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Journal of Nuts

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Pistachio is the most important nut that is produced in Iran. Little research has been done to examine the effect of UCB1-hybride rootstock plants as tissue culture for pistachios (2011 in Toba company).This study aims to evaluate three pistachio varieties on UCB1 hybrid rootstock. The experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design with three treatment groups (including Ohadi, Akbari and Ahmadaghaii) in three replications in Mahan, Kerman. The results showed that the three treatment groups were affecting in terms of diameter of the top part of the graft, the branch length, and graft height and leaf area. In addition, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium concentrations were measured. Akbari showed better result. The rootstock affected the amount of nutrients absorbed in the three treatment groups. The Ahmadaghai cultivar had the highest compatibility to rootstock because of high concentration of elements. The Akbari cultivar had the lowest compatibility to the UCB1 hybrid rootstock. Correlation analysis revealed that correlation coefficients between the traits were significant. The leaf calcium percentage was correlated to the branch diameter. I On the other hand; increasing the amount of leaf calcium caused an increase in the branch diameter. Stem diameter increased the number of branches and tree canopy.

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Journal of Nuts

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Hazelnuts are usually propagated by suckers or layering. However, other methods of propagation have been tested with variable results. Grafting is a method that has a few advantages such as fast multiplication rate, earlier fruiting and reducing sucker removal cost on specific rootstocks. Unfortunately, grafting is difficult due to slow formation of callus in hazelnuts. Here, we report the hypocotyl cleft graft as a simple method to increase the success rate of hazelnut grafting when the scion is coated with a thin layer of paraffin (wax). Two treatments, hypocotyls cleft grafting without paraffin and with paraffin, have been tested. Hazelnut variety Carmela (Corylus avellana) has been grafted on etiolated hypocotyls of native hazelnuts (C. americana). Uncoated scions had a 9% success rate, while the success rate increased nine times and was 85% when the scion was coated with a thin layer of paraffin right after grafting. This method is suggested for other nut trees such as Persian walnut, which are hard to graft.

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Journal of Nuts

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The aim of this study was to identify the effect of Spermine and Salicylic acid on several growth parameters, such as shoot length, shoot fresh and dry weights, amount of protein and carbohydrate, of Badami and Qazvini pistachio cultivated variety under copper stress. The experiment design was completely randomized with three replicates per treatment and four levels of copper (o.5, 30, 45, 60 mM), one level of SA (o.5mM) and one level of Sp (o.5 mM). The excess copper significantly reduced the fresh and dry weight of the shoot and amount protein in pistachio plants. The carbohydrate was also increased as a response to the increase of copper. However, the damage was higher in Qazvini pistachios compared to Badami pistachios. The SPM and SA treatments increased the shoot length and root and shoot fresh weights as well as the amount of protein and moderated the carbohydrate in the pistachio plants under copper stress. The carbohydrate in plant was also increased. It was concluded that SA and SPM could be used as a potential growth regulators to improve copper stress in pistachio plants.

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Journal of Nuts

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In 2007 and 2008, the influence of pollen source on the shell and kernel traits of resulting seeds and on fruit set was examined to evaluate the potential for Xenia or Metaxenia in Persian walnut. Pistillate flowers of ‘Jamal’, ‘Chandler’, ‘Hartley’ and ‘Pedro’ were crossed with the pollen of ‘Serr’, ‘Z60’ and ‘Damavand’. The pistillate flowers on each female parent were covered about one week before starting the reception period of the flowers, and the bags remained 7-10 days after pollination. The catkins of the male parents were collected just prior to pollen shedding, and they were kept in room temperature for 24- 48 hours. Collected pollen was refrigerated until use. Pollination was done when the stigmas were expanded and were pinkish in color. Data recording were started after removing the bags and measuring the percent of fruit set and recording the fruit growth and time of ripening. The fruits, nut and kernel weight, length, diameter, length to diameter, shell thickness, shell weight and kernel percentage were evaluated after harvest. The result showed that nut and kernel diameter, kernel weight, length to diameter, shell-thickness and shell weight were affected by pollen source. There were also significant differences in the fruit set of the different pollen parents. Pollens of ‘Damavand’ and ‘Z60’ significantly decreased the nut diameter and weight in some female parents. Total fat and protein content of kernels were significantly affected by the type of pollen parent.

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Journal of Nuts

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Budding is a good method of propagation in the Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.)., However, success of budding is low due to higher root pressure as well as the presence of phenolic compounds in the xylem sap. This study was conducted to compare various budding methods and cut below budding union on two and three-year-old Persian walnut under field conditions. The experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized block design with three replications. The first factor of experiment was budding methods at three levels (T-budding, invert T-budding and patch budding). The second factor was rootstock age at two levels (two-year and three-year old rootstocks).The third factor was to make cuts in the rootstock below budding union at two levels (cut below budding and no cut below bud-ding). The results showed that budding method and rootstock age have significant effect on early percentage of bud-ding success. The highest percentage of budding success (100%) was observed in three-year-old rootstock with T and inverted T-budding as well as in two-year-old rootstock with patch budding and the least success were gained in inverted T-budding on two-year-old rootstocks (69%). The highest callus formation was observed in patch budding on two-year-old, which is not differed by cut below budding treatment. The least callus formation was observed in T-budding without cut on two-year old rootstock (38%). Budding methods have a significant effect on secondary success (survival) at 1%. Patch budding method with 69% survival compared to other methods had most secondary success. Generally, in this study, patch budding had more callus formation, primary and secondary success compared to other budding methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Nuts

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The study was carried out to evaluate the effects of soil application of humic acid and calcium on morpho-physiological traits and Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+ uptake of Pistachio seedling (Akbari) grown under salt stress. A completely randomized design was used with four replications in greenhouse conditions. The experimental treatment consisted of four levels of humic acid (Bis humic) (0, 4, 8 and 12 gr kg-1 soil) and anti-salt as a source of Ca+2 (0, 1, 2 and 3 gr kg-1 soil). Results indicated that humic acid and anti-salt significantly increased vegetative growth, such as root fresh and dry weight, stem diameter, leaf number and leaf area, of pistachio seedling in comparison with the control group (p<0.05). However, no significant differences in fresh and dry weight of shoot of pistachio seedling were detected in all treatments except in humic acid 8 gr kg-1 soils. The results indicated that the application of humic acid and anti-salt decreased Na+ absorption in pistachio seedling in all experimental treatments (p<0.05). No significant differences in Ca+2 and Mg+2 absorption were detected in all treatments. Results showed a significant reduction of the electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) in all levels of humic acid and anti-salt in soil. However, in these treatments, there were no statistically significant differences in the pH. The best concentration of humic acid and anti-salt was 8 gr kg-1 soil and 3 gr kg-1 soil, respectively. This study revealed the relative importance and efficiency of humic acid and anti-salt to salinity stress tolerance in pistachio seedling.

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Journal of Nuts

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Understanding the function of Trichoderma species in the control of Phytophthora drechsleri in pistachio orchards is very important. In this study, the effects of liquid extra-cellular secretions and volatile compounds secreted by 27 isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, T. crassum, T. koningii, T.aureoviride, T. asperellum, T. brevicompactum, T.longibrachiatum and T. virens were investigated on Phytophthora drechsleri growth and zoospore production. Due to cell wall combination of P. drechsleri, the ability of Trichoderma isolates in the production of b-1, 3 glucanase and cellulase was evaluated in media with different carbon sources. The inhibitory effects of the 16 isolates of Trichoderma from growth of P. drechsleri were examined in a dual culture test. The results showed that Trichoderma isolates had a variable effect on the growth and zoospore production of P. drechsleri. Trichoderma harzianum -136 and T. harzianum -8279 revealed the highest inhibitory effect on radial growth of P. drechsleri in 20 and 30 percent concentra-tions of liquid extra-cellular secretions, respectively. Both isolates also showed the highest inhibitory effect on zoospore production of P. drechsleri in 10 percent concentration of extra-cellular liquid secretions. In the volatile compounds test, T. harzianum -8279 had the highest effect on the growth of P. drechsleri. In all Trichoderma isolates, the activity of b-1, 3 glucanase was higher than cellulase activity. The enzyme production was also higher in the liquid medium containing the cell wall of P. drechsleri compared to glycerol as a carbon source. The highest activity of b-1, 3 glucanase and cellulase was observed in T. harzianum -8279.

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Journal of Nuts

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This study was carried out in order to determine the effects of boron and cold stress on pollen germination of almond hybrids in vitro culture, two different media including the absence and presence of boron (0 mg/l, and 100 mg/l) in 10% sucrose and 1% agar medium at 24oC in dark conditions. The results showed that different treatments had a significant effect on the germination percentage. The highest pollen germination percentage in H24 and S8 almond hybrids was recorded as 98.35 % and 97%, 34% in vitro culture medium containing 100 ppm boric acid, 10% sucrose+1% agar, whereas these amounts were 87.56% and 89.46% in the basic medium without the presence of boric acid, respectively. In conclusion, in vitro pollen germination of almond was inhibited in the medium culture without boron and in cold stress, while it was increased in the medium with boron. Thus, boron can increase the almond yield.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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