Water as a symbol of life, the most important gift that nature has, Considering the importance of this matter is in arid and semi-arid climate than other regions, Therefore, measures should be used for the management of this liquid of life, can be taken to bring the critical conditions in these areas will prevented, Desertification after two challenges of climate change and lack of fresh water as the third most important global challenges in the 21st century will be considered, Desertification is a process that includes both natural factors of luck and human performance are inappropriate. Thus the process of desertification is growing that this phenomenon affected by many factors including the loss of underground water and its salinity, The crisis in many areas of our country can be seen in many areas of natural resources and agricultural use of inappropriate and lack proper management of underground water have been turned into desert, This study examines the role of underground water and the intensity maps by desertification indexes ground water level depth, CL index, EC, and SAR index, shortage of water resource, falling underground water table level (cm/year) to review and determine the class severity of desertification in each of the units were paid for work, The final score of each work unit of the geometric mean of each indicator was determined and each of these units in terms of severity of desertification from the perspective of class criteria groundwater classes low, medium, severe and very severe has been, In this study 41.37 and 59.62 and the percentage of land surface area, respectively, in the classroom and very severe desertification are severe.