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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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مقاله حاضر ضمن تحلیل اندیشه های شریعتی و جستجوی امکانات تفکر وی در گذر از تفکر تئولوژیک و سرنسپردن به سکولاریسم، بر عناصر و وجوهی از تفکر معنوی در آرای شریعتی، تأکید می کند. شریعتی ضمن به رسمیت شناختن عالَم و زیست جهان مدرن، خواهان هویت بخشی به جامعه ی ایرانی/مسلمان بر اساس سنت تاریخی و فرهنگی خویش است. او تلاش می کند از طریق نقد توامان مدرنیته و سنت، راه سومی را بگشاید. همین تلاش سترگ او یعنی برقراری دیالوگ و دیالکتیکی میان عقلانیت سنتی و عقلانیت جدید، اصیل ترین وصف شریعتی است این مقاله نشان داده است که ویژگی اساسی اندیشه شریعتی، ارتباط آن با تفکر غیر تئولوژیک-غیر سکولار است. آرای پژوهندگان آثار شریعتی هم بر این ارتباط صحه می گذارد. پژوهش حاضر به نظام سازی ایده ی تفکرغیر تئولوژیک-غیر سکولار در آثار شریعتی می پردازد و نشان می دهد که خودآگاهی به عنوان مفهوم کانونی مستتر در اندیشه ی شریعتی، یک نوع خوآگاهی غیر تئولوژیک-غیر سکولار می باشد که در تعریف اکثر مفاهیم موجود در اندیشه اش از قبیل تعریف انسان، مذهب، بازگشت به خویشتن، روشنفکر و. . . مستتر می باشد.

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The present study is conducted with the Purpose of the Phenomenological Study, An analysis of the state of the humanities in the third generation of the Iranian academic system. The method of qualitative research was of exploratory type, with a phenomenological approach. The research community consisted of faculty members and thematic experts in the field of humanities. Sampling method was Convergent Purposeful, which has been saturated theoretically according to the criteria for entering the research with 10 people. The method of gathering data was semi-structured interviews. What kinds of challanges the Humanities encounter in the Iranian Academic System has been addressed in this project. As the validity of the gathered information was confirmed from the evaluation criteria of Lincoln and Guba (1985) and Denzin (1978) and Patton (1999). Data analysis was performed with inductive method using a seven-step Colaizzi (1978). The results showed 8 of the requirements of entrepreneurship humanities include Knowledge creation in education, redefining identity and modify social illustration, skills in education, institutionalization of high university culture, metadisciplinary creation, recognition of identity disciplines and opportunities, development Dialogue as entrepreneurship, institutionalization of high culture is the entrepreneurship of the humanities as value creation. Also, the humanities in the Iranian academic system are characterized by challenges Content (Passive content, Paradigm differences), Structural (independence of the humanities at politics, institutional support), Agency (educational strategies, bad teacher) and Contextual (Academic culture, Biological and Technical Sciences Blackmail).

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Different studies support the idea that intelligence has an impact on political orientations and behaviors of individuals and groups. The study of the relationship between cultural and emotional intelligences-as mental and behavioral abilities-and the tendency of individuals to democratic values can be seen in this line of studies. This study was administered in Orumieh which is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities of iran. A survey was created and administered to 600 citizens of this city. Using multistage cluster sampling of 5 districts in Orumieh, 600 citizens were selected and the study was performed among them. Obtained data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multivariate regression. results show the existence of a significant relationship between cultural and emotional ntelligences and the tendency to democratic values among Orumieh citizens. While the relationship is different for two independent variables and emotional intelligence has more powerfull positive relation with tendency to democratic values

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This study investigated the relationship between mindfulness, social maturity and coping styles among senior undergraduate students. This study used a non-experimental, descriptive and correlation study population is female graduate students formed the University science and Research. The sample of 120 students who were selected for sampling research questionnaires to collect raw data below was completed. Mindfulness questionnaire Kentucky (KIMS)(2004), Raw questionnaire(RSMS)(1986) and coping styles questionnaire Bylngzv mouse(CRI)(1981) Research raw data using SPSS statistical software and descriptive statistical analysis and research hypotheses were tested using multiple regression statistics. The finding of this study indicate that there is an inverse relationship between coping style and meaning in darmian mindfulness and cognitive, emotional and social maturity and protective lack of a significant relationship between problem-solving and coping with stress physical stress.

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The present study aims to study student discourse and its relationship with the system of values governing the community emphasizing the study of the value system governing high school students and their teachers in the city of Bukan. Two groups of statistical sample of students and teachers were considered in terms of material and Supermaterial values, collectivism and individualism, religious and traditional, education and science and family. By asking questionnaires in two general categories of modern values and traditional values and reviewing the averages, the ruling discourse (modern) was divided into two groups. The average of modern discourse is more than the traditional one. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Before the implementation of the questionnaire, the validity of the questionnaires was calculated for 30 students and 30 of the teachers by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. This study was conducted as a survey among 360 high school students in the city of Bokan and 184 teachers of the same students. The results of the study show that there is no significant difference between the two groups of students and their teachers in material values, while between the two groups, in the values of transhumance, collectivism and individualism, religious and traditional, values related to education There is a significant difference between science and the family; In this sense, the importance of science, the tendency toward individualism and equal rights in the family, the escape of religious and traditional values are stronger among students. In the area of traditional and modern discourse, there is also a significant difference between the two groups. The results of the research in both domains of discourse show the discontinuity. Independent t-test was used to compare the value system between the two groups of teachers and students.

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Yazdanpanah Shahabadi Mohammad Reza | SAJADZADEH HASAN

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One of the most important challenges in regeneration of historical Zone of Tehran is the persistent decline of the resident and the reduction of life standards. So far, in urban development plans, increasing the objective dimensions of residents' quality of life is the most regular strategy in order to encourage them to remain in this zone. However, in the present study, a significant relationship between subjective dimensions of resident’ s quality of life and their social capital is observed. This relation is examined by using structural equation modeling. For examination this relationship 389 questionnaires were distributed among residents. As a result, it seems besides of paying attention to the objective dimensions of urban quality of life, the promotion of indicators such as trust, participation, neighborhoods bonding and social networks can play an effective role in improving the quality of urban life. It has led to increased willingness of residents to remain in this zone.

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Shari'ati unlike traditionalists never claimed traditionality and traditional rationality predominate modern world, modernity and new rationality or like many modernists was not going to show modernity and modern rational dominate tradition. He tries to introduce a third way by critisizing modernity and traditionality at the same time. This huge effort of Him that is making dialog and dialectic between traditional rationality and modern rationality is the most noble description of Shari'ati. This dialectic standpoint of Shari'ati is exactly where the main challenging point of him and his criticizers occurs and at the same time it is the place where nobility and importance of Shari'ati arises. Quantitative content analysis of Shariati's work confirm the relation of it with non-theological non-secular thought. This essay shows that major specificity of Shariati's thoughts is non-secular and non-theological which can be seen in all parts of his work. Viewpoints of researchers of Shariati's work also affirm this relation. But in some of Shariati's work some aspects of theological thought could be seen. Self-conscious can be considered as focal concept in Shariati's thoughts. The self-conscious which Shariati is considering is kind of non-theological and non-secular self-conscious. Which in definition of most of the concepts in Shariati's thought like the definition of human, religion, return to oneself, intellectual and etc are concealed

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