Objectives: Recently, the area of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has received considerable attention both from the academic and professional communities. The empirical evidence seems to support the enabling role of the ERM in improving firms’ operating and financial performance, focusing on metrics such as equity values, cost of capital, and debt ratings. However, companies are still struggling with the development, implementation, and evaluation of ERM-based processes. In particular, this problem has been significantly more challenging for companies in emerging economies. Method: In this paper, we provide a clinical study detailing the institutional and functional risk management steps (identification, assessment, mitigation, implementation, and review) and processes undertaken to develop and implement ERM for a major investment banking company in Iran. Results: Overall, we found that the company has been exposed to fourteen categories of top risk sources including competition, political, human resource, market, liquidity, regulations, credit, reputation, and corporate governance. Furthermore, we have chosen a subset of more quantifiable categories of risk and recommended mitigation strategies and developed metrics to evaluate their performance.