA software, and the results were used to identify and analyze central themes and key topics related to the subject. Results and discussion: In the ecological culture of Iran, nature is attributed with several characteristics. The first of these characteristics is wholeness. In the traditional worldview, both philosophical and religious, nature is a cohesive whole of which human is a part. The second characteristic attributed to nature is order. In essence, this characteristic represents other characteristics, namely purposefulness and goal-directedness (teleology), with an emphasis on the argument that the creator of the natural order has decided its ultimate goal. In this view, nature itself is the manifestation of the creator and its presence. According to Biruni, “, Nature not only possesses a creative power that constructs the manifestations but also has a definite order and plan”, . Biruni believes that “, the existence of order and purpose in nature implies that there is no place for over and under indulgence in the divine system”, . Also, in indigenous and traditional Iranian culture, nature is a living being. Avicenna has used the Persian term for nature to refer to the principles that preserve the world order. Regardless of the variety of meanings that can be interpreted from this, the goal and purpose of Avicenna’, s natural philosophy is to know this nature. In Farabi’, s utopia, the biological social system is based on hierarchical order, lawfulness, and purposefulness,attributes that he believes govern the whole world and originates from the creator of this world. Farabi’, s views on utopia resemble contemporary views on sustainable cities and societies. The comments made in response to the question that “, how Iranians have adapted to their environment and what is the key theme of this part of their culture”,showed that the ecological culture and philosophy of Iranians is based on a value-oriented and moral view of nature and the idea of unity of humans and nature, which has been influenced by the teachings of Zoroastrianism and Islam. Because of the belief in the unity of existence and the unity in plurality, nature is given a status of sanctity and moral value, which has had a major impact on how people treat nature and the formation of their ecological culture. Understanding the limitations of the natural environment within the geographical borders of Iranian culture was another central theme detected in relation to ecological culture. There was a degree of inconsistency in the views of environmental experts regarding the responsibility of government and nation to improve and preserve environmental sustainability. Most interviewees emphasized the importance of individual members of the society taking greater responsibility for maintaining environmental sustainability and their critical role in this area. Conclusion: Throughout history, the Iranian ecological culture has contributed to the thriving of this civilization by helping people adapt to and live in harmony with the nature of this realm. This contribution is exemplified throughout the diverse geographical and cultural landscape of this realm in the systems of irrigation and agriculture, gardens, architecture, urban planning, etc. Understanding this valuable cultural heritage and regenerating it in today’, s society can be an effective strategy to tackle Iran’, s many environmental problems, preserve its nature, protect the rights of future generations to its natural resources, and move toward ecologically sustainable development in this country. The use of up-to-date knowledge and technologies in the framework of the ecological culture-based development model appears to be the solution to achieve ecologically sustainable development in Iran.

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Shadvar Sajad | Arabi Mahdi

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Today, with the development of statistical and computer methods in geographical studies, the use of various indicators in various fields is the most common method in the classification of tourism services. The purpose of this study is to level the access space to tourism services in Bushehr using GIS and fuzzy logic. In this study, expert opinions in the field of tourism and urban services were used to prioritize and weight ten indicators related to tourism services in the coastal city of Bushehr with the help of hierarchical analysis in Expert Choice software. After fuzzy information layers using fuzzy community function and applying output weights to each of the information layers in ArcGIS software, after combining the related maps, the final leveling map of access to Bushehr tourism services was created using fuzzy logic operators. The generated map shows that the access level is in the very suitable range, 19. 1% and the suitable range is 23. 56% of the area, and for the medium, unsuitable and very unsuitable access areas, 26. 84%, 19. 69% and 10. 81% of the covers area, respectively. Introduction: Among the service industries, the tourism industry is one of the leading and growing sectors in the international arena. The tourism industry has been growing in recent decades and has had a huge impact on the economies of countries. The general concept of access is easy to understand, accessibility in the city is related to distance and time. The distance factor is reflected in the cost of travel, fuel consumption or physical energy, and the like. The longer the distance, the longer it takes to reach the destination and, as a result, the higher the costs. Increasing both factors (distance and time) means poor access and decreasing both means good access. Therefore, increasing accessibility and reducing distance and time is another basic principle of urban planning. Proper access to tourism services is one of the most important parameters that play an important and decisive role in the social welfare of tourists and the field of tourism in general. Given that access to services is the link between the two elements of demand (tourists) and supply (supply centers), efficient and desirable tourism services and its optimal and appropriate distribution for tourists and other users, significantly contribute to the balance of other tourism functions. Therefore, with the help of spatial planning as one of the powerful tools in the field of allocating resources to priority spaces and places, it is possible to determine the best places for tourism services in the best way. Methodology: To explain the literature and background of the research subject, library studies were conducted, and to collect information, according to the nature of the research, field methods were used and the data collection tool was a questionnaire. Besides, various maps and images of Google Earth were used to prepare base maps and extract information based on geographical locations and area characteristics. Accordingly, the importance of indicators based on different sources in determining the location of tourism services and opinions were investigated and after collecting a questionnaire, the results were extracted. To determine the relative weight and rank of each factor, the data were analyzed with hierarchical analysis by Expert Choice software. Then each of the information layers was made fuzzy in the ArcGIS software environment and was placed in the range 0 to 1. In the next step, by combining the AHP and fuzzy models, all fuzzy layers were prepared based on the linear function of the fuzzy set in the weights obtained from the multiplicative hierarchical analysis model as weighted fuzzy layers. Then, among the fuzzy operators, the fuzzy community operator was used and applied on the fuzzy layers and the overlapping of the information layers was done and the final map of access to tourism services in the coastal city of Bushehr was specified in five floors. Results and Discussion: In this system, considered a spatial distribution from the perspective of tourism services and according to 10 criteria and in the form of production of spatial distribution roles of each of these criteria. To evaluate the spatial distribution in Bushehr tourism system, after determining the levels of importance and fuzzification of information layers with Fuzzy overly command in ArcGIS environment, 10 layers of information integrated using fuzzy logic, ten layers of information integrated using fuzzy logic, the final fuzzy map of the levels of access to municipal services was determined with the help of the Raster calculator command and the weight applied to them. In the final map, the level of access to tourism services is divided into very appropriate, appropriate, normal, inappropriate, and very inappropriate categories. Conclusion: The study of access maps based on the spatial distribution factor in Bushehr tourism system indicates that the southern regions of Bushehr, in addition to coastal criteria, there is a lack of appropriate spatial distribution for tourism and development activities in other criteria, including the economic and infrastructure sectors. The final map obtained from the combination of all the benchmark layers produced shows that the access level in the most suitable range includes 19. 1% of the area and for level 2 (suitable), 23. 56% of the area of the study area and for medium access zones, inappropriate and very inappropriate cover 26. 84%, 19. 69% and 10. 81% of the region, respectively, which shows that the areas inclined to the south and south of Bushehr have a very poor level of access. What is certain is that the current situation indicates a lack of symmetrical distribution of urban services in the southern part and the second urban area compared to the northern part of the city (urban 1st district).

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In geography, more than any other science, one can see a kind of closeness and interdependence between the individual destinies of geographers, their theories and ideas. It is not without reason that the history of geographical theories is also known as the history of theorists or, in the words of John Kirtland Wright, the "history of geography, the history of geographical ideas", because geographers compete as a group in the context of history. They rise and with this collective and historical competition, not only do they not reduce the scientific nature of geography, but they also give it identity and realization. On the other hand, from the educational and research dimension, it is important to know that one of the intellectual occupations of geographers to strengthen and develop reasoning and creativity among themselves is to get acquainted with the philosophical thoughts of the world's great geographers from the past to the present. A review of the historical background of Wilbur Zelinsky's character and ideas and the "reading" of a geographical epistemological view of his works and thoughts are a factor in clarifying the context of his views and beliefs,Questions like Who was Zelinsky? Where are they rooted and in what world? As a human being, what kind of lived spaces and intellectual changes did he experience? What conditions and factors led to Zelinsky's intellectual and political revival in the field of geography? Can he really be classified as a member of the Berkeley School of Geography philosophically and methodologically? what methodological basis for reading the text of his works and life will lead to justifiable reasons for our arguments? Since the methodology in the present research is descriptive-analytical. Using a qualitative approach and interpretive paradigm in the method of library and content analysis, an attempt has been made to answer the questions and to integrate the subject of Zelinsky's thought, in order to see his social, political and intellectual changes from the late 1940s philosophical-geographical view observed and read epistemologically, and the trends and changes of paradigm and attitude, the identity of the discipline and the research practice until the last years of his life from the perspective of idea historiography and biography in geography be reviewed and critiqued. No thinker can be excluded from the influence of the environment, history and culture of the land in which he grows up,In other words, in the history of the idea, the course of idea is in history. In the history of the idea, different schools have started from the beginning of that school to its current state, and its subject is always thought, and it should be added that a researcher with fixed elements of personality, transformation and intellectual changes, the philosophical system. and if the biographer is not a familiar geographer, he does not understand all the details and subtleties in the text, and in some cases, despite his best efforts, he may err in understanding and conveying the author's intent. Therefore, in this article, the following parts were discussed. Wilbur Zelinsky believed that If geographers do not dare to neglect history, the researcher of history and other social and human sciences must reciprocate the spatial factor in the full description of their endeavor. Zelinsky, without ignoring the importance of quantitative aspects in his geographical studies, in his discussions and arguments, gives priority and importance to the qualitative and long-lasting aspects of phenomena,that is, he sought a level of understanding beyond the raw mechanistic models that had long dominated American geography and the social sciences. Observing the logical form of explanation in geography, points out that How we should go about studying phenomena? And what should we study and why? And then concludes that in most disciplines, the connection between the questions that a discipline asks and its explanatory form is extremely important. Now, with these explanations, referring to Zelinsky's works, the connection between the questions he asks from a geographical point of view and its explanatory form is very thought-provoking. Even his attention to the explanatory form in geographical research by other geographers shows his intellectual precision. In geographical analysis and sensitivity to form observance. Without historical roots in a particular culture, one may become a credible researcher and expert, but one cannot be a thinker in a historical and cultural vacuum,There is no doubt that in the labyrinth of words we see some revelations and concepts which are inherent features of the author, especially the concepts that are resonant and instructive, can be clearly seen in Zelinsky's works and writings. Concepts such as " The Geographer as Voyeur " to understand the world and fieldwork from a geographer's Stereoscope View on the combination of masculine and feminine gaze in geographical analysis, " Heterolocalism " in expressing the nature of the ethnic landscape The United States and etc. The idea history and biography are historically linked and interrelated, which must be historically, methodologically, and analytically necessary for serious geographical intellectual work and the acquisition of a valid scientific history of our field,If we look at geography as a historicity science, whose past is considered as its introduction and ladder today, then the history of geography should be considered as this science and a part of its current character, and the rebellion of researchers and practitioners in this field are, of course, a duty in the science of geography. In the present paper, such a process has been discussed in order to obtain the collective and historical identity of this science by choosing one of the prominent geographers named Wilbur Zelinsky, on the basis of which an attempt has been made to find some philosophical schools of geography that let us enter into the development of Zlinsky's scientific personality, and the second reason for this is that Zlinsky, with a long life span of nearly a century, witnessed the true changes of man and the world, and before that geographical knowledge that dealt with the scientific personality. he has been very insightful in a research work.

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Introduction: Lack of capital in rural areas Which due to the low level of income as a result of household savings is low as one of the challenges in rural development is considered. this situation in addition to possibility of increasing capacity of production sectors and use of new technologies in the production process in these areas has limited. It causes social problems such as Rural migration to cities, hidden and overt unemployment, and declining living standards and household welfare have also declined. One of the change factors in rural spaces. financial facility with different mechanisms and goals the rural environment has entered and rural life in various dimensions has affected. Micro credits as one of rights villagers and useful tool for planners. Which can background builder for balance and greater equality between urban and rural communities and iltimately stimulate national development. Credits as a powerful tool to help poor people to invest and breaking the cycle of poverty through Improve income and savings. Studies show granting microcredit to rural poor has been able to promote production and Provide tools for sustainable livelihoods and increase their income. Rural credit funds are among the financial and credit resources that in addition to creating, maintaining and strengthening the spirit of participation, cooperation and assistance among the villagers, They also play an important role in meeting the essential needs of members and meeting the financial and investment needs of production. This study to investigate the tendency of villagers to rural credit funds was conducted. Accordingly, the purpose of the present study is identify and analyze the role of micro-credit funds in Progress and development of villages. Methodology: This research is applied and in terms of method is descriptive-analytical. To collect information, two documentary and field methods (questionnaire tools) have been used. In the questionnaire method, the questionnaires are distributed in proportion to the number of households in the sample villages. According to 4609 households living in ten villages( Villages more than 200 households with younger crowd population ) Using the Cochran method )at error level of 0/5) 360 questionnaires were determined But because of the similarities that the villages have in terms of natural and human characteristics For example, 50 to 75 percent of household choices. Which modifying and homogenizing 250 questionnaires among the heads of households in the sample villages was completed. The Questionnaire has been compiled from several different sectors of economic, productivity, social, participation, employment, educational and cultural to measure the effective dimensions in creating micro-credit funds in the form of Likert scale. The Villagers were asked to answer five questions in the form of a five-part Likert scale from very low (1) to very high (5). To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) and inferential statistics (Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis) were used. The Questionnaire has been compiled from several different sectors of economic, productivity, social, participation, employment, educational and cultural to measure the effective dimensions in creating micro-credit funds in the form of Likert scale. The Villagers were asked to answer five questions in the form of a five-part Likert scale from very low (1) to very high (5). To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation) and inferential statistics (Spearman correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis) were used. Results and discussion: The results of analysis the questionnaires and output of Statistical tests used indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between education and the creation of micro-credit fund at the level of 95%. Salova (2013), Avenio-Vitor et al. (2012), Fawadi et al. (2011) in their research this result confirmed. Also, the results of Spearman test show that the most influential factor for creating a micro-credit fund is the dimension social and participation. These results with the results of Zarei and Mirbagheri (1392) and Mehr Ali Tabar (1395). Which shows that among the five dimensions of rural development, the most impact of funds is on the social dimension of rural development Multiple regression results show social dimension and participation 43% of the changes explain the dimensions affecting the creation of a microcredit fund. These results with the findings of Shahrokhi Sardo et al(1395)., Mohammadi et al. (1397), Lee Gan and Ho (2011) and Lian and Bayer (2016) are consistent. Which shows that families with favorable conditions tend to benefit from the credit and participate in creating the fund Among the various of dimensions economic, productivity, Social, participation and cultural, educationa, social dimension with a coefficient 0. 617 has the highest correlation for the creation of micro-credit funds. Conclusion: Findings indicate that respondents' tendency towards financial and credit funds showed the relatively high tendency of villagers to such financial and credit funds. So that the majority of respondents to saving important and the need to establish a rural credit fund approved. Based on the above results, it is suggested that since the economic situation of the studied villages is at a low level, the villagers should be encouraged to create a fund and from these loans to create new businesses, as a partnership. According to the functional characteristics in the success of the fund, creativity and innovation should be developed as a basis for the growth and prosperity of the fund in the economic and social field and should be a priority in sustainable rural development programs. Finally, the government can any assistance to rural development in the form of credit implement.

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Today, with rising of population in the cities, especially large and middle cities in our country the demand for municipal services has also increased. But due to the economic-political structure of the country speed of responding to the needs has been always slower than their growth. Then in most of the cities providing facilities and public services has not been as rapid as the growth in population and beside the existing shortcomings in providing municipal services, incorrect locating and their inconsistency with municipal texture created many problems in providing these services. One of these important services in cities is sanitary-therapeutic services which paying attention to their fair distribution is necessary. In the present study with a " comparative, descriptive-analytic" approach we made attempt in addition to evaluating the distribution and dispersion estate of sanitary-therapeutic service centers in Miandoab, and identifying underserved areas of the city, according to to locating criteria and standards and using Analytical Hierarchy Process techniques (AHP), determine place priority of development of these spaces in the five areas of Miandoab city.

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One of the most important events of the twentieth century was undoubtedly the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which opened a new phase of multidimensional interaction for both successor states and other countries involved in this historical evolution. The post-Soviet countries are confronted with the consequences and legacies of their historical past that have profound implications for the convergence of regional countries. Russia and other post-Soviet countries have inherited similar institutions from the past, including state institutions, political, social and security mentalities, political culture, the style of government-society relations. The newly independent states were trying to solve their domestic problems with the support of foreign powers, but the initial enthusiasm for integration with the Western countries subsided. Similar problems emerged in countries with similar cultural and ethnic structures. It can be argued that the trend toward convergent policies has taken a long time. Shared values and norms and similar mentalities can help Eurasian convergence. In this paper, the concept of social and cultural integration in Eurasia in the post-Soviet era with regard to the soft power of Russia in the Eurasian region is examined by examining the factors of religion, language, media and education to show the social and cultural integration in Eurasia at the level What has been going on within the region and beyond since 1992? It is hypothesized that social and cultural integration in Eurasia, influenced by Russia's soft power, has a clear perspective on political and economic liberalization and the decline of authoritarianism elsewhere in the region and the process of globalization. In this article, Russia is considered a hegemonic power in the post-Soviet space. Developments in the post-Soviet period show that Russia is unwilling to back down from its role as a regulatory player in Central Eurasian affairs. Russia's post-collapse foreign policy is based on a combination of pragmatism and a commitment to the traditional desire to have a plan for a great power. The position of Central Eurasia in Russian foreign policy has not changed. Russia seeks to excel in Eurasian integration, including cultural and social integration. When Putin came to power, he put bilateral relations with countries in the region on the agenda. Although the organization has not been successful in terms of member convergence, favorable areas for convergence among its members are notable, including the Russian Monroe religion, the presence of racists in the former Soviet republics, and the region's energy and military dependence on Russia. The monopoly economies of these countries, which have made each other dependent on exports and imports, make Russian the second language of most of the republics that survived the collapse of the Soviet Union, maintain border security, and cooperate in the fight against fundamentalism and drug trafficking. In this article, after a brief look at the fate of national cultures in the world era and culture, the impact on regional convergence under the cultural and social treatment of the Soviet era and the soft power of Russia in the Yeltsin and Putin eras. Then check the usability of the software including Russian language, religion and education system. The method of writing this article is descriptive-analytical and with boron collecting data from authoritative scientific sources: books, scientific-research articles and licensed websites. In this regard each country achieves the preservation and strengthening of its national, ethnic and religious identity through the better cultural integration of the regions. Thus, cultural convergence is not only a threat to preserve and strengthen the identity of the nations of the region, but also confronts external and threatening factors of national identities, such as extremist currents. While the nations of Central Asia and the Caucasus have many historical, cultural, religious and religious ties, due to negligence, incompetence and unfounded aspirations, today some cultural ties originate. Disagreements have become like disputes over cultural and literary luminaries. The following conditions are necessary to create regional cultural convergence:-Understand the importance of the issue of extremism as a serious threat and common challenge, by all countries in the region-Lack of baseless and destructive synergistic superiorityExplain key and common cultural values among the countries of the region-Group cohesion of the countries of the region and having the spirit of collective work, interaction and cultural synergy-Active participation of all countries in the region in designing and implementing a roadmap to counter extremist currents and consensus of member countries on this solutionAdequate preparation and flexibility for quick decisions and the use of new, creative and innovative approaches, methods and tools against extremism. The cultural system was formed in 1920-1930 and continued until 1980 despite some changes. In the mid-1980s, Gorbachev made major changes in Soviet culture with the performance of Glasnost and Perestroika, which eased ideological and media pressure on the media and administrative control of the country's educational and cultural institutions. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin undertook fundamental economic reforms and encouraged integration with the Western world. First, steps were taken to regain control of Russia in the region. However, the Russian elite sought to expand Russian-Western relations. From 1993 onwards, Russian elites began to emphasize the importance of post-Soviet geography and soft power policies in the region. These efforts were initially made by Yevgeny Primakov and the Eurasianists, but the policies implemented for convergence were not successful. With the advent of the Putin era, Russia began to develop soft power tools by pursuing policies to maximize its interests in the post-Soviet space. In the post-Soviet space, Russia strengthened its position in Central Eurasia as part of a policy of soft power. This ability is based on two important tools: language and education. Russia began to develop multilateral and bilateral relations, in a preventive manner, with the former Soviet republics. Russia is developing its soft power capabilities, but many of its problems have not yet been resolved so that it can be considered a powerful soft power. . Both soft power and hard power policies are implemented in parallel with creating a favorable environment for the Russian Federation in post-Soviet geography.

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Introduction: Addressing basic human needs and responding to them is a strategy that is determined by the community itself and is created through cross-sectoral collaborations. These needs encompass different dimensions of individuals' individual, psychological, social and biological needs. Because of their basic function, villages provide for many of the individual and collective needs of the rural community, they are characterized by a dynamic and permanent change in social, economic, physical and spatial dimensions. Such activities require spaces that motivate and bring people together to achieve social solidarity through "face-to-face dialogue and relationships" (Roumiani et al., 2019: 136). TheoreticalThe importance of tourist attraction spaces in the world is not only due to recreational-economic values, but also due to its environmental importance, which tourists, including women, pay particular attention to (Hosseini et al., 2013: 52-53). Thus, in the academic field, the study of the status of women in tourism has recently received the attention of scholars,it has opened the ground for extensive research in the world. Following the importance of the above topic, the present study investigates the views of tourist women from tourism destination of Sharghi Rudpi Village of Sari County with the aim of considering their attitude in tourist attraction spaces. Tourists, including women, because tourist women, often referring to family-based or group-based tourism destinations, have relatively different views and beliefs about the factors that underlie development, have long welcomed this area. They have tourism. Research Methodology: This study aimed to analyze women's attitudes and expectations about rural tourism attractions. The type of research is therefore applied and descriptive-analytical in nature and method. In conducting the research, firstly, information on the subject and area was collected from books, documents, journals, baseline maps, and statistics and then required data through field studies including observation, questionnaires, demographic characteristics and characteristics of women tourists. it placed. Therefore, in order to examine women's attitudes and expectations of Rural Tourism Attraction Areas from three criteria (pleasure, comfort and protection as described in Table (1)), design and compile a Likert spectrum questionnaire (very low1, 5 = very high) design and have been evaluated. To assess the validity of the questionnaire, the experts were first provided with validity, the validity of the research instrument was measured, and the final indices and items were extracted. The questionnaire developed at this stage was pre-tested in the study area. Descriptive (mean, standard deviation, variance) and inferential statistics (Friedman's sample t test) were used for data analysis. The peasants, who were considered for each period of 2018-2019, determined the statistical population of this study. So that the villagers mentioned the inflow rate of all the tourists, of which one third of the tourists were reserved for women. Therefore, the sample size was determined using Cochran formula with error of 0. 07. The sample size of this method was calculated 195 questionnaires and in some villages was increased to 10 samples due to the small sample size, to determine a total of 208 questionnaires. Cronbach's alpha method in SPSS software was used to evaluate the validity (with access to various internal and external sources) and its reliability in compiling and compiling the questionnaire. The results are listed as 0. 885 for attitude and expectation indexes, respectively. Conclusion: In recent decades, the development of tourism activities in tourist attraction spaces-one of the important factors in the transformation of rural settlements-has attracted a great deal of attention, especially from women tourists. These activities have led to profound and fundamental changes in the provision of various socio-economic, cultural, environmental and physical dimensions in the areas of tourism attraction in rural areas. At the same time, focusing on the quality of tourism attractions and their livelihoods, the continuity of rural life and its dubious desire to attend and visit the attractions of inter-rural life alternatives. In the current study, indicators and criteria of attitude and expectations of female tourists were identified and then the status of indicators in the villages was evaluated. Past studies and theoretical foundations have been used to accurately identify women's attitudes and expectations from tourism-focused spaces, and a set of 13 (sports,environmental landscape,local events,healthcare,communication and reflection,facilities,equipment,commercial,Visual locations,adverse weather conditions,safety, security, and information) the indicator is obtained as a theoretical framework for research. The findings of the study showed that the protective variables group with a mean rating of 2. 37, the comfort group with a mean of 2. 18 and the pleasure group with a mean of 1. 45 had the highest attention to women needs. Tourism is very important in public spaces and it is necessary to provide the opportunity to strengthen these spaces in rural areas. The results of single sample t test showed that there is a significant level for all indices. In the visual quality indices with mean of 4. 39 and adverse weather conditions with 4. 38 had the highest mean. However, the average of the surveyed indicators is very high from the perspective of tourism women and expect to meet the basic needs of tourists such as accommodation, resorts, awareness and information and security in rural tourism attractions. Azani Mehri and Zal, Hoda (2011), Women's Tourism, Opportunities and bottlenecks from the Islamic perspective, Journal of Geographical Information (Sepehr) Volume 20, No. 78, pp. 69-64. Afarakht, Hassan, Rahnamaie, Mohammad Tafi, Tahmasebi, Asghar and Aiman Gheshlagh, Siavash (2016), Analysis of Spatial Inequalities in Tourism Resources Development (Case Study, Ardabil Province), Journal of Tourism and Development, Fifth Year, No. 7, Pages 128-107. Tavaji, Masood and Safarabadi, Azam (2011), Urban Tourism Management with Emphasis on Planning Attractive Urban Spaces, Case Study of Kermanshah, Jahanbin, Reza (2016), Investigation and Analysis of Tourism Development Factors from the Viewpoint of Women Tourists in Dare Shahr City, Journal of Geography and Environmental Studies, Fifth Year, No. 19, pp. 88-75. Hababi, Leila & Nikpour, Amer (2017), Occupation of Nice Women Attitudes to Formation of Tourism-Leisure Spaces for Women, Case Study: Amol Women Park, Journal of Tourism Planning and Development, Vol. 6, No. 21, p. 115-96.

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Currently, the issue of a sense of belonging is one of the important axes in increasing the participation of villagers and improving the planning process in these areas. The feeling of belonging to the village reflects the positive mental feeling of people towards living in these areas. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the feeling of spatial belonging in four dimensions (emotional, behavioral, cognitive and functional belonging) in the process of villagers' participation in the preparation, implementation and maintenance of the master plan. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The statistical population of the present study included the villages of Chir, Glabersafli, Chesb and Sarmasaghloo. Morgan table was used to determine the statistical sample. The number of samples required to complete the questionnaire was equal to 384 samples and the questionnaires were completed using a simple random sampling method. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, chi-square agreement table, Kruskal-Wallis and route analysis model) were used to analyze the collected data. In the master plan, it is related to the components of functional belonging and cognitive belonging. Analysis of inferential findings of t-test also shows that based on the level of desirability of the test (3) and the level of significance of the status of the four dimensions, the feeling of spatial belonging in the desired situation is evaluated. The highest level of desirability is related to cognitive belonging to facilities. Currently, the issue of a sense of belonging is one of the important axes in increasing the participation of villagers and improving the planning process in these areas. The feeling of belonging to the village reflects the positive mental feeling of people towards living in these areas. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the feeling of spatial belonging in four dimensions (emotional, behavioral, cognitive and functional belonging) in the process of villagers' participation in the preparation, implementation and maintenance of the master plan. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The statistical population of the present study included the villages of Chir, Glabersafli, Chesb and Sarmasaghloo. Morgan table was used to determine the statistical sample. The number of samples required to complete the questionnaire was equal to 384 samples and the questionnaires were completed using a simple random sampling method. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, chi-square agreement table, Kruskal-Wallis and route analysis model) were used to analyze the collected data. In the master plan, it is related to the components of functional belonging and cognitive belonging. Analysis of inferential findings of t-test also shows that based on the level of desirability of the test (3) and the level of significance of the status of the four dimensions, the feeling of spatial belonging in the desired situation is evaluated. The highest level of desirability is related to cognitive belonging to facilities. Currently, the issue of a sense of belonging is one of the important axes in increasing the participation of villagers and improving the planning process in these areas. The feeling of belonging to the village reflects the positive mental feeling of people towards living in these areas. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the feeling of spatial belonging in four dimensions (emotional, behavioral, cognitive and functional belonging) in the process of villagers' participation in the preparation, implementation and maintenance of the master plan. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The statistical population of the present study included the villages of Chir, Glabersafli, Chesb and Sarmasaghloo. Morgan table was used to determine the statistical sample. The number of samples required to complete the questionnaire was equal to 384 samples and the questionnaires were completed using a simple random sampling method. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, chi-square agreement table, Kruskal-Wallis and route analysis model) were used to analyze the collected data. In the master plan, it is related to the components of functional belonging and cognitive belonging. Analysis of inferential findings of t-test also shows that based on the level of desirability of the test (3) and the level of significance of the status of the four dimensions, the feeling of spatial belonging in the desired situation is evaluated. The highest level of desirability is related to cognitive belonging to facilities. Morgan table was used to determine the statistical sample. The number of samples required to complete the questionnaire was equal to 384 samples and the questionnaires were completed using a simple random sampling method. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, chi-square agreement table, Kruskal-Wallis and route analysis model) were used to analyze the collected data. In the master plan, it is related to the components of functional belonging and cognitive belonging. Analysis of inferential findings of t-test also shows that based on the level of desirability of the test (3) and the level of significance of the status of the four dimensions, the feeling of spatial belonging in the desired situation is evaluated. The highest level of desirability is related to cognitive belonging to facilities. Morgan table was used to determine the statistical sample. The number of samples required to complete the questionnaire was equal to 384 samples and the questionnaires were completed using a simple random sampling method. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (one-sample t-test, chi-square agreement table, Kruskal-Wallis and route analysis model) were used to analyze the collected data. In the master plan, it is related to the components of functional belonging and cognitive belonging. inferential findings of t-test also shows that based on the level of desirability of the test (3) and the level of significance of the status of the four dimensions, the feeling of spatial belonging in the desired situation is evaluated. The highest level of desirability is related to cognitive belonging to facilities.

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Introduction: Security is the prerequisite for a healthy society and the feeling of security is the basis for the development of human societies, and the prosperity of a community in the group of maintaining and maintaining security and the feeling of security resulting from it,Therefore, establishing security in the urban structure and citizens' sense of security is of increasing importance. There are some urban spaces that provide the ground for disturbing order and security. Space and mass are closely related,Therefore, human behavior in space and different places in relation to the sense of security with a specific shape and geometry, as well as with the function embedded in it, is different and in many cases, space,Human motivation in the occurrence of certain behaviors is essential to create security in that place and space. Creating quiet spaces away from social unrest with a sense of security to the people and also increasing the quality of urban spaces by paying attention to the basic needs of urban life is considered as one of the benefits of urban space. In many cases, the type of physical space design, the role that a particular place takes on, and the social dimensions of an area lead to spaces becoming safe or, conversely, unsafe. In other words, urban spaces with their characteristics are somehow a trigger for the crime. Apart from the social and cultural effects of planning and design, safe urban environments on patterns of citizenship behavior and improving the environmental quality of urban spaces, reducing urban crime and crime are independent and important issues. Methodology: The purpose of this study is to determine the causal relationship between the independent variable of feeling of security and the dependent variable of the quality of urban spaces. The research method in this research is correlational and within the framework of analytical methods. The method of data collection was a researcher-made questionnaire. Indicators and factors evaluated in the research were extracted with an emphasis on measurability and measurability by reviewing the relevant texts. For this purpose, the number of extracted factors and indicators were documented in accordance with the study area. Pearson correlation test and linear regression were performed to investigate the relationship between the feeling of security and the quality of urban spaces in the area of the central sidewalk. And with SmartPLS software, the model fits the calculation model and the structural analytical model in the research on the variables was presented. To calculate the reliability and validity (mean of extracted variance of AVE), the factors of the questionnaires were performed among 365 people referring to the central pedestrian urban spaces studied and urban planning and social science experts. The sample population was selected as a cluster between experts and citizens and the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach's alpha of 0. 899. This area is located in the center of the city, which has become a central sidewalk in recent years. In this regard, research was conducted to determine whether citizens and visitors feel safe in this urban space or feel safe. In their opinion, it depends on what factors. This stage of sampling is measured in one step. The indicators and dimensions used in the research have a multidimensional structure. Results and discussion: Walking alone at night, women traveling alone at night, traveling in their own cars on the streets around the square, sending children to school for long distances are acceptable to residents and staff. Social disorder sense of security with correlation coefficient P=0. 74, From the point of view of the visitors to the square and the merchant, acknowledging that since the study complex has become a sidewalk, the rate of burglary, the rate of extortion and extortion of citizens in this place, the rate of harassment of people in this space, the rate of drug use And the public presence of addicts, car theft in the square itself has been eliminated and has been reduced in the surrounding areas. Therefore, according to the components analyzed the sense of security, it can be said that the greater the sense of security P=0/871 and the degree of correlation of its indicators The rate of conversion of urban spaces into urban spaces with a sense of security, including,Holding religious and cultural activities and ceremonies, entertainment and service activities, the level of communication between people, how women and children are present in this space, access to various types of public transportation, distribution of bus and taxi stations, access for pedestrians and cyclists, etc. It also increases in proportion to the feeling of security in this urban space. Conclusion: In general, the results indicate that there is a significant relationship between the feeling of security and the quality of urban spaces. Therefore, it can be concluded that urban spaces according to the existing social conditions,That is, the formation of spaces, the function of spaces, can affect the level of security. Creating calm spaces away from social unrest and also increasing the quality of the environment by paying attention to the basic needs of urban life is considered as the desirability of urban space. The results show that the more people are present in the form of social support and monitoring in urban spaces, the more citizens feel safe. Considering the effect of citizens 'presence on the feeling of security, it can be concluded that maintaining the security of the city is the main task of urban spaces and open and public (public) areas of a city in case of citizens' traffic and supervision on the central sidewalk. Descriptive findings related to independent variables indicate that respondents rated the risk of trust and social disorder at a high level. In relation to the social support variable,Most respondents had no hope of helping others in an emergency and considered their help and assistance in the community to be low. Respondents also assess the incidence of delinquency in the central sidewalk environment at a low level. Keywords: the feeling of security, trust, urban space, central sidewalk, Hamedan, SEM.

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Introduction: Analysis of the spatial structure to recognize the potentials of the metropolitan region, to create competitive regions and more importantly, recognition of hidden or improperly used resources of regions, for economic development and to take advantage of the cooperative advantages of cities to develop economic synergy is crucial. Tehran metropolitan region, like other developing metropolitan regions, faces distinctive challenges such as imbalance, lack of integration, functional cohesion and an unbalanced distribution of the system of activity and housing. But the policy-making process in the field of regional development is affected by economic conditions (rent) and regardless of the space economy in the context of development policies and programs, it has caused this region, despite all the many potentials, to not have a desirable performance in comparison with these potentials. The concentration of economic resources and forces for the metropolitan region, along with economic benefits, has had diverse consequences of environmental (environmental pollution), social and economic (slum, increased housing and household living costs, class conflict and increased Gini coefficient) which we see its spatial reflection in the formation of rent, information and economic rent spaces in the context of the location of economic activities. On the other hand, the lack of attention to the potentials of economic synergy has caused Tehran to become a place with a high concentration of industries and the role of economic factors in the formation of a dynamic place for production becomes less important. However, the high concentration of enterprises, the economies of scale and accumulation are low, and the economics of networking is very low. Methodology: The ontology of research is based on critical rationalism. In this ontology, the view of the object is abstract-concrete and deals with the analysis of the problem on three levels: real, actual and empirical. At the real level, it deals with causal forces in creating the spatial structure of the metropolitan region. At the actual level of the mechanisms affecting the spatial structure and at the empirical level, the spatial representation of currents and forces is evaluated. The epistemology of research is based on reason and experience with inductive, deductive and post-exploratory approaches. Research methodology is mixed (quantitative-qualitative). The method is the utilization of procedures for measuring spatial structure and analysis of flows and connections, as well as methods for measuring the degree of diversity and specialization have been used. Results and discussion: In the morphological dimension, the spatial distribution of the population system indicates that the metropolitan region has a weak tendency to become morphological polycentric over time. In the functional dimension, network power, dominance and symmetry were evaluated based on the flow of travel production. According to the amount of entropy that shows the power of the network, the tendency of the metropolitan area is towards functional polycentric. In addition to the Dii measure that shows dominance in relationships and its value is from zero to infinity. It indicates that in terms of travel production (movement of people) Tehran and Karaj are significantly different from other cities. In other words, these two cities have complete control over the network of relations. But in terms of symmetry, the spatial structure of the metropolitan region is not polycentric. The study of the flow of goods between the cities of the metropolitan region shows that in 2006 the main flows of communication between the cities of the metropolitan region were with Tehran and relations with each other at the level of medium-sized cities have been weak. But in 2016, also the formation of two-side relations between some cities with Tehran (Firoozkooh, Bumhan, Robat Karim, Eshtehard, Karaj and Hashtgerd), witnessed a tendency to form horizontal relations between other cities (Karaj-Eshtehard, Hashtgerd-Karaj, Shahriyar-Eshtehard, Shahriyar-Karaj, Pakdasht-Karaj, Firoozkooh-Damavand, Qarchak-Meshkin Dasht). Therefore, it can be said that the vertical and hierarchical relations of the flow of goods, between the cities of the metropolitan region and Tehran, have a very weak tendency from vertical relations to horizontal relations. The study of economic indicators shows that the degree of specialization of the cities of the metropolitan area is increasing. Although Tehran's level of specialization has decreased, it still has the highest level of specialization. However, this diversity has decreased during this period. On the other hand, Savojbolagh, Rey, Baharestan, Karaj, Quds, Mallard and Eshtehard cities had the highest level of diversity in production structure during the period of-75 to 95. Conclusion: The results show that the spatial structure in the morphological dimension is a monocentric spatial structure that tends to become polycentric. In the functional dimension, the study of spatial interactions shows that the relations between the cities of the region have very little tendency towards networking but in terms of dominance, Tehran and Karaj still dominate these relations. On the other hand, the study of network symmetry also indicates asymmetry inflows. In addition, the study of the flow of goods in the metropolitan region shows that the vertical relations between cities and the metropolis of Tehran are still maintained and other cities have been added to this relationship over time. But the new point in these relations is the formation of two-side commodity relations between some cities and the metropolis of Tehran and the tendency to form a horizontal relationship between some cities in the metropolitan region. The role of cities such as Hashtgerd, Eshtehard, Shahriyar and Firoozkooh, and secondarily the cities such as Robat Karim, Hassanabad, Varamin, Pakdasht and Damavand, shows the tendency to create weak functional centres in the metropolitan region. Therefore, it can be said that the spatial structure of Tehran metropolitan region has a weak tendency towards the spatial structure with the ability to support synergistic relations between cities in the metropolitan region.

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Introduction: Kurdistan province is one of the provinces of the country that can become an important center of health tourism in Iran due to its proximity to Iraq and Kurdistan of Iraq. Existence of numerous resources, such as the large number of patients in Kurdistan of Iraq, tourist attractions and climate of Kurdistan, low cost of medical services, equipping a number of medical centers in the province with modern medical equipment, the province's capacity for medicinal plants and the province's pristine nature. Nature therapy, cultural and linguistic homogeneity with Kurdistan of Iraq, and the training of physicians by Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences have enhanced the province's capabilities in the field of health tourism. Kurdistan, with 227 km of border with Iraq, as well as the three border cities of Baneh, Marivan and Sarvabad, has a good potential for the development of medical tourism, but nevertheless, the revenues of this province from the health tourism sector are still low and in fact despite the potential. Many of these types of tourism have not been able to play an effective role in the economic and social sustainability of the province. In this regard, the two main research questions that must be asked during the strategic planning process as follows: 1-What are the most important internal and external factors and processes affecting the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province by attracting health tourists to the Iraqi Kurdistan region? 2-What are the most effective strategies and favorable perspectives for the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province by attracting health tourists to the Kurdistan region? Methodology: The present research is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-analytical in terms of type and a combination of documentary-survey method in terms of data collection. In order to achieve the objectives of the research and, in fact, to plan the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province by attracting health tourists from the Kurdistan of Iraq, it was necessary to form a specialized or Delphi team in the present study. In this regard, an attempt was made to form a team consisting of experts, managers and officials, local experts. In quantitative method, in the present study in the form of using Hierarchical analysis process (AHP) to determine the most desirable strategies for the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province by attracting tourists to the Kurdistan region in combination with SWOT technique in the process of strategic planning. Results and discussion: Findings indicate that the low cost of treatment in the province, ethnic and cultural affinity, extensive socio-economic ties, the existence of ancient traditional medicine and numerous medicinal plants with healing properties and having pristine nature and numerous mineral water springs, capability Unique to other trans-provincial competitors, such as the cities of Tehran, Kermanshah, Tabriz, Urmia and even Turkey are among the strengths of tourism in the region, which if the necessary conditions and infrastructure are provided, can Help the sustainable attraction of health tourists from Iraq. Also, the study of the weaknesses identified as the main obstacles to the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province in order to attract health tourists from the Kurdistan region of Iraq shows that the health tourism system in Kurdistan province to attract tourists from the Iraqi Kurdistan region with several challenges. In both main dimensions of supply and demand and in various components, which are necessary to develop health tourism in the province. On the other hand, opportunities and threats affecting the health tourism status of Kurdistan province, had a range of performance and impact from local to national and transnational level to understand the importance of the impact of the tourism situation of destinations from trans-regional conditions and its consideration and management. In order to determine the most important strategies for the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province, it was determined that among the opportunities,The reason for the persistence of the exchange rate difference, among the forces, is the presence of Kowsar Hospital and private hospitals and clinics (completion of Aria Private Hospital), among the threats,The reason for the existence and emergence of powerful competitors active in the health tourism market of Kurdistan of Iraq (Tehran, Kermanshah, Tabriz, Orumieh) and among the weaknesses, the cause of weakness in management, planning and monitoring in the development of health tourism in Kurdistan, with Having the highest relative weight has the greatest impact on the four strategies adopted. These identified cases had the greatest impact and importance among their factors so that they can be confidently mentioned as key drivers or very influential factors in the development and expansion of health tourism in Kurdistan province. Conclusion: The final result of the research as a future perspective for the development of health tourism in Kurdistan province By attracting tourists from the Kurdistan region of Iraq in the future, it should become a reliable and privileged center in the field of health tourism for the market of Iraq Kurdistan in the next 10 years. A center that has the power to compete with other competitors outside the province in attracting health tourists from the Iraqi Kurdistan region. The current communication with the rival centers is coordinated and the health tourists of Kurdistan region are purposefully directed from this province to other neighboring centers if the tourist needs and interests. In this perspective, the basic principle of diversification of health tourism products was laid in order to increase the length of stay and spending of tourists. This perspective emphasizes the use of rural areas with tourism potential and health tourism in the province, and in order to achieve the principle of balance to distribute the benefits of tourism for comprehensive support, these rural areas, as a support And sub-centers that support the main centers were considered.

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Introduction: Following the expansion of cities and increasing the separation of the city from nature, several problems such as air pollution, reduced social life in relation to nature, incompatibility of nature with the body of the city and waste of natural resources have plagued cities, especially metropolises. A new approach to biophilic urban planning, considering the relationship between the city and citizens with nature as a basic principle in planning, has been presented in order to solve the above problems. The purpose of this article is to provide a multidimensional framework for measuring the biophilic urban planning approach on a large scale and to analyze and rank the fifteen regions of Isfahan metropolis based on this approach. Because the Isfahan metropolis in recent years has faced a significant increase in population and related environmental problems. Considering the potentials such as environmental capacities such as Zayandehrood river, green spaces and vegetation in this city, by applying the biophilic urban planning approach, many problems can be overcome and sustainable development can be provided. Therefore, in line with the above goal, first biophilic urban planning measures have been extracted by referring to theoretical foundations and then the situation of fifteen regions of Isfahan metropolis has been analyzed based on these measures. Finally, while discussing the results, suggestions for improvement of the regions of Isfahan metropolis based on the biophilic urban planning approach have been presented. Methodology: The present descriptive-analytical study has a mixed paradigm due to the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method used in this research is survey type and the qualitative method is case study. Also, this research is a part of applied research in terms of purpose. The required information has been collected in order to describe and analyze the indicators by library and field methods. In addition, methods of spatial analysis (network analysis, Euclidean distance analysis and density analysis) and remote sensing have been used to analyze the data. After describing and analyzing each measure, the regions were classified separately for each measure according to the natural break classification method, and the regions were assigned points based on a five-point Likert scale. In the next step, the swara method was used to weigh the components and measures. The swara method or the stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis method was first proposed in 2010 by Kerš, ulienė, , Zavadskas and Turskis. This method is one of the newest methods of weighting the components and measures, which is superior to other weighting methods in terms of accuracy in evaluating the views of experts regarding the importance of criteria. In order to weight based on the Swara method, through the method of qualitative sampling of known cases, 30 experts were selected and then the components and the measures of each component were weighted based on their views. In the next step, according to the weight of the measures of each component, the ranking map of each component was prepared by coding the Python plugin in GIS software and finally, according to the weight of the components and the overlap of the ranking maps of each component through the mentioned coding, the ranking of the regions was done based on the biophilic urban planning approach. Results and Discussion: The fifteen regions of Isfahan metropolis are classified into five ranks in terms of biophilic urban planning infrastructure and conditions:-Very deprived regions: Including regions 14 and 15 which are in a very unfavorable situation in terms of biophilic potentials and infrastructure and biophilic urban planning to increase the welfare and health of residents for these regions is the first priority.-Deprived regions: Regions 7, 11 and 12 are at this rank. These regions are unfavorable in terms of biophilic and planning for these regions is the second priority.-Semi-successful regions: Regions 2, 4, 5, 8 and 13 are in relatively good condition in terms of biophilic and planning for these regions is the third priority.-Successful regions: Regions 6 and 10 are at this rank. These regions are in a good position in terms of biophilic and are the fourth priority of planning.-Very successful regions: Regions 1, 3 and 9 are in a very good position in terms of biophilic potentials and infrastructure compared to other regions, and planning for these regions is the last priority. Conclusions: In this article, in order to analyze and rank the fifteen regions of Isfahan metropolis by using the biophilic urban planning approach, after reviewing the theoretical foundations of the subject and considering the case study, biophilic urban planning measures in the form of five components of social life, economic dynamics, green transportation, Environmental sustainability and efficient urban management were extracted and analyzed in regions. The results show the difference of fifteen regions in terms of potentials and conditions of biophilic urban planning in five ranks. so that in the central and western regions, especially regions 1, 3 and 9, the main conditions and infrastructures of biophilic urban planning are accumulated and also regions 14 and 15 are at the most deprived rank. Among the most important improvement measures in order to implement the biophilic urban planning approach in the metropolis of Isfahan, we can mention preventing the change of landuse of green spaces and gardens, rehabilitating rivers and creeks, enabling citizens to participate in nature conservation through environmental education and applying their perspectives in planning, establishment of continuous cycling and pedestrian routes, improvement the state of public transportation through the implementation of the remaining metro lines and establishment routes and bus stops in regions with poor service levels, providing financial incentives for environmentally sensitive executive programs, supporting nature-related NGOs, managing wastewater treatment and preventing it from entering rivers and creeks and improve urban agriculture.

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Introduction: Competitiveness is one of the most important concerns of business and activity in a dynamic and competitive environment. In recent years, competition has been proposed as an economic concept affecting the sustainable development of the tourism and travel industry (Balan et al., 2009). Experience has shown that wherever tourism is developed without a clear plan and strategy, numerous environmental and social problems arise and in the long time, the problems of tourism outweigh the benefits. According to UNESCO, Iran is ranked tenth in the world in terms of tourist attractions, due to its ancient civilization and many historical monuments and cultural-natural attractions. Despite the boom in tourism in recent years, Iran has not yet found its proper place in the international tourism sector, while there are different and diverse areas to compete in tourism and development of tourism in this country (Aliakbari et al., 2015). Jolfa has many valuable historical and cultural attractions and due to its geographical location can be a transit route for thousands of Asian and European tourists. Julfa region has the potential capability to compete with other tourism hubs in the country. So, it is important to identify the factors that lead to increasing the advantages and improving the position of this tourist destination. Undoubtedly, identifying such factors will lead to identifying priorities for tourism development and future planning in the region. One of the methods used in strategic planning is the Meta-SWOT method. Meta-SWOT is an inward-looking strategic planning approach that helps us to compete with competitors in the future by identifying and evaluating our competition with others and by identifying the resources and capabilities of the environment and change our economic borders or common markets with competitors in our favor (Ajza Shokoohi et al., 2018). This study examines and evaluates the regional competitiveness in tourism development planning with land-use planning approach in Jolfa. Aras free zone (Jolfa) is compared with 6 other free zones (Kish, Qeshm, Chabahar, Arvand, Anzali and Makoo) in terms of tourism development and competitiveness. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate and prioritize the factors affecting the competitiveness of destinations in Jolfa. Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the nature of the subject. In the present study, the data and information were obtained through documentary and library studies and field methods (questionnaires and interviews). The statistical population for completing the questionnaire and conducting interviews are tourism experts and specialists and the snowball sampling method has been used. The Meta-SWOT model has been used to analyze information and present the tourism development strategies in Jolfa. The study area is Jolfa, which is located in northwestern Iran and adjacent to Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan. In this study, six free trade zones of Kish, Qeshm, Chabahar, Anzali, Arvand and Makoo have been considered as competitors of Aras free zone (Jolfa). Results and discussion: To assess regional competitiveness in tourism development planning, resources and competitors must be evaluated. First, the goals of tourism development should be identified and then and then prioritize these goals. Prioritization has been done in three levels of high, medium and low priority using Delphi method. Finally, 15 goals have been set, which according to experts, 7 goals are high priority, 5 goals are medium priority and 3 goals are low priority. The second step is to identify effective resources and capabilities in assessing regional competitiveness. Since these resources and attractions are not of equal weight and importance, they should be weighted. In order to weight the factors in this research, the Analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) has been used. The most important influential factors are: the potential of the region for tourism, security and the existence of border markets, historical monuments and climatic diversity. In the third stage, the competitive dimensions between the regions are identified and at the end, a competitive map is created. In the fourth step, a resource-based perspective is used to evaluate resources and capabilities. Accordingly, resources and capabilities are evaluated and measured in terms of value, rarity, imitation and irreplaceability (VRIO) in a 5-point range. In the next stage, environmental factors affecting regional competitiveness in tourism development planning of Jolfa are discussed. PETSEL analysis is used for this purpose. In this regard, the out-of-control environmental factors in Jolfa tourism development planning are evaluated according to the opinion of experts with emphasis on four criteria (weight, impact, increase probability and degree of urgency). In the strategic fit assessment step, the impact of resources and facilities on external factors is evaluated with the help of a survey of experts and specialists in the Delphi method and in the form of binary comparisons. The purpose of this step is to identify the extent to which goals are supported by resources and capabilities. The seventh and final step is to draw a strategic plan based on previous inputs and comparisons. According to the results, among the key factors, private sector investment factor, the existence of coherent and integrated planning based on the future, constant support and supervision of officials and the region's potential for tourism, are most in line with tourism development goals. Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the regional competitiveness for tourism development planning in Jolfa. In this regard, using the Meta-SWOT technique, first the factors affecting the development of Jolfa tourism were identified. In the next step, rival cities and areas were identified and compared with Jolfa. The results of this study show that the most important factors in the development of tourism in Jolfa are: having a coherent, integrated and future-based planning,Permanent support and supervision of officials in preparing, implementing and. . . tourism plans and programs,Existence of border markets in the region,Employing educated and specialized manpower and paying attention to local customs.

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Unbridled population growth and intense environmental degradation and the lack of recognition and utilization of existing human capacities to control and mitigate the environmental problems of human settlements have caused many problems. Since many environmental problems arise from humans, human environmental behavior is one of the most important and effective factors on the environment. In a way that impacts on environmental issues, they are affected. This research’, s purpose is to study the environmental behaviors of women in Diva village in Babol county. The research method is qualitative and the statistical population includes all women in Diva village with sample size of 20 and snowball sampling. In this study, value-belief-norm theory was used to investigate the effect of important factors on the environmental behavior of rural women. The research findings show that based on the categorization of rural women's beliefs and practices about nature and the environment, they had different environmental behaviors based on the theory of value-belief-norms of rural women's environmental behavior including conservation lifestyle components, awareness of Consequences, personal norms, ecological values and ecological worldview. It can also be said that variables have influenced each other and the environmental behavior of women. Given the prominent role of personal norms and religious and religious beliefs and teachings, environmental protection can be considered as a moral and ethical norm. Another important point is the increase of environmental awareness and knowledge of rural women who can manage and minimize the impacts of the activities on the rural environment. Unbridled population growth and intense environmental degradation and the lack of recognition and utilization of existing human capacities to control and mitigate the environmental problems of human settlements have caused many problems. Since many environmental problems arise from humans, human environmental behavior is one of the most important and effective factors on the environment. In a way that impacts on environmental issues, they are affected. This research’, s purpose is to study the environmental behaviors of women in Diva village in Babol county. The research method is qualitative and the statistical population includes all women in Diva village with sample size of 20 and snowball sampling. In this study, value-belief-norm theory was used to investigate the effect of important factors on the environmental behavior of rural women. The research findings show that based on the categorization of rural women's beliefs and practices about nature and the environment, they had different environmental behaviors based on the theory of value-belief-norms of rural women's environmental behavior including conservation lifestyle components, awareness of Consequences, personal norms, ecological values and ecological worldview. It can also be said that variables have influenced each other and the environmental behavior of women. Given the prominent role of personal norms and religious and religious beliefs and teachings, environmental protection can be considered as a moral and ethical norm. Another important point is the increase of environmental awareness and knowledge of rural women who can manage and minimize the impacts of the activities on the rural environment. Unbridled population growth and intense environmental degradation and the lack of recognition and utilization of existing human capacities to control and mitigate the environmental problems of human settlements have caused many problems. Since many environmental problems arise from humans, human environmental behavior is one of the most important and effective factors on the environment. In a way that impacts on environmental issues, they are affected. This research’, s purpose is to study the environmental behaviors of women in Diva village in Babol county. The research method is qualitative and the statistical population includes all women in Diva village with sample size of 20 and snowball sampling. In this study, value-belief-norm theory was used to investigate the effect of important factors on the environmental behavior of rural women. The research findings show that based on the categorization of rural women's beliefs and practices about nature and the environment, they had different environmental behaviors based on the theory of value-belief-norms of rural women's environmental behavior including conservation lifestyle components, awareness of Consequences, personal norms, ecological values and ecological worldview. It can also be said that variables have influenced each other and the environmental behavior of women. Given the prominent role of personal norms and religious and religious beliefs and teachings, environmental protection can be considered as a moral and ethical norm. Another important point is the increase of environmental awareness and knowledge of rural women who can manage and minimize the impacts of the activities on the rural environment. Unbridled population growth and intense environmental degradation and the lack of recognition and utilization of existing human capacities to control and mitigate the environmental problems of human settlements have caused many problems. Since many environmental problems arise from humans, human environmental behavior is one of the most important and effective factors on the environment. In a way that impacts on environmental issues, they are affected. This research’, s purpose is to study the environmental behaviors of women in Diva village in Babol county. The research method is qualitative and the statistical population includes all women in Diva village with sample size of 20 and snowball sampling. In this study, value-belief-norm theory was used to investigate the effect of important factors on the environmental behavior of rural women. The research findings show that based on the categorization of rural women's beliefs and practices about nature and the environment, they had different environmental behaviors based on the theory of value-belief-norms of rural women's environmental behavior including conservation lifestyle components, awareness of Consequences, personal norms, ecological values and ecological worldview. It can also be said that variables have influenced each other and the environmental behavior of women. Given the prominent role of personal norms and religious and religious beliefs and teachings, environmental protection can be considered as a moral and ethical norm. Another important point is the increase of environmental awareness and knowledge of rural women who can manage and minimize the impacts of the activities on the rural environment.

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Introduction: The geography of transportation is to study the geographical areas on which transportation is done and includes water-based and land-based strips as the main routes. Although the history of the carriage dates back to "human antiquity", the most important documents in the field of transport go back to the Silk Road. This route, which dates back to the second century BC and was commercially viable for almost 1800 years until the sixteenth century, represents Marco Polo's long journey from Venice to China for decades on the trade route between Europe and Asia. In fact, the transportation and transit of goods and passengers was "land-based" in the past, but today independent political units to expand their economic power, in addition to the land-based view, put sea transportation on their agenda and international corridors by sea, land and combination of its results. So that today more than 80% of world trade is done through sea transport, and, this type of transport is the main axis of the global economy. Transportation corridors are physically defined as a combination of routes that connect economic activity centers in one or more neighboring countries. From the point of view of the Railway Cooperation Organization, an international corridor is the international transport network that uses railways, waterways and roads for the international transport and transit of goods. This type of transportation should be done with the least possible time and high economic efficiency. Today, international transport corridors connect countries on all four sides of the map, the most important of which are the North-South Corridor, the East-West Corridor or the New Silk Road (China's One Belt one Road Initiative) and the EU TRACECA Corridor. The main issue of the present study is the systematic study of Iran's role in international corridors from a geopolitical perspective, and since research in this area is poor, we decided to complete this study. Here we review the literature on the role of transit of Iran and related issues. Research Methodology: The present study is of a fundamental and theoretical type that, by presenting the Hypothesis of "Iran, the heartland of the world's corridors", tries to analyze the geopolitical role of Iran in international corridors. The method of data collection in this research is documentary and library, and the method of data analysis is descriptive-analytical. Results: Iran, with its geopolitical foundations that are influenced by its geography, has always been considered by the countries of the world, especially the world powers, and in terms of geographical location, it has been located in the connection of different civilizations, nations and ethnic groups and geographical regions, and has facilitated the interaction between the civilizations of Sindh and Punjab, Mesopotamia and Transoxiana. This country has been considered as a crossroads of civilizations since ancient times and has had a very good position in terms of sea and land. Iran was also at the heart of the ancient land Silk Road, linking Oriental civilization to Western civilization and being a communication route for extensive interactions on the one hand, and great wars on the other. Iran is located in a unique geographical position, acting as a bridge between Africa, Europe and Asia, connecting India and Russia in the north-south corridor,Connecting Asia and Europe in the East-West corridor,Connecting Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey and Western Europe in the TRACECA Corridor,Connecting Southeast Asia to northwestern Europe in the South Asian Corridor,The link between ECO members as well as Central Asian countries to the high seas and the Persian Gulf is considered in the Ashgabat agreement. In fact, Iran is in one of the best geographical locations in the world, playing a combination of geopolitical, geostrategic, geoeconomic and geotransit roles in Southwest Asia. Iran's geographical position Due to its connection with the high seas and its position between the two powers, naval and land, in other words, Riemland's position in the geopolitical theories of global strategy has created a transit position for Iran, These features make communicating with Iran and crossing its space inevitable. Communicating with Iran and crossing its space has been done mainly with two main goals: first, socio-economic goal to provide goods, materials, thoughts and ideas, people and means of transportation through Iran. This is what is being interpreted as "Iran's communication role" and has been stable from the past to the present. Second, the military goal that has been achieved with the aim of occupying Iran and occupying the territories beyond Iran. The Conclusion: Iran, with its geopolitical foundations that are influenced by its geography, has always been considered by the countries of the world, especially the world powers. Today, the geographical-transit situation of Iran has not only not declined, but with the construction of international corridors and the revival of the Silk Road, and its location in the heart of the world's most vital corridors, it has become a special geopolitical situation. In fact, Iran, as the heartland of the world's corridors, is the axis of connection between East and West through the OBOR initiative (New Silk Road) and north and south through the connection of South Asia to the north of the Eurasia (INSTC). It also provides transit links between Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Northern Europe, the Caspian-Central Asia and the Caucasus on the one hand and South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Far East, Oceania and the Persian Gulf on the other. In addition to being located in the geographical center of the ECO member countries, it is also the shortest and most economical route for the landlocked states to reach the ocean waters, which is reflected in the Ashgabat Agreement. This geo-transit position of Iran in the 21st century global geopolinomical system, which relies on geographical-political-economic resources centered on ports and corridors, can provide Iran with many playing cards in regional and global power games. This will be achieved if attention to Iran's special role in international corridors is paid to it as a geopolitical code is on the agenda of Iran's foreign policy.

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Border is considered as one of the most sensitive and strategic parameters in political, security and economic life, and in general, in the development process of the countries. Borders are, according to their nature, the points of the flow of goods, thoughts, threats, opportunities, and the focal point of communication with the outside world. Considering the importance of the border, the spatial planning of the border regions in the direction of development and security is always one of the major concerns in any country. The borders of the Middle East and Iran in particular, have always been the locus of conflict, struggle and security problems, due to the ethnical-religious context and the rivalry between the powers of the region. The borders of Kurdistan Province as part of the international borders of Iran are also a part of this puzzle. In the border regions of Kurdistan province, Sunni Kurds live with ethnic orientations, and share the same culture, language and race with the other side of the border, which shows the importance of the border areas of this province. In the border areas of Kurdistan province, we are witnessing the priority of security over development. Border is one of the most sensitive and strategic parameters in political, security and economic life and the spatial development of a country, and it serves as a showcase for the stability and progress of the country. Borders, due to their nature, also contribute to strengthening or weakening national security, national interests and national power. Borders are the locus of the flow of goods, thought, threats, opportunities, and the focal point of communication with the outside world. Considering the importance of the border, the spatial planning of the border regions in the direction of development and security is always one of the major concerns of the sovereignty of any country. The borders of the Middle East in general, and the borders of Iran in particular, have always been the locus of conflict, struggle and security problems, due to the ethnical-religious context and the geopolitical rivalry between the powers of the region. Iran has a long border with its neighbors in the critical zone of Middle East which are unstable in terms of politics, security, defense, and even the land, and there is every chance of the release of these crises inside the country. Iran has a dry and semi-arid climate, inadequate water resources and, consequently, inappropriate distribution of the population and some ethno-religious conflicts between the border areas and the central areas that enhance the sense of divergence and promote authoritarianism. Most of the ethnicities and religions of Iran are located in the border areas, and most of them are geographically expanded on the other side of the border, therefore, border areas are under the influence of security look, and comparing with the center, have a lower development in all aspects. The level of spatial development in Iran follows the center-perimeter pattern. The perimeter of Iran, which is usually the living place of different ethnicities and religions, does not have a desirable level of development, and this underdevelopment has caused the border regions to be always pregnant with more challenges and conflicts. Today, given the new political situation and the rivalry of the powers in the region, we see widespread threats in the border regions of Iran that have led to a security approach toward the spatial planning of the border regions, and the mere security approach has exacerbated the underdevelopment and the reproduction of security problems in those areas. The border areas of Kurdistan province are a part of this puzzle, considering that all of these harmful factors are found there, and in these areas, like most of the country's border areas, the security approach and the priority of security over development are dominant. In the border regions of Kurdistan province, Sunni Kurds live, and share the same culture, language and race with the other side of the border, which shows the importance of the border areas of this province. The main question of the research is that what factors have led to a security approach in the spatial planning of the border regions of Iran in general, and Kurdistan province in particular? The research findings indicate that political, geo-cultural, geostrategic and geo-economical indices are generally effective in the spatial planning of Iranian border regions, and in each province of the country, according to the type of border and the human conditions, the importance and priority of these factors and their sub-indices are variable. In the security approach towards the spatial planning of Kurdistan province, these factors have the following impact priorities: first, the political factor (including the political underdevelopment in Iran, the pale political participation in the border areas of Kurdistan province, the centralized form of governance in Iran, the activities of counter-revolutionary parties in the border areas of Kurdistan province, the history of Kurdish movements and the lack of use of local elites in the management of the border areas of Kurdistan province), second, the geo-cultural factor (including language, religion, ethnicity, the bolstering of the role of ethnic groups in the age of globalization, local customs and the non-conformity of the borders of the province with ethnical-cultural borders), third, the geostrategic factor (including the military presence of the world powers near the border areas, the political rivalries of the regional powers, the phenomenon of terrorism in the region, the condition of the Kurds in the region and the vacuum of the power of the neighboring countries of Iran near the borders of the Kurdistan province), and finally, the geo-economic factor (including the smuggling of goods in the border areas of Kurdistan province, the imbalanced economic development in the borders of the province with the borders of the Kurdistan Region and the deficiency of resources in the border areas of Kurdistan province) are effective on the security approach toward the spatial planning of the border regions of Kurdistan province.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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