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Introduction: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a clinical syndrome, characterized by disturbing and intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses and repetitive behaviors. Aim: This study aimed to present a structural model for predicting the symptoms of obsessivecompulsive disorder based on religious adherence and commitment and to evaluate the mediating role of personality function. Method: This study was a descriptive correlational performed based on structural equation. The statistical population consisted of people referred to clinics in districts 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, and 12 of Tehran, Iran, during 2020-2021. A total of 378 volunteers were considered eligible for the study based on the inclusion criteria. The data collection tools included Hodgson and Rachman’, s Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Questionnaire (1977), Janbozorgi’, s Religious Faith Questionnaire (2009) and Personality Function Questionnaire by Janbozorgi & et al (2021). Data analysis was performed in SPSS-28 and LISREL-8. 5, using path analysis in AMOS-24, as well as structural equation modeling. Results: The Square of correlations (R2) for obsessive-compulsive disorder was 0. 53,therefore, the domains of religious adherence and personality function could explain 53% of variance in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Conclusion: Personality function mediated the relationship between lack of religious adherence or religious ambivalence and obsessive-compulsive disorder positively and mediated the relationship between religious adherence and obsessive-compulsive disorder in a significant and negative way. It is recommended that counseling centers pay attention to the clients' religious adherence and dysfunctional religious beliefs in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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AMANI AHMAD | Ghaitasi Jafar

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Introduction: Earthquake is one of the most important natural disasters that in addition to the destructive material effects, it also brings adverse psychological consequences for the victims,one of the most important of them is post-traumatic stress disorder. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the lived experiences of adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder caused by Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake. Method: The method of the present study was qualitative and with a descriptive phenomenological strategy. The statistical population of the study was adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder caused by Sarpol-e Zahab earthquake in 2021. The sample consisted of 15 earthquake-stricken adolescents aged 13-19 years old with post-traumatic stress disorder who were selected by purposive sampling. The research tool was in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The obtained data were also analyzed by Colaizzi method. Results: Participants’,citations were recorded, analyzed and coded by Colaizzi method, and finally 83 primary codes (semantic unit), 4 main themes (themes) and 25 sub-themes (categories) were obtained. The main themes included: sudden disruption of life, psychological problems, disorder in communication functions (social / family) and challenges related to spirituality. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that adolescent’, s victims of earthquakes experience various crises and problems in different aspects of life such as: mental health, family and social life and spirituality, which need attention, and professional and specialized support.

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Introduction: The outbreak of the corona virus showed that educational systems with traditional curricula could not survive, and a virtual curriculum is an undeniable necessity. Aim: This study designs a cognitive-social model of an online curriculum during the Covid-19 in children. Method: The method is qualitative in terms of implementation with thematic analysis and applied in terms of purpose. The population consisted of faculty members of universities in the academic year 2021 in Shiraz, which 19 people were selected by purposive sampling. The sample is selected by purposive sampling. The research tool is semi-structured interviews. The findings are validated through content validity, and reliability is 0. 84, given the inter-coder agreement coefficient. The thematic analysis method is used with open, axial, and selective coding for data analysis. Results: The results showed that there are 51 open codes, 15 axial codes (teacher's belief in online education, teachers 'professional-online competencies, diversity of virtual presentation methods, learners' differences, virtual evaluation, course separation, learning management, financial challenges, prerequisites, Learners' e-skills training, family attitudes, media support, online fear education, adaptation to global change and goals and content) and three selective codes (teacher-learner-organizer-organizer curriculum) for a cognitive-social model of curriculum. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the cognitive-social model of the curriculum based on online education is a basic necessity that attention to its three primary dimensions, namely teacher-learner and organizer, is inevitable. Therefore, it is suggested that the Ministry of Education pay more attention to strengthening and improving the quality of the Shad program.

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Introduction: Divorce is an ancient and social problem in society that the widespread consequences continue long after to this incident. Aim: The present aim this study was to examine the effectiveness of emotion regulation training on promoting mental health and rumination of divorce women. Method: This present research is a simi-experimental plan in which pretest-posttest with the control group has been used. The statistical population of this study is formed of divorced women under the auspices of Kohgiloyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Welfare Organization in 2021. For this purpose a total of 50 women were selected by purposive sampling method and randomly assigned in control and experimental groups. Instruments were Rumination Response Style (RRS) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The experimental group participated in emotion regulation training to 90–, minute 10 sessions during the two months. The data were analyzed by SPSS-22 and multivariate covariance. Results: The mean and standard deviation of age were 39. 4 and 8. 25, respectively. The results showed that after controlling the effects of covariate variables (pretest), effectiveness of emotion regulation training on promoting health and rumination components include somatic symptom of (F=17. 45, P>0. 01), anxity (F=25. 52, P>0. 01), social performance (F=26. 99, P>0. 01), depression (F=15. 47, P>0. 01), rumination response (F=75. 13, P>0. 01) and distraction respons (F=34. 42, P>0. 01) divorce womens were significant. Conclusion: On the basis of the finding of this study it can be conclouded that emotion regulation training could be an effective intervention in enhancing mental health and reducing rumination. Thus, it is suggested that such intervention be used in family counsling and mental health centers.

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Introduction: Despite the high prevalence of social anxiety disorder and the necessity of conducting etiological studies, the existing measures of social anxiety lack robust factor structure due to methodological flaws, leading to doubtful results. Aim: The present study is aimed to investigate the factor structure, reliability, and convergent validity of the Iranian version of the Social Phobia Inventory (I-SPIN). Method: This is a cross-sectional, psychometric study. Two large samples (N1=1210, N2=228) have been selected with the convenience sampling method from the student population of the three different universities in Zanjan city (i. e., University of Medical Sciences, Azad, and Payame Noor University) who were studying in those universities from February to July 2020. CAQ-GE, BAI, BDI-II, and IUS-12 were used in the present study. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted using Mplus-7. 4 and SPSS-26 was used to perform internal consistency and validity analyses. Results: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the two-factor model best fit the data. Besides, the results indicated that the I-SPIN has a positive and significant correlation with anxiety-related measures (p<0. 01) and acceptable internal consistency (α, =0. 92). Conclusion: Considering the excellent psychometric properties and a robust factor structure of the I-SPIN in an Iranian college student sample, using this measure would improve the accuracy of future studies and help us broaden our knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of this disorder.

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Introduction: The study of psychological variables and factors and their role on mental health and emotional maturity may affect the mental health of individuals and society. Aim: This study examines the relationship between coping styles and job stress with emotional maturity in student-athletes. Method: The method was descriptive-correlational. The population includes all student-athletes of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch in 2017-2018. Two hundred people were selected by the convenience sampling method. Subjects completed a questionnaire on coping styles, job stress, and emotional maturity. Data were analyzed using the Pearson correlation coefficient test and regression analysis using SPSS-19. Results: The results showed that there was a significant positive relationship between emotional maturity and problem-focused coping style (0. 31) and a significant positive relationship between emotional coping style (-0. 16) and job stress (-0. 37). The regression analysis results also showed that emotional maturity could positively predict problem-focused coping style and emotion-focused coping style, and job stress negatively in student-athletes (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results showed that coping styles and job stress may be explained well by emotional maturity in student-athletes for. Therefore, it is suggested for researchers and health officials to consider these psychological components.

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Introduction: People with cardiovascular problems have poor sleep quality and quality of life. These problems exacerbate the process of their disease. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment-based therapy on improving quality of life and sleep quality of cardiovascular patients. Method: This research has been executed in context of a clinical trial plan with pre-test, post-test and two-month and six-month follow up period. Among the patients with cardiovascular disease of Kermanshah city who had referred in hospitals of this city in year 2020-2021, 40 people were purposefully selected and were randomly assigned to experimental (n=20) and control (n=20) groups. Tools of this research included: Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) and The Short form health survey (SF-36). The experimental group received eight sessions of 90-minute acceptance and commitment therapy. SPSS-24 software and repeated measures analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. Results: The results of this research indicated that acceptance and commitment therapy leads to a significant improvement in sleep quality and quality of life in the experimental group (P<0. 01). The effect size for quality of life and quality of sleep were 0. 63 and 0. 62, respectively (P<0. 01). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that acceptance and commitment therapy leads to improved quality of life and quality of sleep in patients with cardiovascular problems. Based on these findings, this treatment can be used to improve sleep quality and quality of life problems that play an exacerbating role in the process of disease in patients with cardiovascular problems.

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Introduction: Depression is a significant, growing and prevalent issue, one of the chronic disorders and the leading cause of disability worldwide. Aim: The present study aimed to develop a psychological intervention protocol based on systemic theory in depressed individuals. Method: The research method was qualitative content analysis, and the statistical population included various data sources related to the present concepts and therapies in the field of systemic theory, such as Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct and …, , within 1998 to 2020. The extracted data from these sources were analyzed,an individual systemic psychotherapy protocol was developed based on the obtained results. Then, the content validity of the protocol was determined using the opinions of eight experts in the field of clinical psychology. Sampling in this study was purposeful. The research tool included the written evidence and documents searched in the aforementioned databases, and the data analysis method was Sterling’, s content analysis. Results: Therapeutic communication, questions, statements, guidelines, problem identification, problem sequence, types of constraints, and decision matrix, including planning frameworks at different levels, feedback, and feedforward, formed the primary themes of the individual systemic psychotherapy. The content of psychotherapy protocol sessions was adjusted based on the obtained components in 12 weekly sessions. Conclusion: The individual systemic psychotherapy protocol is a comprehensive psychological treatment that includes multiple factors affecting the individual’, s system and is valid and efficient. It is recommended to use this protocol for individuals with depression.

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Introduction: Several studies showed that anxiety affects cognitive components, mainly working memory function, and mindfulness also may be affected by this factor. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the association between anxiety and mindfulness while emphasizing the mediating role of attention control functions. Method: The correlational research method and the statistical population included all subjects referred to a counseling center and a painting school in Tabriz, a music school in Saqqez, and staff of Urmia University in 2021. Participants were selected using the convenience sampling method, yielding a total of 244 subjects. All subjects filled the State-Trait-Anxiety-Inventory (STAI) and Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Participants also responded to the tasks of Signal-Stop Task (2003) and N-Back Memory Test (1958). Data analysis was administered using SPSS-19 by descriptive and inferential statistics (i. e., Pearson and Sobel correlation tests). Results: The results showed a significant association between trait anxiety (r=0. 56, p<0. 001), state (r=-0. 50, p<0. 001), and update component (r=0. 22, p<0. 001) with mindfulness, but there was no significant association between inhibition component (r=-0. 001, p>0. 001) and mindfulness. Also, the indirect effect of trait anxiety and state on mindfulness through inhibition and updating components was not significant. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that trait-state anxiety has no significant association with mindfulness through attention control functions, and further studies using various tools are needed to investigate the effect of anxiety on cognitive functions.

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Introduction: Educational stress is a negative psychological condition,with its cognitive and emotional components, threatens students' health. Aim: This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the solution-focused brief therapy and mindfulness-based therapy to reduce educational stress in junior high school students. Method: Through the framework of a clinical trial plan with pre-test and post-test and quarterly post hoc test, this study was conducted. In a purposive sampling manner, sixty students,among the first year of junior high school male students in Tehran district 13thin the school year 2019-2020, were selected and then surveyed by Don, Hu and Zhou (2011) Adolescent Educational Stress Scale and were randomly divided into 3 groups of 20: control group, solution-focused treatment group and mindfulness treatment group. Then the intervention process was run on the experimental groups and after three months the follow-up test was rerun. The data were analyzed by using SPSS-26 and the covariance analysis and mixed-design analysis of variance tests. Results: This study brought light on the effectiveness of both treatments methods in reducing educational stress among students, but the mindfulness method (Eta2=0. 357) worked better rather the brief solution-focused intervention method(Eta2=0. 318) to reduce students' stress (P<0. 05). Conclusion: In regard to use mindfulness therapy primarily, therapists are highly recommended to use both the solution-focused brief intervention and mindfulness therapy to treat the adolescent students with educational stress.

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Introduction: Sexual health might prevent negative health consequences among children with autism spectrum disorders. Aim: The purpose of the present study was to design a questionnaire for health and sexual behavior of children on the autism spectrum (parent form) and to evaluate its validity and reliability. Method: Research method was descriptive, psychometrics type. The statistical population of the present study was all children with autism spectrum disorder in Tehran who were referred to autism education and rehabilitation centers in 2021-2022, of which 420 (114 girls and 306 boys) were selected by convenience sampling method. The research instrument included a researcher-made Questionnaire on the Health and Sexual Behavior of Children on the Autism Spectrum (parent form). The face and content validity of the scale was obtained using the Content Validity Ratio (CVR), the construct validity of it through exploratory factor analysis, to ensure the reliability of the instrument, Crowbach's alpha coefficient and SPSS-26 were used. Results: The results of exploratory factor analysis using independent varimax rotation presented five independent factors of body awareness (self-care), shame (sexual social function), sexual knowledge and health, sexual function and sexual abuse, which together explained 99. 56% of the total variance of the variables. Cronbach's alpha coefficient in the reliability of the five factors of the questionnaire was 0. 87, 0. 90, 0. 85, 0. 80, 0. 84 and 0. 92 for the whole questionnaire, respectively. Conclusion: Due to the desirable behavioral characteristics of the Autism Spectrum Health and Sexual Behavior Questionnaire, this tool can be used for research and clinical applications.

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Introduction: Spousal breach of promise is a factor that undermines the hope and mental health of many women. Aim: This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of emotion-based therapy based on attachment injury and spirituality-based schema therapy on hopelessness and mental health of women affected by the spousal breach of promise. Method: The present research was a quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest control group design. The statistical population included women affected by the spousal breach of promise in the city of Bandar Abbas in the spring of 2021, and the sample group consisted of 48 people of these women who were purposefully selected and then randomly assigned into two experimental groups and one control group (16 people in each group). The Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) were used to collect data. The emotion-based therapy based on attachment injury and the spirituality-based schema therapy was performed in 10 sessions of 90 minutes each. Data were analyzed using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and SPSS-26. Results: The results showed that after controlling the pretest, the effectiveness of treatment in reducing hopelessness (F=4. 49, P=0. 017) and increasing mental health (F=5. 94, P=0. 005) was significant. The comparison of groups showed that emotion-based therapy based on attachment injury effectively reduced hopelessness (P=0. 014) and spirituality-based schema therapy effectively increased mental health (P=0. 004). Conclusion: The effectiveness of emotion-based therapy based on therapeutic attachment injury in reducing hopelessness and the effectiveness of spirituality-based schema therapy on mental health was confirmed in the present study. It is suggested that these two therapies be used to help women affected by the spousal breach of promise.

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