Learning, education and sociability are important discourses in sociology and in many other areas of social life. At any age, procedures and methods of education and learning somehow change. The main reason of such a change is the requirements of time and space, and definitely, the appearance and development of media in the new world. In the new age, known as the “Age of Information”, and communication technology and the age of change, new media such as Internet, through transcending space and time distances, not only make the world a presence scene for everybody, but also do change all different aspects of human life, especially education, and present it with a new meaning and concept in many dimensions. It can be suggested that in such a condition, training and education change at all dimensions and levels, and will continue to be so. Therefore, given the mentioned changes, the main purpose of the present paper is, first, to answer those challenges and opportunities appearing from within these conditions, and second, to explain the nature of police training and education with emphasis on the effects of modern media. Besides indicating the importance and status of modern media in the new culture, the authors of the present research try to introduce their role in education, learning and new sociability, especially in police, and talk about the methods and techniques, which can be used to maximize the efficiency of teaching and education in police with emphasis on the modern media. Perhaps the most axial finding of this study is that we as adults should learn to change our attitudes and behaviors, to review old thinking methods in the light of new changes so that we can come to understand what the youth say, act and want, and to prepare our minds for accepting new ideas generated by the young generation.