For the first time in Iran, the device automatically recorded the activity of chewing design, manufacturing and evaluated for identify eating, ruminating and chewing activity behavior. During this experiment two multiparous Holstein cows (early lactation) at individual place (4×3 m) were kept and they keep with the same ration and feeding chewing of activity in two forms eye witnesses (1, 5 and 10 minutes) and using the automatic device 4 consecutive days during the chewing activity recorded. No significant differences between two ways to eat, rumination, chewing, time of eating to food consumed, rumination time to feed intake, chewing time to feed intake and rumination time to eating time that demonstrate a function correctness and was acceptability the device automatically records chewing activity. Using the automatically recorded chewing, the number of chewing during rumination per second 1.16±0.077 (time), the number of chewing during eating every second 1.26±0.095 (time), every meal time rumination 62±6 (second), the displacement per serving rumination 566±64 (cm), the displacement eat in one minute 482±22 (cm), rest time between each meal rumination 5±0.44 (second) and the number of chewing during eating 72±12 (1 min), respectively, which the data is very valuable for researchers animal science. According to the obtained data this study by device automatically records chewing activity Can be concluded the major disorder due to eating is animals craving to eat, because animals during eating 1.26 times per minute your jaw moves as well as the movement of the jaw is 482 cm per minute, in the event that the time of animal rumination to move your jaw is slowly (1.16 times) and movement of the jaw is a greater range (566 cm), indicating the relaxed state and rest is the rumination time. Scientifically examined with experiment conducted device automatically records chewing activity and it was confirmed the accuracy of performance. It is hoped, in the future, animal nutritionists can use these devices in their scientific and research projects conveniently and easily and extract more acceptable results and to extract more acceptable results in order to discuss the scientific community with greater confidence. The results show used automated device recording chewing activity in addition to exactly measurement eating time, ruminating and chewing activity can evaluated another valuable information of chewing behavior dairy cow.