Although as the most complete religion, Islam provides suggestions for better family relations, however due to some terms used in Quran, it has been accused of favoring violence against women. One example is the word waz-ribuhuna [i.e. beat them] in verse 34 of Surah Annisaa. By brining the different views of sociologists regarding terms such as family, domestic violence and social deviance, this paper examined these expressions using quranic terminology, web of quranic concepts and relevant verses and commentary traditions. Using content analysis, and within a theoretical attributive framework, this paper examined the view of Quran towards women and family, and by applying the available parallel texts in verses and commentary traditions, the condition of beating and examples of Quran’s opposition to violence against women were analyzed. Also the contradiction of the term waz-ribuhuna with the foundations of Sociological theories of violence against women was proved and using the theories of social deviance, explained sociologically, what the verse considered as disobedient women. Results indicated that the discourse of the verse was different from the discourse used in criticisms. The term wazribuhuna, as a guiding concept attempted to regulate a troubled family which had not respected its boundaries. wazribuhuna was used in very limited situations and came respectively after fa-‘izuhunna and juhvwahjuruhunna filmazaji’I, where these two stages did not answer as solutions. Fala tabghu ‘alay-hinna sabila, plus the commentary tradition under waz-ribuhuna, indicates Quran’s opposition towards violence against women.