Shari'ati unlike traditionalists never claimed traditionality and traditional rationality predominate modern world, modernity and new rationality or like many modernists was not going to show modernity and modern rational dominate tradition. He tries to introduce a third way by critisizing modernity and traditionality at the same time. This huge effort of Him that is making dialog and dialectic between traditional rationality and modern rationality is the most noble description of Shari'ati. This dialectic standpoint of Shari'ati is exactly where the main challenging point of him and his criticizers occurs and at the same time it is the place where nobility and importance of Shari'ati arises. Quantitative content analysis of Shariati's work confirm the relation of it with non-theological non-secular thought. This essay shows that major specificity of Shariati's thoughts is non-secular and non-theological which can be seen in all parts of his work. Viewpoints of researchers of Shariati's work also affirm this relation. But in some of Shariati's work some aspects of theological thought could be seen. Self-conscious can be considered as focal concept in Shariati's thoughts. The self-conscious which Shariati is considering is kind of non-theological and non-secular self-conscious. Which in definition of most of the concepts in Shariati's thought like the definition of human, religion, return to oneself, intellectual and etc are concealed