Background and Aim: This study aimed to explain the relationship between the virtues and strengths of character, as well as the parameters of happiness level and depression among nurses in Tehran. Materials and Methods: Based on the Morgan table and through a convenience sampling, 150 nurses in Tehran were selected and their character strengths and virtues, along with happiness and levels of depression were assessed. Data collection was conducted using a character strengths questionnaire and a positive psychotherapy questionnaire. Results: The statistical analysis indicated a significant correlation of the happiness parameters with the character strengths and virtues in nurses. Furthermore, the character strengths and virtues could significantly predict the happiness parameters (pleasant life was predicted by the character strengths of bravery (T=3. 339, α, = 0. 00) and self-control (T=-2. 012, α, = 0. 046), engaged life was predicted by the character strengths of forgiveness (T=2. 016, α, = 0. 046), and meaningful life was predicted by the character strengths of gratitude (T=2. 210, α, =. 029)), while happiness/depression parameters can be predicted only by the character virtue of courage. The results confirmed a relationship between them. Conclusion: It can beconcluded that there is a significant correlation between the virtues and strengths of character with components of happiness and depression between nurses.