Dalael Al E’jaj Fi Elm Al-Maani by is Jorjani, the master of rhetoric. Apparently, this book is expected to discuss issues related to semantics, but it does not. Yet one can trace kenning, simile, metaphor, allegory and tropes in this book, like Abd Al-Qaher’s other book, Asrar Al-Balagheh Fi Elm Al-Bayan, in which semantic issues such as, inversion, hypo zeugma, ellipsis, asyndeton, polysyndeton, apostrophe, brevity, and periphrasis have also been presented.Or in Albadi’ by Ibn Mohayez, for example, not only rhetoric issues but metaphor and apostrophe have also been considered. Why is it so? The reason is that classifying rhetoric sciences into meaning, figurative language, and rhetoric, was first done by Sakaki (d.626 A.H.) and Badr Al-Din Ibn Malik in Almesbah.Here it has been said that the concepts of meaning, figurative language, and rhetoric are not the ones used by the predecessors not those used today. Or trope, for instance, in Abu Obeideh Ma’mar Ibn Motanna’s (d. 210 or 211 A. H.) Majaz Al Qoran is not the same trope employed in Qasim Al Haqiqah, but for him it means interpretation.