The challenge of economic crimes is important today in several ways, on the one hand, the role of the economy in shaping criminal law, the role of criminal law in supporting the economy and economic activities, the role of government policy in creating or preventing economic crimes and in a broader view Economic corruption and the role of culture (customs, values, religion and ideology) governing the economic system. It is a multi-axis issue that introduces the systemic approach of institutionalists in the analysis of economic variables. A Heterodox approach with dissident teachings to define a development model that makes the prevention of disruptive economic behaviors (economic crimes) possible only by identifying the fundamental institutions of the economic system (including economics, law, politics, culture) in any modern society. Inductive and Systematic study methods that with a pragmatic approach to economic facts instead of deductive, abstract and subjective studies, explains economic crimes in accordance with the economic and legal realities of society, which is a suitable version for comprehensive, rapid and consistent criminalization. With economic developments and in accordance with specific institutions, the economic system governs the social system.