According to the importance of imports in the process of development, on
the one hand, and limitation of foreign exchange reserves specially during
the post revolutionary period, on the other hand, the Irans relevant trade
policies have been mostly implemented towards import compression, and
particularly directed towards imported capital and intermediate goods, and
also specific trade partners. However, due to the globaiization process and
Irans attempts for joining WTO, it seems that there is a need for changes in
import structure based upon the countrys development requirements. This
may be somehow conducted through trade liberalization.
Due to the identification of this process, this paper tends to estimate the
long-run import budget share, arising from various supplying resources for
Iran. The formulation is based upon typical model of the Almost Ideal
Demand System (AIDS).
After estimating import demand, we test the hypothesises that import
demand is homothetic, homogenous and symmetric. Using the dynamic
adjustment process of the first order of Error Correction Model (ECM), the
paper estimates the long-run balanced import budget shares, domestic sales
share as well as long-run expenditure and compensated price elasticites over
the 1978-2002 period. Estimation results obtained indicate that
implementing a type of trade liberalization policy can possibly lead the share
of domestic sales to decline, while total import budget share will grow resulting in trade creation, and particularly trade flows may be deviated from
other partners to Irans second ten major trading partners.