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With the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the emergence of a new system in the international arena, theorizing about Islamic government in the jurisprudential – political thoughts of Shiites became an important issue. (History) Of course, various groups inside and outside religion face many challenges and the origin of the legitimacy of the Islamic government is from these important challenges. (Problem) Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi is from the very few people that have investigated the issue of the origin of the legitimacy of the Islamic government. But, the roots of the formation of his thought about the legitimacy if government at the time of the Occultation of the Infallible Imam (Aj.) is not investigated using met atheoretical method so far; (Background) therefore; the main question of the present paper is that: what are the roots of the formation of the theory of legitimacy of Islamic government in the political thought of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi? (Question) It is assumed that the roots of the theory of the legitimacy of government in the thought of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi are influenced by four social-inside, social-outside, intellectual-inside and intellectual-outside factors. (Hypothesis) The present paper tries to explain the role of these four factors in his viewpoint; (Objective) to reach this goal, the met atheorizing theory of Ritzer (MU kind) is used. (Methodology) Proving this point that the theory of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi is independent from political wings is the most important achievement of this paper. (Findings)

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Different theorizers like Idealists and Realists have proposed theories on the nature of national interests. (History) But, ambiguity in the nature and position of national interests in the Constitution has caused the lack of explanation of an independent foreign policy in the Islamic-Iranian pattern of development and paradox in the movement of the country's diplomacy. (Problem) Nevertheless, the relationship between national interests and the Islamic-Iranian pattern of development is not met in the framework of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. (Background) What is the relationship between national interests and the Islamic-Iranian pattern of development from the perspective of the constitutional law? (Question) Verses of the Quran and narrations have clarified the nature of national interests regarding the fundamental values as well as the ideals and goals of the Islamic–Iranian pattern. (Hypothesis) The present article, with a realistic and at the same time idealistic approach, seeks to show the realities and ideals of international arena, human and society in pursuing and reaching national interests. (Objective) The present article seeks to achieve the mentioned goal by utilizing the method of analyzing legal content and making use of the Constitution and viewpoints of the Supreme Leader. (Methodology) Inevitability of driving national interests out of the Constitution and matching its nature with the Islamic-Iranian pattern of development are from the findings of the present paper. (Findings)

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With more than two decades passed from globalization, this phenomenon, by the help of communication technology, has been able to set the ground for the entrance of new identity-making sources. (History) Therefore, now the new generation of the Islamic Revolution is facing globalization and of course, the features and needs of this stage of life make the identity of the youth vulnerable to globalization. (Problem) In previous studies, an appropriate research has not been conducted on this issue (Background) and this question that "what are the opportunities and threats of identity of globalization for the young generation of the Islamic Revolution? " still needs to be answered. (Question) Paying attention to the different dimensions of globalization shows that threats are more than opportunities. (Hypothesis) The purpose of the present research is immunization of the third generation of the Islamic Revolution against the challenges of globalization.(Objective) By utilizing the approach of strategic management based on the SWOT model, the present paper has analyzed the opportunities and challenges of globalization and its effect on the young generation. (Methodology) The most important suggested strategies include: the necessity of strengthening the religious insight of the youth and getting familiar with western culture; internalizing religious values; introducing spiritual and ethical patterns; serious attention to the culture of media; adopting an appropriate approach; propagating religious values; proportionality between reactions and challenges.(Findings)

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Despite the fact that the role of the media in strengthening political phenomena is undeniable (History) but its impact on the internal structure of the Islamic Revolution is not clear enough (Problem) an issue which is not investigated so far on the basis of the theory of discourse.(Background) To remove this doubt, the following question must be answered: what is the impact of media (the independent variable) on the internal structure of the Islamic revolution (the dependent variable) ? (Question) Media that is one of the tools of the hegemony of political systems can prevent the instability of discursive subtleties and emergence of the state of dislocation which lead to instability, lack of validity and finally decline of the discourse of Revolution by rebuilding and constant purification of the delicacies and periods of times of the semantic discourse of the Islamic Revolution and protecting their structure around the central axis and contributing to creating the state of sedimentation by applying the techniques of highlighting and marginalization.(Hypothesis) The authors seek to show that the stability of the internal structure of the Islamic revolution depends upon the continuity of the hegemonic position of its discursive system. (Objective) The present paper is theoretically based on the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and the theory of hegemony of Antonio Gramsci and all conclusions will all be in this framework to the end of the paper. (Methodology) Discovering the nature of the role of media in strengthening the internal structure of the Islamic Revolution can be regarded as the main finding of the present article.(Findings)

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From the beginning of Iran's nuclear challenge in the International Atomic Energy Agency (History) and in spite of Iran's frequent clarifications and confidence-buildings, ambiguity and actions of the U.S and its allies against Iran have increased. (Background) As a result, the present article, in order to clarify and remove this ambiguity, faces this question that: What are the roots of America's dispute over Iran's peaceful nuclear activities especially the consensus of Western governments against Iran.(Question) The authors in their attempt to answer this question have investigated America's concern about the nature of the Islamic Revolution (main assumption) and its concern over Iran's inclination towards producing atomic weapons (rival assumption). (Hypothesis) Proving each of these hypotheses determines how the foreign policy of Iran should act against the U.S and its Western allies. (Objective) By investigating the main and rival hypotheses from the perspective of the Stephan Walt's balance of threat theory and based on its main premises, i.e. understanding threat and balance of threat, the objective of this research can be achieved. (Methodology) The result is that the issue of West's concern over Iran's access to atomic weapons does not match the reality; rather it results from the nature of the Islamic Revolution.(Findings)

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After the Constitutional Revolution, many elites explained the role of people in government and society and in this regard thinkers like Imam Khomeini (R.A) and Sayyid Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr also theoretically justified and explained this role in the realm of the Islamic government. (History) However, the dimensions and aspects of the thoughts of these two contemporary Shiite scholars about the extent and quality of people' s role in the political destiny are not clearly explained. (Problem) This is an important issue that religious researchers and thinkers have not paid serious attention to. (Background) Therefore, the main question is: what is the role of the people in the Islamic government thought of Imam Khomeini and Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr? (Question) It seems that they have explained the role of the people in government from the perspective of the two deep-rooted political – intellectual schools of Qom and Najaf. (Hypothesis) Such a scientific possibility can guide us to the theoretical frameworks and goals of religious democracy in the political thought of Shiism. (Objective) The present paper, using comparative analysis, seeks to compare the political thoughts of these two great Shiite jurists from two different perspectives. (Methodology) The emphasis of the school of Qom on the concurrent accompaniment of jurists and people, and the insistence of the school of Najaf on people's role as God’s vicegerent, but under the supervision of a competent religious authority, are from the findings of the present paper. (Findings)

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The economic sanction of West against Iran has a historical background. Of course, it became more severe and harsh after the Islamic Revolution. (History) Lack of systematic comparison of the two great phenomena of economic sanction before and after the Islamic Revolution has caused the shortcomings and outstanding features of political and resistance economy to remain vague. (Problem) Nevertheless, some works have been separately written about each of them, but there is not a research to compare them together. (Background) Therefore, the present article seeks to answer this question that: By comparing political economy of the 1950s and resistance economy of the 2010s which of the two kinds of economies would be effective in economic sanctions of West? (Question) The government of Mosaddeq was more inclined to help from outside the country to pass economic sanctions, but the Islamic Republic of Iran tries to find a way out of sanctions by relying on internal capacities and economic strengths. (Hypothesis) The article aims at presenting the best method for the transition stage from economic sanction.(Objective) Reaching the elements and indices as well as the features of these two kinds of discourse and analyzing them by using a comparative method reveals their efficiency and inefficiency. (Methodology) The impact of religious and evolutionary teachings and presenting the political guidelines of religious leaders in efficiency of resistance against sanctions of the imperialist system and development of the country and failure of the enemy are from the findings of the present article. (Findings)

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