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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Rice production in most of Asian countries has been increased more rapidly than population and this has been led to increase in supply and proportionately decrease in the real price of rice in world and domestic markets. Furthermore, together with growth in production and national gross income of the country per-capita income has been increased and also demand for rice at national and international level quality has been increased. In this case studying the market conditions of different qualities of rice including marketing margins, causative relations among the prices, market integrations in long term and finally price transferring and market integration in short term is the important consequence that can help policymakers and planners in their decision makings on research, production, distribution and marketing of rice strategic product. So, using the statistics from Jihad Agriculture Organization of Guilan Province in case of the price of rice qualities (items) including Sadri momtaz (S1), Sadri darge yek (S2), Sadri mamooli (S3) and Khazar (K1) during 1999-2009 market conditions of different qualities of rice was studied. Results show that impulses in wholesale prices in Khazar rice rapidly influence on-farm prices, however, in case of other rice qualities the rate and speed of this influence is low. But in wholesale-retail market for Sadri quality rice impulses influence strongly in wholesale price and this shows intense integration of these two rice markets in Iran. It is suggested that according to the different quality of rice verities, support policy design and decision making process assigned separately.

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Identification and analysis of farmers’ vulnerability associated with their risk aversion degree is one of the necessary requirements for planning and reducing impacts of drought in Iran. So, this study was investigated three risk vulnerability parameters (economic, social and technical) among wheat farmers categorized in accordance with their risk aversion degree in the Mashhad County (Iran) between drought years of 2009-2011. Vulnerability parameters were determined by Delphi technique. For measuring vulnerability and risk aversion degree, formula of Me-Bar and Valdes and method of Safety First Rule were applied respectively. Findings revealed that in social vulnerability indicators; education level, collaboratively farming activities and dependency on government and in technical vulnerability; irrigation method, cultivation method and type of cultivation; risk averse farmers have had the highest vulnerability level under drought conditions. While respecting economic vulnerability, risk neutral farmers (in insuring for crops, sale prices of crops and the type of land ownership), have had the highest vulnerability level.

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This study was an attempt to devise productive orientations of cattle herds in eastern high plains of Algeria. In this regard, 165 farms randomly identified were investigated. The selection of breeders was based to existence of cattle on the farm, and the farmer proposed to investigation must have at least two cows. The approach taken was to identify all systems adopted by farmers in a region through the analysis of the relationship between the maintenance of different types of cattle and preferred marketing policies. The model has been emerged as a result of functional typology established using the procedure categorical principal components analysis (CATPCA) of optimal coding in SPSS [19.2010]. Following this approach, five types of cattle productive orientation have been identified, the balanced mixed system (dairy-beef), beef mixed system, dairy mixed system, dairy system and beef system. These results showed that the breeders were oriented towards specialization (dairy or beef) in less than 20% of situations. Farmers in our context prefer mixed systems when beef mixed system was the model type frequently encountered in the region (over than 50% of farms).

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The study was designed to analyze credit receipt and enterprise performance by small scale agro based enterprises in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. A multistage sampling technique was adopted in selecting 264 agro based enterprises and 96 agro based enterprises that accessed informal and formal credit respectively. The Heckman model was used to examine the factors affecting amount of informal and formal credit received by the enterprises. Financial ratios such as the current ratio and return on capital employed ratio were used in addition to the t-test to examine the performance of enterprises that borrowed from informal and formal credit markets in the area. Analyses of informal credit amount received reveal that gender, age and social capital are significant for the first hurdle, whereas gender, size, income, guarantor and social capital are significant for the second hurdle. Similarly, gender, education, age, size, and collateral are significant for the first hurdle for formal credit, while the second hurdle reported significant results with age, size, income, collateral and social capital. Formal credit was less accessible than informal credit but enhanced greater performance. Formal credit should be made to be easily accessible and efficiently utilized. This will go a long way in complementing the amnesty programme of the federal government of Nigeria in the region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Capacity of garden productions in Iran is such that is accounted as a country that produces thirteen garden products in the world but despite excellent condition in Iran for producing garden products, natural disasters damage production of fruits in the country therefore farmers incur a loss. Pistachio tree has been in danger of destruction and dryness. Thus, in order to reduce loss incurred on trees, it is necessary to insure the tree. This study is aimed to investigate factors affecting willingness towards insurance of pistachio tree and to estimate willingness to pay premium for pistachio tree in Rafsanjan located in Kerman province. For this purpose, methods of contingent valuation and double bounded dichotomous have been used. Research data were obtained by field method and interview with 184 pistachio gardeners in 2012. Results suggest that willingness to pay premium of pistachio tree in central part, Anar and Kashkuieh has been estimated by 1953, 3255.8 and 1183.3 IRR per tree respectively. Considering results and high risk destruction of pistachio trees, it is suggested that premium of pistachio tree is offered to reduce risk and loss of pistachio gardeners. In order to determine premium in Rafsanjan, WTP calculated in this study can be used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The scarcity of water resources and supply resources limitation, have caused an increasing gap between water supply and demand specially in recent decades in almost all regions of the globe. One of the best known solutions proposed by the economists is using the different water pricing approaches thereby obtaining the optimal allocation and social justice. To this purpose, this paper uses the positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) and Econometric Mathematical Programming (EMP) in a comparative analysis to study the economic and welfare impacts of alternative water pricing approaches in the agricultural sector during agricultural period 2011/2012 in Khomein plain of Markazi province in Iran. Results show that the EMP can be a better alternative approach instead of PMP to better analyze of agricultural policies. According to the final outcomes, it is suggested to apply the block tariff in place of volumetric pricing method to reach the optimal allocation and promoting the water efficiency in the price range of 198 to 853 Rials.

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Based on personal and professional characteristics, the present study compares the research performance among faculty members of agricultural colleges in west part of Iran. The statistical population of this study consisted of all faculty members in the agricultural colleges of universities of Ilam, Razi and Kurdistan at Iran, which 116 faculty members were selected as the sample using the proportionate stratified random sampling method. The main instrument in this study was questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by the panel of experts. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSSWin20 software. Results showed that the present status of research performance among faculty members of agricultural colleges in west part of Iran was weak. Results of mean comparisons showed that there was significant difference between research performance based on age, work experience, academic degree, educational group and gender variables. Findings of this study can pave the way for formulating sound programs in higher agricultural education system to promote research performance among faculty members of agricultural colleges.

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Fuel wood provides the main source of energy for cooking and space heating for over 80 percent of households living in Kenya. The heavy reliance on the biomass energy has exerted an imbalance in demand and supply consequently resulting in adverse environmental effects in Kenya. As part of innovation efforts, several energy-conserving technologies have been developed. A unique cook stove named Maendeleo was developed and promoted in Kenya and more so, West Pokot County, northern of Kenya, with the goal of reducing the quantity of wood households use for energy, and ultimately reduce pressure on local forests. However, despite the demonstrated technological multiple benefits and the institutional promotional efforts of the Maendeleo stove technology; the adoption level of this innovation has remained low. An important question investigated in this study was what makes potential users not utilize such valuable innovations? Socio-cultural, economic, political and institutional barriers are considered to contribute to low uptake of such innovations. This study therefore, sought to assess socio- economic factors influencing the adoption of the Maendeleo stove in the rural setting of Kapenguria Division. A survey research methodology with ex-post facto design was employed. The results showed that the age of the respondents had the highest influence on the non-adoption of the Maendeleo stove. Given the relatively low adoption level of Maendeleo stove in the county, and the projected increase in the number of people relying on biomass, this study recommends that the government and development partners put in place a programme for the promotion and dissemination of Maendeleo stove. There should be further investigation into the adoption behavior of the respondents on the reasons for non-adoption and discontinuance of use of the Maendeleo stove.

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