One of the important achievements of structuralism in the field of literature is issues related to narratology, and researchers try to determine the relationship between actors and characters. Vladimir Propp, the Russian formalist, created a turning point in the analysis and study of narratology. According to him, the character has no existence apart from the text and is only a part of the technical structure that must be subject to predetermined events. Germas, one of the semantic theorists, presented the activism model with the aim of showing the role of characters and the relationship between action and character: an actor is someone or something that performs an action. The actor plays the role of the characters in the narrative. However, it has two differences with characters: first, several characters can play the role of a single actor. Second, the actors play a role in the deep structure of the narrative, but the characters play a role in the superstructure of the narrative. This article, in a descriptive-analytical way, analyzed the narrative-oriented epic of Arash, composed by Siavash Kasraei with the narrative-oriented theory of Garmas, and it was determined that all six actors of Garmas model are present in this poem. As Garmas considers contrast as the most fundamental framework in which the human mind gives structure to the world and understands its meaning, and to understand the structure of the text, one must first understand contrasts, In the legend of Arash, we are also dealing with the confrontation between Iran and Turan, which is the basis of Kasra's narration of Arash's epic, which is expressed in three double actors in opposition to each other.