The smart grid utilizing will bring favorable efficiency in the distribution networks. Correct usage of this knowledge can be beneficial for both utilities and customers. In the conventional power systems, the distribution networks are intermediate between the transmission and generation and they consider as passive parts. By using smart grids and micro grids like wind turbines, fuel cells, CHPs and …, the distribution networks convert to active part of the power systems. This subject causes that many problems of the power system like power flow, stability, reliability, security and short circuit and … are impressed by these grids. In these situations, using the micro grids will certainly affect on the control systems, power control center and operation of the distribution networks. On the other hand, it is need to determining the generation time and value of the energy source and also time controlling of the home equipments for applying the load and energy management programs in point of client electrical cost reduction and their adhesions for cooperation in smart grid plans. In this paper, it is tried to evaluating these networks in different aspects as power quality, economic dispatch and protection control.