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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the most important questions in the context of historical sociology is the problem of orientalistic perspective on the other and Iran. In this article, we have approached the issue of Iran ology as a historical sociology Problematique. In other ways, Iranian studies has a long history and it would not be wrong to assume that Iran ology, as a discipline, was born with the coming of travelers who came to learn about the culture, habits, life styles and languages of Iranian people. By the establishment of the Safavid Dynasty, Europeans became more interested in Iran and many of them visited Iran and left numerous reports and travelogues for us. Which are great sources for scholars and researchers today. After the primary phase of what could be termed as Amateur Iranology, the field of Iranian Studies was established as an academic discipline at the departments of Oriental Studies and Iranology at various universities in and centers of advanced research Europe, America and various countries in Asia or beyond. Then we have tried to define Iranology and Iranologist by categorizing three different types of Iranologists, i.e. White Iranologists, Grey Iranologists, Black Iranologists. After delineating these different types of scholarships, we have focused on the discourse represented by Robert C. Zanier who Played a significant role in the modern history of Iran in general and in the Coup against the government of Dr Mosaddegh, in particular during the early reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi who did not favor his stubborn prime minister at all.

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Social capital is a concept that over the past 20 years has become a renewed interest. This article presents evidence that components of social capital can play a prospective role in preventing crime in Youth. The effectiveness of social capital in preventing crime is assessed using data from surveys of 196 youth in central prison of sanandaj city. The data from the two-dimensional and Pearson correlation coefficient was used. The findings show that the relationship between social capital and Youth crime is significant. Also the results showed Youth crime rates lower with more social capital and vice versa. Therefore planning to increase social capital can be reduced amount of delinquency and crime.

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تنکابنی حمید

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نیاز تاریخی کشور به تاسیس قانون و رویه و باور به قانون مداری و به تبع آن نیاز به تحولی نظام مند در نظام دیوان سالاری ناکارآمد، به ویژه در دوره ناصرالدین به سبب تاثیرپذیری نخبگان گیری و دولتی دوره قاجار از ارزش های جامعه غربی در این زمینه، مبدل به مطالبه ای جدی -هرچند نیمه پنهان- جامعه ایرانی گردید. برنامه های بنیادین اصلاح نظام اداری کشور و برقراری قانون و نظم در دوره صدارت میرزا تقی خان امیرکبیر در پاسخ به این مطالبه به علل و دلایل گوناگون سیاسی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی به ویژه ساخت قدرت خودکامه به انجام نرسید و با شهادت امیر معلق ماند. پس از چند سالی نوبت به صدارت میرزا حسین خان سپهسالار قزوینی رسید. براستی می توان وی را مبدع و آموزگار تاسیس قانون و قانون گذاری و پدید آوردن نهادهای مشورتی در نظام سیاسی- اداری و ساختار دولت و تدوین و اجرای برنامه های اصلاحی نظام مند جهت تحول در زیرساخت های نظام دیوان سالاری ایران دانست. قانون تنظیمات، تاسیس مجلس تنظیمات، مجلس مصلحت خانه، شورای دولت، مجلس وزراء تاسیس پست خانه جدید و برقراری رویه های نوین در نظام دیوان سالاری کشور نظیر شیوه نوین در آداب نامه نگاری رسمی، برقراری قرار اوقات در دستگاه دیوانی، تغییر در پوشش اداری کارکنان، تحول در نحوه دادن نشان های دولتی، لغو خلعت و ... از جمله مولفه های اصلی و تاثیرگذار در برنامه های سپهسالار به شمار می آید.

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These days in the light of interdisciplinary studies it has become possible to read and understand literary texts in a different way and enjoy twice as much. The current article re-reads some of the tales and the sayings of Persian literature with the use of this approach as well as the use of criminological theory of “broken window”. This theory says: If the abnormalities and petty crimes do not stop, Great masses will happen. The introduction of this article discusses the way that this theory and its content have been formed. Then, some literary examples, applicable to this approach like Saadi’s Boostan, have been discussed. People are usually warned from committing small crimes or low level wrong doings because of the fear of naturalization of these deeds as a result of repetition of these deeds. Repetition makes many affairs seem natural for human beings. From this point of view, we can see such hard warnings not only in the social and educational texts but also in the mystical and religious texts. This article is written by the use of documentary and qualitative method. First, the broken window theory is presented. Then, for Sample statistics, some persian literature didactive texts such as Saadi's Gulistan and Bostan are selected for analysis.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of determining psychologists and sociologists’ mentality of social trust. Based on the purpose, the research method is applied, regarding the nature it is exploratory, and with regard to data collection it is a descriptive survey. Using the Q-methodology (quantitative-qualitative) the sample’s different patterns of mind about social trust were studied. The sample for the qualitative and quantitative part included 12 psychologists and sociologists selected through the snowball sampling that were interviewed purposefully and received the Q cards. The data was collected through the Q-methodology-based interviews and yielded 77 final propositions or items. The propositions were then prioritized by the participants in the next stage. In the end, the findings and the Q factor analysis indicated that there are five different mentalities of the components of social trust, and in each mentality or pattern propositions related to the cognitive leap of trust (faith) are identified. Moreover, the dominant pattern among the indentified mental patterns is the security-oriented mentality (i.e. trust to prevent the exploitation of weaknesses, trust to have a sense of security, etc.).

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This paper focuses on the comparative method to study social features, meaningful action that collective subject, Social themes repetitive, identifying class status and its reflection on the plot and characters in the novel author, relationship and dialogue between the structure of the novel by literary scholar and social structure. Has experienced a scholar of life from two different class, but always with educated, intellectuals and scholars of science and literature have been settled, those experiences have affected class in the works and characters of his stories. Daneshvar 's novels characters, are both social class, "the nobility and the poor". The findings show that most of the people he has chosen characters in his stories their environment In his later novels, female characters chosen from among the students and the academics. Sowva-Shoon's novel the rise of the author to run for the realism circuit. Danshvr the starting point of Ali's idea of individualism to community-oriented, From submission to revolt against his life, the woman emotional and rational, and active and passive woman to the point of thinking to the realm of popular social viewpoint. As a result of has a significant influence social change and revolution to factors such as internal and external communication and correspondence literary structure and social structure in the creation and evolution of the characters in the story.

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