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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The knowledge of rhetoric has ever been in common, among all the knowledge of humankind during the history, throughout which, all nations have paid attention to it. A part from being in common, the knowledge of rhetoric, in the countries, in which ‘Islam’ have been the official religion has gloried very remarkably. Relying upon the testimony of ups and downs of the history, the iranian moslem erudites have ever had a unique efficacy in transformation and maturation of the rhetoric knowledge. In this article, the chronicle and periods of the rhetoric knowledge have been pursued.

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The present paper is concerned with the structural characteristics and contents of the Russian resistance poets from the outset up to the end of the World War II, 1941-1945. Regarding the linguistic and literary structures of the resistance poetry of this period, such features as changes in the lexical structure of poems, outspokenness, proximity of poetry to slogans can be easily observed. Semantically and content-wise, keeping away from leading to the right or the left amongst the poets, patriotism, attention to composing epics, and change of the foundations are noticed. The devastating war brought about changes in poets’ viewpoints to the two factors of time and place. All these abrupt and gradual changes in poems took place for reviving the history and culture, reinforcing the national character and liberation, all that were at risk at the aggression of the fascist and Nazi enemies. The present paper deals specifically with the main traits of the Russian resistance poetry in the first half of the fourth decade of the twentieth century and its development in the poems of Olga Bergults, Rzhadestvensky, V. Sayanov, Anna Akhmatova, and others.However, as Akhmatova’s poems are regarded as best representatives of the brightest manifestation of resistance poetry, the study heavily relies on his work The Wind of the War, the best known example of his patriotic poems. In it, literary and linguistic structures, main themes and the newly-encountered subjects, the pivotal factors of place and time, manifestations of patriotism, and championship are analyzed in the Russian resistance poetry.

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Textual coherence in cloudy semantic relations through which the relation is each piece of speech or writing acts as context. MA.k Holliday and R.Hassan played a key ale estabhshing the relationship in contchal shachre and the relationship among sentence elements. The believe that coherence applies to all kids of relations which link one element of the sentence to the element in previous sentence. The factors bringing about textual coherence among element in a sentence are divided into 3 categories: 1. Grammatical 2. Lexicon 3. ConnectivesThe present article is an endeavor to survey. The fragmented and scattered writings of Shams-e- Tabriz as the mentor of Molavis Tariqat (way of thinking). The writings not published as a compiled book by Shams-e- Tabriz himself.The Grammatical coherence of Shams, s articles is shied in two parts i.e. reference and omission, lexical coherence in two parts i.e. repetition and collocation. Finally the connechire coherence is shadied in 4 parts. Namely, additive, causative, contrastive and temporal.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Jami’s Baharestan is one of the most valuable Persian literary works; it embodies a lot of fruitful stories and discourses, whose most sources are Arabic. Though one may find out from Jami’s words that he has not used the literary works of his predecessors, an investigation on Arabic sources may lead one to lots of background works of the stories of this book. In this paper, we have identified the Arabic background works of twenty three anecdotes and the Persian sources of thirty three anecdotes out of thirty six ones of the first chapter of Baharestan. We have also shown that at least twelve anecdotes from them have come in the sources prior to Jami himself. Another finding of this study is that Jami has taken this part of Baharestan from another book namely Nafahat al-Uns (Breaths of Fellowship). In this study, we have found thirty one anecdotes from the first chapter of Baharestan in the book Nafahat al-Uns (Breaths of Fellowship).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Metaphor is a subject that has attracted the attention of theorists from different sciences of eloquency, linguistics, philosophy and etc.Cognitive school is one of the schools which pays a specific attention to metaphor. Cognitive semantics is a branch steming from cognitive school that defines any kinds of cognition and dectaving of abstract concepts in the from of more concrete concepts as a metaphorical application. In this research, after offering some general definitions about this subject including classic and romantic theories, we will describe declared principles by cognitive semantic scientists_especially basic concepts such as bias metaphor and image schemas. Then we would try to exploit samples and examples adapted to this concept of shamloo's poems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The tenth and eleventh centuries, for Persian poets, were the stormy days in Iran. safavids dynasty, during thes centures, wich had the powerof Iran, didn’t support wery much, for some reasons, the forms of Ghazel and Encomiastic Verse. Accordingly, the Iranian lyrical & encomiastic poets immigrated to Indis and there they Asked for the support of Gurkanian court.In this article, the writer aims at presenting the course of safavids heedlessness to Gazel and encomiastic verse, the immigration reasons and also the poets situations who, in those stormy days, saw India as Noahs ark.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Salhaye Abri was known as a "memorabilia" or "autobiographical" novel. It, s used a number of local and regional patterns of Realism. By reason of writer, s type of view and explicit representation of facts by him, realism of this book (Salhaye Abri) was known as a synthesized form that it, s derived from two literary and political schools "Realism" and "Socialism", namely "Social Realism". But the main thing- besides of poverty as motif and its symbols and expressions –is processing a fresh and natural Image of woman and her life in poverty-stricken society and economic, political, mental and cultural undisciplined and corrupt system, that author paid more attention to it. I was concerned the author's attitude to women, and the various ways to expression of facts in Salhaye Abri for research and study. The result of the stylist study and author's type of work, his literary and intellectual school and women characterization in this work showes that the women characterization has more depth than other persons in the story and it, s more tangible and likely nevertheless, there are several characters. The author’s type of view on "female", "gender" and her "role" in society and family is a specific and punctual look, that is not pure Realism and not just from components of Socialism school. The highlighted presence of the woman inward memorabilia of Salhaye Abri shows her as a gray character and sometimes black, that she is In steady struggle with their manifest destiny or she is mourning for her lost wishes. We confront with a multi-lineage and multi-dimensional realism in Salhaye Abri, that more of all it used to components of Naturalism school. Darwishian used to the realism that it is a combined form of "Realism" and "Naturalism" Thus, we can call it "Naturalistic Realism" or in a short form, "Natu-Realism".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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