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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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An incomplete contract is an exchange in which some aspects of a transaction is unspecified. Contractual incompleteness decrease contract effectiveness. Buy-back contract has legal and contractual obligations witch incompleteness from some of these aspects is undesirable. This study analysis these obligations in time, cost and repayment in phases 2&3 of south pars gas field in development period. Result shows that buy-back contract for phases 2&3 of south pars gas field is incomplete. Because of high transaction cost, parties bounded rationality, uncertainty, complexity and project time and necessarily lead not to perfect implementation of commitment. In transaction cost economics any contract is inevitably incomplete. Some mechanisms designed for gap filling in incomplete contract. In buy-back contract this mechanism is designed in joint management committee. Distribution of power between parties is equal and contract cannot adapt contract performance with initial contract.

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The second step of subsidies targeting program which is coupled with energy price reform, has multiple effects on the economy. One of the major effects is the welfare and environmental changes in the country. This study intends to analyze the environmental and welfare effects of energy price reform using a general equilibrium model. There are two scenarios of income redistribution. First, redistribution of whole income among households equally and second, redistribution of income in accordance with the subsidies targeting law. In this model, Iran's economy consists of 26 section. Households are considered separately for urban and rural in income deciles. Production factors, includs skilled labor, unskilled labor and capital. Energy carriers include electricity, natural gas, LPG, petrol, kerosene, fuel oil, and gasoline. The first scenario, leads to about 16 percent welfare increase in urban households and 53 percent to rural household. The second scenario, provides welfare increase about 3 percent for urban households and 25 percent to rural household. Considering environmental effects it is found that energy price reform is effective in reducing emissions, in total.

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Enjoying the twelfth largest coal reserve in the world, only one percent of Iran’s energy consumption basket is supplied by coal. Now, Iran’s energy economy is under the influence of natural oil and gas resources, causing other more profitable energy resources to be neglected. The Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) technology is a procedure to transform the underground coal into gas, resulting in improving the recovery of coal layers with different thicknesses and depths. This technology may be considered as a strategy to feed the domestic gas network with the synthetic gas of UCG. Therefore, Iran’s gas export capacity will be improved, helping domestic and foreign economy of energy. Implementing and using the UCG technology in Iran will help us take a leap toward the goals of upstream documents and orders of the Supreme Leader in the fields of oil and gas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Enjoying the twelfth largest coal reserve in the world, only one percent of Iran’s energy consumption basket is supplied by coal. Now, Iran’s energy economy is under the influence of natural oil and gas resources, causing other more profitable energy resources to be neglected. The Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) technology is a procedure to transform the underground coal into gas, resulting in improving the recovery of coal layers with different thicknesses and depths. This technology may be considered as a strategy to feed the domestic gas network with the synthetic gas of UCG. Therefore, Iran’s gas export capacity will be improved, helping domestic and foreign economy of energy. Implementing and using the UCG technology in Iran will help us take a leap toward the goals of upstream documents and orders of the Supreme Leader in the fields of oil and gas.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) is one of the most important Iranian Institutions that its survey is very crucial. In This Respect, Survey of NIOC’s decisions to vertically integrate into the contract of upstream development plans with use of Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) view is important. In this article, to achieve explaining complexity contractual relations between NIOC and its contractors, buy back contracts and other contracts equal buy and make have been considered respectively. In first Step, The results relatively support TCE’s hypothesis as determinants of organizational form. For the main purpose of this article, Econometrics models are estimated the transactions cost functions of competing organizational options. Estimation of those functions apply isolation of the effects of transaction attributes to each form of organization, it means make or buy, which is used for knowing about the relative impacts of hazards of exchange and internal costs. Estimation of those costs functions profitable for estimate of the transactions costs and incentive gains of outsourcing. The concept and nature of cost has been discussed in the beginning of the paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The impact of information & communication technology (ICT) on people's lives can be study in different aspects. From economic and environmental perspective, the outcomes of the efficiency and productivity activities, has an important role because the improvement of efficiency provides a basis for reducing energy consumption .This Paper examines the impact of information & communication technology (ICT) on petroleum products in transportation Sector of the selected OECD & OPEC countries for the period 2000-2010 , and for this purpose ,dynamic panel modes are used. The results show that ICT has different rules in the samples. In the selected OECD countries, more use of information and communication technology can increase the intensity of consumption of petroleum products of the transportation sector, while in the selected OPEC countries more use of ICT can reduce the intensity of consumption of petroleum products of the transportation sector and ICT has the potential for reduction of energy intensity in the transportation sector of these countries that have high energy intensity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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After the oil shocks of the 70s, oil extraction policy has become more important in two aspects. In one aspect, economists have reconsidered the Hotelling (1931) model about optimal natural resource extraction rate and in other aspect, engineers has paid more attention to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods. Economic theory of natural resources extraction is designed for maximization of discounted profit but in engineering point of view enhanced oil recovery with considering maximum efficient rate (MER) shape the optimal extraction rate. As a result, combination of these important economic and engineering concepts could be comprehensive definition of the optimal oil extraction rate. This idea has been investigated for one of the southwest Iranian oilfield where natural gas injection as an EOR method has been applied. In this study, we have utilized the optimal control theory which considers all of the above mentioned assumption. The results about cost function indicated that oil extraction cost increases with decreasing remaining reserves. Result about optimal extraction rate showed that for discount rate higher than 10 percent, extraction rate has not been dependent to three EIA oil price scenarios. Optimal oil extraction model depends on discount rate. Low dependency to the oil revenue leads to conservative extraction but otherwise maximum extraction in early years and minimum extraction in the latest years would be optimal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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