Determination of propitiate pollution indices is important for the design of wastewater refinery systems in small communities and rural area. This study aimed to determine the best indices of pollution for the design of wastewater refinery systems in small communities based on short-term data. For this purpose, wastewater samples were taken from Dehmilan, Hotkan, Sarbagh and Sekukan refineries in 10 replicates, each at one week interval. Different parameters including BOD, COD, TOC, EC, TSS, TDS, DO, TKN, TP, pH, Temp, Turb and Alk and also the concentrations of Cd, Zn, Pb, Ni and Mo were measured using the standard methods. Results showed that the amounts of BOD, COD, TOC, TSS, DO, pH, Temp, Turb, Cd and Pb differed significantly among the refining systems, whereas, significant differences (p<0.05) were found for the other measured parameters. Based on the statistical analysis, BOD, COD, TOC, TSS and Turb were selected as the most important indices for the planning of small communities refining systems. The values (±standard deviation) for the above mentioned indicators were 223.4±19.6, 466.8±42.4, 81.13±5.7, 158.6±19.3 and 123.4±14.2, respectively. Based on the findings of this study, the obtained values can be suggested for the planning of any other designing wastewater refining systems in rural societies which are similar in climate and culture.