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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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denderogeomorphology is using trees as natural archives or "silent witnesses". denderogeomorphology refers to dating of tree rings science that studying the annual growth rings of trees by measuring the number and change in thickness of the ring that create. But 'dendrogeomorphology' is one of the subfields of dendroecology and has been widely used to study and date past geomorphic processes. dendrogeomorphology review the spatial and temporal aspects of the surface processes by analysis the annual growth rings and growth form of trees. Also enables the reconstruction of events with annual and sometimes even seasonal precision. In this paper, we attempt to study and analysis the erosion and deposition processes on the Neka river channel by using dendrogeomorphology. With approximately 3 km length, the study area is part of the mainstream Neka River in the southern of Neka city. The beginning of study reach is located in 36° 37’ 24” northern latitude and 53° 21’ 52” eastern longitude and its end terminated at Abloo convert dam and the exiting place river of mountain…

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Introduction: Wind erosion is a serious problem throughout the world. Wind erosion is due to the increase wind velocity and air turbulent. This phenomenon usually is seen in soft, smooth, bare, dry, disperse and fine soil. It always classifies to two main factors named erodibility and erosivity. The first depends on the physical and chemical properties of soil and the second depends on wind physic and kinetic energy. The aim of this study is estimating the potential soil wind erodibility in oueds and adjacent from them in coarse and medium grain plain and in fines and agricultural lands located in fine grain plain presented using two models. The first model based on percentage of particles larger than 0.84 millimeter in soils and the second model based on soil physical and chemical properties in study area…

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Introduction: Tectonic geomorphology is defined as the study of landforms produced by tectonic processes, or the application of geomorphic principles to the solution of tectonic problems. The quantitative measurement of landscape is based on the calculation of geomorphic indices using topographic maps, aerial photos, satellite images and field work. Geomorphic indices are extremely useful for the study of drainage basins. The quantitative measurement of rivers allows geomorphologists to calculate parameters, or geomorphic indices, which are useful in establishing the characteristics of a river. The analysis of geomorphic indices gathered in the study of drainage basins, and their integrated comparisons, can contribute to the understanding of the morphotectonic structure. The study area of this paper is Alamarvdasht river basin that is located in south of Fars province, south of Iran. Active tectonics in the uplifting anticlines of Zagros structural zone, especially in Simply Folded Belt, has produced various fluvial landforms. Quantitative measurement of rivers helps to identify and to analyze tectonic deformation in an area. Alamarvdasht river basin is located in the Simple Folded Belt of the Zagros Mountains in Fars region. The Alamarvdasht basin area is 2925 Km2 and located between latitudes 27°17’ N - 27° 55’ N and longitudes 52° 37’ E-53° 46’ E. The maximum elevation of study area is 1860 meters in the south of basin and the minimum elevation is 360 meters in northwest of the basin. The study area is located along a simply folded belt of southeastern Zagros and shaped by the anticlines and synclines with SW–NE trending. The aim of this paper is assessment the effects of morphotectonic on the changes of Alamarvdashy river profile by using some geomorphic indices…

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Introduction: The normal regimes of discharge and sediment load can be altered by the impact of natural variations and man-made disturbances. It is proved that temporal trends of discharge and sediment yield will occur due to anthropogenic impacts. Sediment transport via rivers is one of the important processes changing river morphology, bank stabilization, soil formation, and many other earth- related processes. Seasonality of water discharge controls the intermittently high sediment loads in rivers. Accurate estimation of sediment amount carried by the river flow is necessary for river management and to design of soil- water conservation projects. Also, according to the sediment variations based on changing river flows, assessment of spatio- temporal changes of runoff- sediment can be usefule in determining and cotrol of sediment source. The soil erosion phenomenon is the main cause of fertile soils losses from arable lands, also, the climatic conditions, hydrological, geological and excessive human pressure on the watersheds results carrying our more sediments in Iran…

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Introduction: Sanandaj is located near the Gheshlagh River. Gheshlagh River, especially in the period studied flow deposition and low slope lands. Phenomena such as erosion and sedimentation and changes in river reactions that river to reach its steady. Hydrodynamics River Indicate how water flow in rivers, erosion and sediment deposition resulting in water flowing from one side and the other side, its role in the development of the geometric parameters. Factors affecting the dynamics of rivers act as cause and effect. Human impact on rivers without knowing anything about it, caused the channel erosion. This study aimed to identify optimal to organize Gheshlagh River, river management, erosion control and hydraulic behavior of the river as well as forecast the future direction of physical development planning has been in Sanandaj…

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Monitor and detection of displacement field due to changes in land surface are one of the practical and important studies in different topics of the Geological and geomorphical which have a significant role in trends and preventing natural disasters such as earthquake, subsidence and landslide. In the meantime, there are different methods for detection this displacement and geodetic measurement, that among them, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) with a feature wide spatial coverage, fine spatial and time resolution and high accuracy has become one of the important and significant techniques. Space borne SAR Interferometry (InSAR) provides a unique tool for mapping the spatial and temporal evolution of subtle surface displacements and deformation over large areas. In this paper Stamps and Sbas methods are used. Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS) is a new method for PS analysis that uses spatial correlation of interferogram phase to locate pixels with low-phase variance in all terrains, while no prior knowledge of temporal variations in the deformation rate for their identification is required. The Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) technique is a time series analysis approach, which uses interferograms with small baselines to minimize geometrical decorrelation at the expense of spatial resolution (Osmanoghloo, 2016: 93). Actually the SBAS analysis relies on a subset of interferogram pairs that were created with small temporal (over short time intervals) and geometrical baselines to limit décor relation noise. A subset of 82 interferogram pairs were formed temporal and geometrical baselines less than 100 days and 1400 m. Radar images during 2003-2010 are processed by doris softwere. Based on this method the maximum land subsidence rate in KARAJ- SHAHRIAR Plain is 136 mm/ year…

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Introduction: Water and wind erosion are the two main causes of land degradation. The extent of water erosion is greater, and its outcomes are much more complicated, than the other types of erosion in Iran (Sadeghi et al.2011). Rainfall erosivity is one of the key parameters for soil erosion risk assessment under future landuse and climate change (Meusburger et al.2012). Rainfall erosivity is the potential ability for rainfall to cause soil loss. Erosivity can be quantified by means of the R factor calculation of the universal soil loss equation (USLE). The universal soil loss equation (USLE) is a mathematical model to predict soil loss. Therefore, the awareness of its level and variation is critical to improve the management of the land. Thus, one can note that isoerodent maps are essential in evaluating the potential of soil erosion over specific region. The objective of this study was to investigate the spatial pattern of R factor using the modified Fournier index (MFI) over Hormozgan province…

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The Qom- Zefreh fault zone is located in the Central Iran. This fault considered as one of the fundamental faults of the Central Iran which is active in quaternary. Travertine deposits has been affected by the Qom- Zefreh fault zone. The Qom- Zefreh fault zone has been known as a quaternary fault in the western part of central Iranian plate and it’s recently of movement is considered early. The values of geomorphic indices as well as Iat often change corresponding to the distribution of this fault zone. Therefore, estimation of the morphometric parameters to identify the effect of its recent activity on the tectonic evolution of the drainage basins of the study area is essential. In order to assess the relative tectonic activity through the Qom- Zefreh fault zone, sub basins and stream network were extracted by using Arc Hydro Tools software (an extension of Arc GIS software, ESRI) based on the DEM and in turn, 103 sub basins have been resulted. In this study, considering the diversity of the morphotectonic features, six morphometric indices relevant to the river channel, drainage basin, and mountain fronts were computed for every catchment, and consequently, a single index (Iat) was calculated from these indices for each of 103 subbasins to define the degree of active tectonics…

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Geomorphic karst landscapes as a result of the dissolution of the ingredients of rocks, have been formed by natural water plays an important role in the geological diversity and is considered one of the priorities of management. Planning for karst areas require the studies on the recognition Karst, characteristics and its role in feeding water resources are necessary. The aim of this study is to identify and develop potential zoning karst in the plain area ize and Susan plain in Khuzestan province is using fuzzy logic in Geographic Information Systems. The main research base map data including topographic maps at a scale of 1: 25, 000 geological map at a scale of 1: 100, 000 as well as temperature and precipitation data have formed…

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Gully erosion is one of the most harmful types of water erosion and of important processes of soil erosion which causes formation of long wide deep canals. The Robat Turk is part of the Shour watershed basin which joins to Qomroud (one of the Panzdahe-Khordad’s Dam basins) and finally to the Salt Lake. The basin’s area is 112.67 km2, located in the longitude of 50°46’ to 50⁰52’ of East and the latitude of 33°42’ to 33°50’ of North. Forty soil samples were taken, dried, milled, sieved by a 2 mm sieve, and analyzed for physical and chemical properties including acidity, electrical conductivity, organic matter, calcium carbonate content, saturated humidity, holding capacity, balk density and the texture of soil…

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Badland is final form of water erosion which has a lot of destructive effects in natural environmental. Southern slopes of central Alborz is exposed to badland erosion because of geomorphologic conditions. However, few studies have been conducted on badland erosion. The purpose of this study to compare efficiency of the frequency ratio model with certainty factor model in part of Jajrud watershed. To this purpose maps of effective factors including litho logy, elevation, slope, aspect and vegetation were digitized in ArcGIS. In the next stop, the frequency of the badland erosion in each class of factors was calculated through overlaying the dispersion map of badland erosion areas and the frequency ratio was achieved as result of it integration of those the zonation map was created using the frequency ratio and Certainty Factor models. Investigation into the efficiency of models show that model of frequency ratio and Certainty Factor with the empirical probability of 0.93 and 0.99, respectively are appropriate for badland erosion zonation. However, in comparison, the Certainty Factor model has a higher efficacy in the separation and recognition of appropriated areas for badland erosion zonation.

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