During the Safavid era, the Kurdish tribes and clans that play an important role in the political activities of the Safavid state, can be said that during the reign of Shah Abbas I increased their role. One of these tribes, was the Bradust Kurds whose residency placed in the northwesten Iran: Urumiyeh and Oshnaviyeh, However, before Shah Abbas I, the tribal territory of the Bradust Kurds was located in the Ottoman territory. The Bradust Kurds, during the rule of Shah Abbas I, reached the highest level of fame, since at that time, their governor, Amir Khan of Bradust was considered a favorite figure to Shah Abbas. Amir Khan Bradust was injured in one of the Safavid battles who, since then, was known as Amir Cholaq Bradust ‘ the lame Amir of Bradust’ . He declared an old and famous castle as his ruling residency, and after a while, he rebelled against the central state and start battling with the Safavid forces, Finally, he was suppressed with Shah Abbas’ order after a long period of time. This paper intends to investigate the reasons for the Bradust Kurds’ rebellion and the way of their suppression.