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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The research Tries to find out the Transformation in meaning of the trem “Adab” which in Persian language, has become the base of the word Literature.During the Primary Centuries. There have been many changes on this word.Dictionaries couldn’t be useful and didn’t offer any information. Because they had written a few in this concern. Referring to the old texts has made the concept clearer. The inquiry Pertaining to the term “Adab” Shows that the meaning which were common during the primary three Centuries are different to what is understood today. In the first Centuries “Adab” meant customs and necessary information but in course of the time it applied for all humanism exept divinities. In the third Century “Adab” refered to all Sciences arts, and the Arabic grammare as well. Later on it was used for calture and the way to treat others in the Society.

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Women are considered the second half of mankind’s existence. According to the Koran mankind is God's caliph on the earth and mankind regardless of their sex and race are equal. This caliphate is not explicitly and solely allocated to men. Moreover, there has been no exclusive relationship between God and the male creatures which the female ones might have been deprived of; there is no religious ritual and rite specified to men only and women have been exempted from. Religiously speaking there has been always emphasis on the equality of men and women. Besides, in Persian mystic and Sufi texts, men have never been considered superior to women and there have even been Sufi women who along side male Sufis attained to the highest spiritual position in the tradition among whom Rabia_al-Adawiya was the most famous. Nevertheless, we often come across disapproving images of the character of women in Persian and Sufi literature. This might have been rooted in restrictions caused not by the religious instructions but mainly in the social beliefs and opinions of the time. The reflection of these social beliefs and notions in the works of Persian poets caused some misunderstandings and misjudgments about the poets themselves. This becomes worse when these reflections are pictured in various allegorical forms.  In the allegories of Rumi’s Mathnawi women are depicted in such a way that might result in some misunderstanding in the mind of the reader about the poet himself. In some of his allergies, which were influenced by the his contemporary beliefs and opinions regarding women, apparently men were often considered superior to women; in these allegories women are pictured as less intelligent than men and almost in level of children in this regard. Women are also pictured as an icon of greed, gluttony, animality, and other vile characteristics while men are regarded as the symbol of wisdom and spirituality. However, Rumi’s own conception of women is different from what we see in his allegorical poems. In his allegories, Rumi has presented a realistic picture of women of his time which does not necessarily reflect the poet’s own opinions himself. For him women as wives and mothers have an important position in the society. In this essay the poet’s true conception of women will be examined.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Undoubtedly the 4th century i.e. samanian governance should be recognized as peak of Islamic and Iranian civilization. In this era of Iranian history den to providing cultural, social, political etc and different technologies and sciences finds considerable progress and so Persian literature and poem is impressed by this medium, one of the important issues considered in literature of this era is epics and writing epic poems.The most famous poet of this era is Roodaki although is poems in lyrical literature and also learning takes place, but a little thinking in his poems shows that he was quite awarded of sterile and epic issues and cold by complete skill reflects this problem in his poem, and also poems of Roodaki shows epic medium that had covered on society of those days.Roodaki often has used in lyrical descriptions from element of epics, and thus has given special horror to his poems. In this article, epic appearances in Roodaki poem has been divided and defined under five general titles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Non-serious literature is based upon jest, lampoon, satire, humor, parody, disturber, joke, pleasantry, mockery, jeer, wit, epigram, dirty joke, teasing, caricature, mockery, and alike -- most of which are subdivisions of jest, lampoon, and satire.During Iran’s different political, social, and literary changes, non-serious literature has constantly witnessed waxes and wanes, which reflect changes in governments and people’s moods and living conditions, as well as natural and historical incidents.In fact, one of the main reasons for spread of such literature can be sought in public’s social divergence and moral diversions. In other words, as the Farsi saying goes, “What pours out of a container is but what it contains”.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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We can find various common characteristics between poems of Molana Jalaleddin and today Iranian poem which has been hidden for critics and poets and there has not been any opportunity for surveying them for literature society. One of the hidden new- thinking characteristics and new- speeching of is contemporary poems with some poems of past poets specially with poems of Molana, paying attention to this field not only helps to more recognition of poem, but also causes happiness and fresh living of reader spirit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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No doubt familiarity with the scientific and the literary figures of Iran and the world is necessary for the students and especially for the young researchers. Dr. Qassem Qani (1892-1952) the contemporary Iranian physician, scholar, politician, and renowned translator is one of those people though made great services to Persian language and literature is not known respectfully to the young generation. The writer of this article attempts to consider the general phases of the life of this great figure and through a brief review of them introduce some aspects of this personality to the admirers and present some pages of his golden record.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the most attractive literature decorations is toojhol- Mahhal this new and beautiful decoration appeared by speeches of great thinkers and poets such as Bayazid Bastami and Hossein- ebne- Mansour Hallaj and then was fixed in poems of Senaei Ghaznavi, Attar Neishabourl and Hafez, then its range included poems in style of Indian- Esfahan.For this literature decoration we can state some branches like shatah, opposition of habit, unity of opponents (vefagh- al- zeddin) which has been remembered in logics knowledge with names comparing generation (khias- khalad) and opposition- appearing. In literature critic books and our new days, its place is empty although our contemporary literature also has a half- look on it.In this article we will survey this long- standing decoration of Persian literature.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Joke and joke speeching is one of special methods for stating society critical issues thus a Joky conserves human values and by state tool defends decrease of instinctual in his day, Joke recognizes human tours more than anything, and also the persons with Joke problems.Factors of making Jokes beside to laugh i.e. its base including special language that's different in respect to types of Joke, proverbs, idioms terms and expressions, using types of state and intellectual and talk decorations like blame like appraise, similarities, expressions, authorized, describing, proverbs, accent and folk uses and setting aside two unsuitable things causes laughing, also goal of Joke is using suitable combinations with position and adaptive with time for respecting people personality who have not been played during many years in field of politics etc.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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