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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aim: Hepatitis G is a hepatotrope virus with unknown importance. Its prevalence among blood donors reaches about %4.8. The genome of the virus has been detected in patients with acute or chronic non A-E hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of hepatitis G with unknown chronic hepatitis.Methods: This is a case-control study performed in Ebne-Sina Army Hospital in Hamadan. The case group was military staff with unknown chronic hepatitis and the control was healthy subjects. Chronic hepatitis was defined as elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT≥40 international unit per liter) for at least six month. Both case and control group were evaluated for common cause of chronic hepatitis such as viral hepatitis B or C, fatty liver and drug consumption and by any of these reason will excluded from the survey. Then HGV antibody was detected by ELISA method on 5 milliliter serum samples. Data analyzed by SPSS18- software using Fisher’s exact test, Student’s t-test, and multivariate logistic regression test.Result: A total of 94 patients were selected, which included 35 patients with chronic unknown hepatitis (cases) and 59 healthy subjects (controls). Only one patient in the case group was HGV antibody positive (%2.9), compare to no one of the control. However, there was no difference between the two groups in HGV antibody frequency (P=0.372).Conclusion: According to this survey, there was no association between HGV infection and chronic hepatitis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: According to many previous studies, nurses are exposed to occupational stress and there are some studies reported significant rates of depression among this group.Materials and Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive analytical study on nurses of AJA hospitals (psychiatric and general) in 2012, the prevalence of depression was evaluated in 173 nurses from five different hospital departments through Beck’s standardized questionnaire. Data was obtained by interviews to assess the association between independent variables and depression. Results were analyzed using chi-square and ANOVA statistical tests.Results: About %20.2 of participants had moderate to severe depression. Although, the rate of moderate and severe depression (BDI scores above 18) among nurses and healthcare workers of the psychiatric ward (%25) and surgery (%23) was greater than the ICU (%18) and urology and ENT wards, the difference was not statistically significant.Discussion: Few studies emphasizing on hard work in psychiatric nursing personnel are available. But it seems that in addition to concern for mental fatigue and burnout among nurses in ICU and surgical wards, it is important to pay attention to psychological issues of nurses in other wards - including psychiatry - which have a prominent role in the promotion of mental health.

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Background: Jaundice is one of the most common diseases of infants in the first week after birth. Almost %60 of preterm newborns suffer from jaundice. This research was conducted to study the prenatal factors related to jaundice in newborns.Methods: This case-control research was conducted on 197 newborns with jaundice (cases) and 250 healthy newborns (controls) by using household records of urban health center of Dastgerd-e-Barkhar in Isfahan province in 1391. The prenatal variables were included as mother’s age, parity, number of delivery, mean body temperature, pulse rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, breathing rate, mother’s weight and BMI, mother’s age >35 and <18 years, pregnancy interval <3 years, multiple pregnancy, mother’s low weight, gestational diabetes, cesarean history, stillbirth history, family history of diabetes, negative RH, preterm birth, cesarean birth, mother’s blood type and season of birth. Data was analyzed by SPSS 18.0 via descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression.Results: According to univariate analysis, mother’s weight during pregnancy, mother’s age, family history of diabetes and a thalassemia minor in mother were associated significantly with newborns jaundice. Using multivariate logistic regression by forward stepwise method, only mother’s low weight (OR=2.68) and family history of diabetes (OR=1.63) had significant relationship with newborns jaundice.Conclusion: One of the strengths of this study compared to other studies on neonatal jaundice in Iran was methodology and the existence of control group to assess the risk factors. It seems that further studies with larger sample size and variables can help us to understand the risk factors and prevent adverse consequences in the future.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Every patient without any discrimination has the legal right that it is required by the service providers. Knowing their rights and compliance by the service providers can lead to satisfaction in patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate of patients› knowledge of their rights in the selected military hospitals.Methods: This study is a descriptive cross sectional evaluation in 6 selected military hospitals in three months of 2012; this survey was conducted using a questionnaire containing 50 questions on 360 patients. The data were analyzed by the spss16 using T student and one way ANOVA tests.Results: only %7.3 patients had good awareness of patient rights and %9.10 average and %8.81 poor. Between The awareness and knowledge (p=0.001) and hospitalizations (p=0.003), were significant relationship. The rights respecting of the patient was shown that %5.2 poor, %75.8 moderate and %19 have been good. Between the respecting patient rights and hospitalized (p=0.04) and Job (p=0.001) and age (p=0.008) A significant relationship was observed.Conclusion: The results showed that not only patients have poor awareness of their rights, but also their rights disregarded appropriate by service providers. So awareness training is recommended.

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Background and Aim: The relationship between drug abuse in pregnant women and pregnancy complications such as pre-ecclampsia, intra-uterine fetal death (IUFD), placenta abruptia, preterm labor, abortion and neonatal abnormality such as neonatal withdrawal syndrome and low birth weight are Important related to the health of mother and neonate. Regarding these data and considering the increasing figures of drug abuse among Iranian women, especially those in the productivity ages, we performed a study to investigate the neonatal and pregnancy complications of drug abuse in pregnant women.Method: this is an analytical - cross sectional research that investigate the status and pregnancy outcomes in addicted pregnant women and non-addicted pregnant ones that came to labor of Akbar Abadi hospital in Tehran. One hundred and thirty eight addicted pregnant women and 140 non-addicted pregnant ones enrolled in the study and evaluated for their demographics, complications of pregnancy and post-labor neonatal complications by a checklist and the collected data was analyzed by SPSS software.Result: The results of this study showed that preterm birth (P=0.04), low birth weight (P=0.001), APGAR score lower than 8(P=0.04) in addicted women’s baby had more than unwonted women’s baby. The irritibility and sepsis in babies of addicted mothers were more than unwonted. Also Results indicated regarding pregnant woman and her husband's education level, prenatal care and re marriage, there was a significant difference between two groups. However, two groups were not different regarding others complications including RDS, seizures, meconium, congenital anomalies, head circumferences, hight of newborn.Conclusion: The results show deleterious and direct relationship of substance abuse and pregnancy complications. Therefore is necessary that Special programs for the training and monitoring of addicted pregnant women with other programs considered combating addiction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Nurses are the largest proportion of health care system. Job satisfaction is directly related to the quality of nursing services and individual's health. This study evaluate the job satisfaction of nurses in in both military and civil hospital in Tehran.Methods: The research was a cross-sectional study conducted on 162 nurses from 6 military and civil hospitals in Tehran during May to July 2013 which has been selected by random sampling. "JDI" questionnaire was used to evaluate job satisfaction.Result: Results showed that overall job satisfaction of nurses (military and civil hospital) was 59.4% (mean of satisfaction: 2.97, SD: 0.52). Statistical analysis based on T-Test showed that there was a significant difference between the JDI score in military and public hospital nurses. Military nurses were less satisfied than public nurses (P=0.001).Discussion: Low job satisfaction among nurses especially in military hospital result the low quality of nursing care. This implies greater health authorities.

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Introduction: Annually, millions of people are affected by natural disasters and man-made disasters. Disasters in Iran are inevitable according to accident-prone tissues and geopolitical position of our country. This issue requires the management of crises at the macro level and use of strategies and models for the management. Despite participation of all groups and experts in the relief, the nurses' role as the first respondent in crisis is evident. Results show that the presence of nurses in disaster reduces death rates. In this article we describe the importance of crises management strategies, then express the most perfect crisis model "Jennings model" and consider the nurses' role in the different stages and finally concludes by proposing a model for military nurses in crisis.Methods: this article is review that gathered by library research and web surfing in electronic resources such as Elsevier, Pro Quest, and JAMA with the keywords strategy, training nurses for disaster and crisis management in 2013-2000. In consideration of shortcoming of strategy programs in crisis management all over the word especially in Iran, nessessity and importance of utilizing of crisis management strategies in framework of “Jennings Model” where emphasised.Result: Most researchers have emphasized the importance of using Crises management strategies. Jennings models are most perfect strategies and models for crisis management in the world. This model has four phases as follows: Phase 1: Pre-Crisis Phase 2: crisis Phase 3. Post crisis, Phase 4: The expected positive results.Discussion: Poor crisis management strategies in the world and Iran, being new-born field of military nurses and lack of research in military nursing requires serious effort in order to make the strategies practical.

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Ankle sprains are among the most common injuries in athletes and Military Recruits. High BMI, previous history of ankle sprain, poor muscle strength, proprioceptive deficits, limitation in ROM and balance are important Risk factors for ankle sprain. Recent studies have shown that external support such as brace and tape significantly reduces the risk of primary and recurrent ankle sprains in athletes and Military personal without interfering in function. Balance, coordination and proprioceptive training exercises also have reduced the risk of primary and recurrent ankle sprain. External support and balance training have been causing the injured person return to exercise and work sooner and therefore reduced the risk of osteoarthritis and other complications. Thus, considering the risk factors and prevention strategies can be effective in reducing the incidence of ankle sprain and its complications. The purpose of this review is information of provide about risk factors and strategies for the prevention of ankle sprains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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