Social sciences concern with important realities such as man, community, human thought and social behaviors. Social sciences and humanities try to get social rules according to the type of attitude to human, community, relation between human and community and individual and social thought while extracting social rules from the mentioned cases which rely on the bases of metaphysics and religion which social sciences based on them. The Quran as a Divine Book provides glorious teachings about God, man, community, customs and the rules of social life which provides to form metaphysics and religious outlook means the divine weltanschauung (world view) for man which is the base and hypothesis of social sciences. In reality, with using the Quran teachings we can achieve anthropology and ontology means a general philosophical outlook to the world and human societies and God in relation to man. It is a coherent world view (weltanschauung) which is given to the social science researchers to apply in his reconstruction of social attitudes. For example the Quran with stating the correct meanings for human nature (fitrah), free will and freedom in man and its position in the universe, the fixed community legalities and unchangeable results of behaviors and human social activities and God's linear role in social happenings creates a new insight to form social science bases. In this note the way of using the Quranic teachings to reconstruct bases and hypothesis of social sciences such as sociology as a case study have been explored to show how the quiddity of sociology bases which are affected by the Quran teachings is and what results consist.