Introduction Sand ramps are a kind of sedimentary accumulation found at the foot of the slopes of some desert and semi- desert region in the world. Sand banked up against mountain fronts or other topographical obstacle, forming a ramp (Bertram, 2003). For this reason they called sand ramps. The land form among the people of central of Iran is called Kuh-e-Rig, means a mountain of sands. Until the early 90s, sand ramps they was considered as sand dune. But more exactly studying showed despite more materials of sand ramps are sands, but there are huge differences between sand ramps and sand dune in terms of form, materials, and processes. Despite researches in the past, Sand ramps not form just only by Aeolian processes, but another geomorphological processes such as fluvial and colluvium processes. In fact, sands mound up against mountain slopes. Thus they may be seen as a falling or climbing deposits. Therefore, they are actually very complex landform and different of another sand dunes. Sand ramps contain a "variety of sediments formed in different environment including Aeolian, fluvial and talus deposits" (Bertram, 2003). The aim of this research is studying of sand ramps of Tange-Chenar Catchment located in the south of Mehriz city in the Yazd province. The study region is located in the west slopes of Shirkuh mountain with more than 4000 meters high between 31° 18’ to 31° 26’ of northern latitudes and 54° 18’ to 54° 29’ of eastern longitudes...