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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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In the contemporary world tourism sector has a great importance for social and economic development. Country Iran despite having diverse and great potential in terms of natural and human-cultural attractions has not been able to achieve a significant position in the tourism industry. In these circumstances, "literary tourism" - considered as one of the subsets of cultural and heritage tourism that compared with other forms of tourism has a comparative advantage for the country. This research using a qualitative content analysis, through the compilation of existing discourse about "literary tourism" in Iran, deals with the investigation, representation and analysis and deduction of discourse. Any text and writing which directly or indirectly concerned with the subject of literary tourism in Iran, As was collected as a data source, Such as articles, speeches, interviews texts published in the media, scientific and news reports, notes and personal writings and so on. According to research findings, propositions raised in literary tourism discourse in Iran could be classified in four general themes, including: The concept and definition of literary tourism; issues, problems, and obstacles of literary tourism development; development and promotion strategies of literary tourism; Functions and implications of literary tourism. The results of this investigation have important implications for all stakeholders involved in literary tourism management and development in in Iran.

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Considerable research has been done on the subject of lifestyle in recent years, but they experience poor conceptualization, confusing concept of lifestyle with close concepts and less attention to the consistency of levels of analysis. This article aims refining the conceptual space of lifestyle and providing a precise conceptualization of cultural lifestyle. For this purpose, using documentary method and conceptual analysis techniques, the conceptual space and the relationship between culture, subculture, consumption and lifestyle are examined and then analyzing common aspects of definitions, a clearer definition of lifestyle and cultural lifestyle has been provided. The findings suggest that lifestyle means patterns of daily activities deal with cultural, social and material consumption and production and is correlated and overlaps partially or totally with concepts such as culture, subculture and consumption. Lifestyle is divided in three categories of cultural, social and economic segregation. While the social lifestyle is concerned with social production and consumption, the economic lifestyle is including material consumption and production and cultural lifestyle means pattern of everyday actions aimed at production and consumption of symbolic content.

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Accordingly, in the present study, it has been tried that using the Schwartz theory of basic human values, the effects of cultural values can be investigated on citizens ‘orientations towards right/left thoughts in economic domains and also Conservatism/Liberalism in political and social domains among citizens of Isfahan City. The results of the study indicated that individuals who have fewer and weaker transcendental values mostly move towards tendencies of free market in economic domains. In addition, findings indicate that the avoidance of expansive changes, control of threats, and efforts for coping with one’s own anxieties obviously cause the tendency towards conservative parties, but, when individuals’ anxiety about lives and fortunes of other humans, or even the environment increase, this issue causes that citizens tend towards more democratic parties. Finally, findings of the research indicate that cultural values can explain variations of right/left economic attitudes more than more than twice as demographic variables. In addition, these values can explain variations of sociocultural conservatism/liberalism about four times higher than the demographic variables.

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This article discusses the types of sanction of business ethics in the market. The theoretical approach of this research is mainly derived from Weber and Durkheim's sociological theories. Data were collected through semi-open interviews with 30 merchants (from three generations) in the Babol market in 1394. The findings of this study indicated that all interviewed three generations consider the two types of “religious sanction” and “non- religious sanction” as a sanction of business ethics. But the importance of religious sanction reduced in the successive generations, while the importance of mental achievements as an internal guarantee increased. Most importance external guarantee is Material achievements.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Contemporary history of Iran has witnessed political underdevelopment as well as political development alongside with centralization and decentralization. Concerning the political underdevelopment of the Iranian society there exists two different approaches. The first approach focuses on external factors. It tries to explain political underdevelopment in the light of colonialism, imperialism, and conspiracy theory. The second approach regards internal problems essential, among which weakness and impotency of the political system is of special significance. There is no doubt that the Iranian revolution has created an outstanding model for political development. The aim of the present article is to compare distribution of power and political development during the two eras of the constitutional revolution and the first decade after the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research method is comparative and historical.A study of some of the criteria and indicia of political development in the mentioned periods shows that the first decade after the Islamic revolution rates higher as compared to the era of the constitutional revolution.

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Parents have effective role in children upbringing. So study of parent’s authoritarian personality and transfer it to child could be serious. This paper tries to show relationship of authoritarian personality and social capital and other variables (such as, age, education…).In these study, we focused on primary school parents in Shiraz. Adorno’s F- scale was main scale for measuring parent’s authoritarian personality and we distribute our questionnaire among 400 parents. Statistics analyses show relation between two main variables (authoritarian personality and social capital) are significant. In addition, some variable such as age, education and number of children had significant relation with authoritarian personality. Finally our conclusion shows that on primary school parents in Shiraz have high rate of authoritarian personality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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