Journal Article
فارسی Version
Changes in fetal growth restriction and retinopathy of prematurity during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
View 1
Positive and negative spontaneous self-talk and performance in gymnastics: The role of contextual, personal and situational factors
View 0
Public awareness, knowledge of availability, and willingness to use neurosurgical care services in Sub-Saharan Africa: A cross-sectional study
View 8
Assessment of prevalence of giardia lamblia infection and its associated factors among government elementary school children from sidama zone, snnpr, ethiopia
View 10
Staying active after rehab: physical activity perspectives with a spinal cord injury beyond functional gains
Authoritative parenting stimulates academic achievement, also partly via self-efficacy and intention towards getting good grades
View 11
Pre-existing helminth infection impairs the efficacy of adjuvanted influenza vaccination in mice
Psychological distress and burnout among healthcare worker during COVID-19 pandemic in India-A cross-sectional study
View 7
The effect of COVID-19 on public hospital revenues in Iran: An interrupted time-series analysis
Investigating men’s motivations to engage in genetic screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations
Exercise-induced increase in blood-based brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and metaanalysis of exercise intervention trials
Whole-genome sequencing revealed genetic diversity and selection of Guangxi indigenous chickens
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on BMI: Its changes in relation to sociodemographic and physical activity patterns based on a short period
Mobile applications in medical education: A systematic review and meta-analysis
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Potential factors influencing COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy: A systematic review
View 6
Gearing up to improve exclusive breastfeeding practices in South Africa
An application of the extended parallel process model to protective behaviors against COVID-19 in South Korea
Differentiation of self and its relationship with marital satisfaction, and parenting styles in a spanish sample of adolescents parents
Effects of COVID-19 on Japanese medical students’ knowledge and attitudes toward e-learning in relation to performance on achievement tests
The Shame Spiral of Addiction: Negative Self-Conscious Emotion and Substance Use
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Biting the bullet: When self-efficacy mediates the stressful effects of COVID-19 beliefs
Pentoxifylline-induced protein expression change in RAW 264. 7 cells as determined by immunoprecipitation-based high performance liquid chromatography
The relationship between fear of COVID-19, psychological well-being and life satisfaction in nursing students: A cross-sectional study