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Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermü ller) is an important polypahgous pest of sugar beet fields in many regions of world including Iran. Biorational pesticides are good and safe alternatives to the chemical insecticides which are compatible with goals of IPM programs. In this study, efficacy of three biorational pesticides, Azadirachtin (NeemAzal® ), Bt (Bactospeine® ) and Bt (Biolep® ), and a conventional chemical insecticide, deltamethrin (Decis® EC), was studied on pest population and damages as well as carabid beetle population as its important predators in sugar beet field during two agricultural seasons (2015 and 2016). Sampling of the pest egg batches, larvae and the carabid beetles was carried out at 1 day before treatment (DBT) and 1, 3, 7 and 10 days after treatment (DAT). Finally, total yield and sugar content of sugar beet in the different treatments were evaluated for the two agricultural seasons. Results showed that NeemAzal was a significant oviposition deterrent for female moths of A. segetum. During both agricultural seasons, the highest and lowest larvicidal effects were observed in Decis and Bt (EC) treatments, respectively. Ten DAT, 40, 60, 13 and 73% reductions of pest population larvae were observed were observed in NeemAzal, Bt (WP), Bt (EC) and Decis treatments, respectively. Sugar beet yield in all treatments was significantly higher than control. Total yields in NeemAzal, Bt (WP), BT (EC) and Decis treatments were 17. 5, 25. 6, 12. 9 and 43. 7% more than control in 2015 and 8. 7, 19. 7, 4. 8 and 37. 1% respectively in 2016. But sugar content in the different treatments was not significantly different. Totally, the most adverse effects on carabid beetles were recorded in Decis® treatment.

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Fusarium crown and root rot of cucumber caused by Fusarium oxysporum is one of the most important diseases in cucumber. Although various methods have been recommended to manage this disease, biological control is considered as an environmentally friendly method. In the present study, antagonistic effects of six Pseudomonas and Bacillus genera strains were investigated against F. oxysporum, where in vitro and in vivo assays were performed under drought stress. All of the strains were capable to inhibit the growth of F. oxysporum. The results of drought stress also indicated that the bacterial strains were able to tolerate different levels of drought stress. In general, Pseudomonas fluorescens VUPF5 caused the best inhibitory effect in all of the assays in vitro and under greenhouse conditions.

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During a survey in 2016, Convolvulus glomeratus showing symptoms resembling those caused by phytoplasmas were observed in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan province, Iran. These plants were examined for phytoplasma presence by nested-PCR assays using universal primer pair P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. All the infected plants indicated positive results using universal primer pairs of P1/P7 followed by R16F2n/R16R2. Results of phylogenetic and virtual RFLP analyses of the 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the phytoplasma associated with Convolvulus glomeratus witches' broom (CgWB) was a strain of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium'. The phytoplasma was successfully transmitted to healthy plants by leafhopper, Orosius albicinctus (Distant) which account as a vector of this phytoplasma. This is the first report on the presence of ‘ Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ (phytoplasma group 16SrIX-J) in C. glomeratus and its insect vector in Iran.

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Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) is one of the promising microbial control agents for the management of Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L. ) Death rate, lethal time and survival expectancy were calculated for an infected population of O. surinamensis at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ° C. Results showed that the mean death rate under above mentioned temperatures was 0. 89, 1. 15, 1. 40, 1. 21, and 1. 11 larvae/day, respectively. The values were 0. 99, 1. 38, 1. 47, 1. 18 and 1. 16 insects/day for adults respectively. LT50s, at the same temperatures, were 7. 11, 7. 04, 4. 82, 6. 07 and 6. 89 days for larvae and 7. 03, 6. 31, 4. 83, 5. 58, and 6. 55 for adults, respectively. Survival curves for both larval and adult populations were more similar at 25, 30 and 35 ° C compared to 15 and 20 ° C. The survival rates in infected populations were low during 3rd and 4th days post inoculation and decreased with a sharp slope toward the end of the experiments under different temperatures. In every case, survival curves were of the 2nd type in which the mortality decreases in a steady linear form.

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Microcerotermes diversus Silvestri (Isoptera: Termitidae) is an extremely destructive structural wood pest in Khuzestan province, Iran. One of the effective methods for subterranean termites control is the use of baiting systems that have recently evolved as an environmentally safe tactic to protect structures. In this research, several factors for the preparation of bait were evaluated involving the bait composition. In the no-choice test of bait composition, termites had the highest levels of feeding on bagasse + molasses + yeast, bagasse + molasses, bagasse + yeast, and bagasse, respectively. In the further experiment, termites had the highest levels of feeding on bait containing bagasse + molasses + yeast compared to control. Termites showed the highest levels of feeding on the bait in the stems of the cane, raw bait, cooked bait and pill-shaped bait, respectively. In the field phase, significant differences were not observed among the treatments but termites had the highest levels of feeding on the bait in the stems of the cane, pill-shaped bait, cooked bait and raw bait, respectively. Both field and laboratory conditions, indicate that the target termite has shown a greater tendency to baits in the cane. Findings of this study suggests that the design of the bait and its shape can also affect the bait’ s attraction and its acceptance by the termite. Therefore, in addition to the ingredients of the bait, its shape, size, softness and texture quality also affect the amount of bait consumption.

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Stem (black) rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici is the most devastating of wheat diseases. Historically, it caused severe crop loss in many parts of the world. The cheapest and most environmentally friendly management strategy is the use of resistant wheat cultivars. Hence, the knowledge of effective resistance genes and determination of resistant sources will enable breeders to target those useful genes/resistant sources in their breeding programs. In order to determine effective resistance genes, virulence pattern of wheat stem rust was studied under the field conditions by planting of differential sets. Moreover, slow rusting parameters including final rust severity (FRS), apparent infection rate (r), relative area under disease progress curve (rAUDPC), and coefficient of infection (CI) were evaluated in a set of twenty-five wheat genotypes. The survey was conducted in Ardabil Agricultural Research Station, Northwest Iran, during two crop seasons 2013-2014 and 2015-2016. Results showed that there was no virulence for differential sets carrying resistance genes Sr5, Sr13, Sr22, Sr24, Sr26 + Sr9G, Sr27, Sr32, Sr35 and Sr36. But, virulence was observed for differential sets having resistance genes; Sr25, Sr7a, Sr23, Sr28, Sr29, Sr30, Sr33, Sr34, Sr37, SrDP2, SrGT, SrWLD, SrH. The genes found effective against stem rust under natural conditions may be deployed singly or in combinations with durable resistance genes to develop high yielding resistant wheat cultivars. Based on the results of evaluations for slow rusting parameters, seven lines together with susceptible check that had the highest values of FRS, CI, r and rAUDPC, were selected as susceptible lines. Six lines showed moderate or moderately susceptible reaction (M, MR, MS). Accordingly, these lines with low values of parameters are supposed to have gene (s) for varying degrees of slow rusting resistance. The remaining lines may have low level of slow rusting resistance that need further study to elucidate their nature of resistance.

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The present study deals with the fauna of the genera Laphria Meigen, 1803 and Pogonosoma Rondani, 1856 in Iran. Specimens were collected, using Malaise traps, from Guilan and Mazandaran provinces during 2010-2012. Overall, four species were identified, of which the two species, Laphria caspica Hermann, 1906 and Pogonosoma unicolor Loew, 1873 are newly recorded from Iran. The diagnostic characters and supplementary photographs of the newly recorded species are provided.

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The early and late blight are important diseases of peanut. The reactions of eleven peanut genotypes Arachis hypogea L. and one local cultivar (cv. Goli) to Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) diseases were evaluated under CLS high incidence field conditions during 2016. The field experiment was conducted in Lasht-e Nesha Agricultural Research Station (north-east of Rasht) in 2016 using randomized complete block design with four replications. The results indicated a possible differential reaction to infection by the fungi Passalora arachidicola and P. personata among genotypes of peanut. There was a significant variability among peanut genotypes to CLS diseases (P ≤ 0. 01). The differences between susceptible and resistant genotypes were identified by the number and size of spots produced per leaf (leaflets), leaf defoliation, and leaf spot severity percentage. Mean comparisons revealed that Cercospora leaf spot incidence in terms of the number of spots per leaf were greater in the Pn202 (85. 1) and Pn220 (75. 8) by a factor of about 5-to 8-fold relative to the Pn213 (9. 2), Pn170 (10. 9), Pn140 (11. 6), and Pn204 (15. 2) genotypes. When the severity of Cercospora leaf spot disease was considered, this difference was 3-5-fold. The defoliation and severity of CLS percentage on genotypes of peanut were ranged 4. 7-60. 9% and 11. 3-52. 5%, respectively. Accordingly, the defoliation and severity of CLS were observed as high as 60. 88% and 52. 49% on Pn202 peanut genotype, respectively. Our results revealed that with increasing CLS severity from 11. 3 to 52. 5% (41. 2%), defoliation increased from 4. 7 to 60. 9% (56. 2%) while the pod yield decreased from 3809. 4 to 1217. 6 kg/h (2591. 8 kg/h). In total, three genotypes (Pn170, Pn140, and Pn213) were moderately resistant, while genotypes Pn220 and Pn202 were susceptible to CLS diseases. The resistant genotypes indicated favorable agronomic characteristics and had a potential to be released as commercial cultivars or to be used as parents in peanut breeding programs.

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The effects of salicylic acid (SA) nano-formulation on expression of peroxidase (113-114) genes and peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) were investigated in wheat cultivar (Bezostaya) susceptible to Heterodera filipjevi. The wheat roots and leaves were randomly divided into control group and groups exposed to 62. 5, 125 and 250μ g/ml SA. A spectrophotometric analysis was carried out using root extracts from infected plants at 4, 7 and 11days post inoculation with nematode (DAI) for peroxidase and PAL. The expression of peroxidase (113-114) genes was evaluated by Real time PCR analysis. Peroxidase activity was significantly increased in treatments exposed to 250μ g/ml of nanosalicylic acid at 11 DAI. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity was induced in the treatments exposed to 250 and 125μ g/ml nanosalicylic acid compared to the control at 4 and 7 DAI, respectively. Phenylalanine ammonia lyase activity was also increased in the treatments exposed to 62. 5 and 250μ g/ml of nanosalicylic acid compared to the control at 7 DAI. The expression level of peroxidase 113-114 in wheat leaves was significantly raised at 4 DAI when 62. 5μ g/ml of nanosalicylic acid was used. There was also a significant difference between expression levels of peroxidase 113-114 genes at applications of 125 and 250μ g/ml of SA in comparison with the control at 4 and 7 DAI, a significant decrease was revealed in the gene expression in treatments exposed to 62. 5, 125 and 250μ g/ml of nanosalicylic acid compared to the control at 11 DAI. It was concluded that higher concentrations of nanosalicylic acid have a potential effect on peroxidase and PAL activities in wheat infected by H. filipjevi. High concentration of nanosalicylic acid has inhibitory effects on the expression level of peroxidase gene.

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The effects of four insecticides, abamectin (1500 and 750mgl-1), emamectin benzoate (1000 and 500mgl-1), acetamiprid (500 and 250mgl-1), and flubendiamide (500 and 250mgl-1), were studied on different preimaginal stages of T. brassicae and T. evanescens, the egg parasitoids of tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Parasitized eggs of the Angoumois grain moth Sitotroga cerealella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were treated by the dipping method at the larval, prepupal, and pupal stages of the parasitoid. For persistence evaluation, the insecticides were applied at the recommended concentration on tomato plants by a hand sprayer till runoff point. Plants were maintained under a transparent polyethylene rain cover in the field. Leaves of the treated tomato plants were sampled and transferred to the laboratory at time intervals of 3, 5, 16, and 31 days after application. Based on our study, abamectin was the most harmful insecticide for immature stages of both parasitoids T. brassicae and T. evanescence. Treatment by abamectin at the pupal stage had more adverse effects compared to prepupal or larval stages. Acetamiprid with 30. 5% and 31. 6% mortality in less than five days was classified as the short-lived insecticide for T. brassicae and T. evanescens, respectively. The same result was obtained in flubendiamide treatment which caused 27. 2% and 26. 1% mortality to the parasitoids, respectively. Abamectin with 16. 1% and 13. 8% mortality in less than 16 days was slightly persistent. However, emamectin benzoate with 13. 3% and 15. 5% mortality in less than 30 days was classified as moderately persistent for those two species, respectively. Therefore, flubendiamide and acetamiprid were non-harmful to both T. brassicae and T. evanescence wasps and are good candidates to be incorporated into IPM programs in combination with biological agents for the control of tomato leaf miner T. absoluta. By contrast, emamectin and abamectin should be used with greater care as a part of an IPM procedure.

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