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Today, issues such as: the rapid increase in urban population, increasing migration to urban areas, the need for housing in urban areas, land shortages, high prices and a horizontal expansion of cities has led to strongly consider the construction of tall buildings. In this study, the problems of high-rise buildings in the southern regions of Zayandeh river in Isfahan has been examined and a number of high-rise buildings in regions 5, 6 and 13 has been analyzed. The importance of this research is that tall building in the southern regions of Zayandeh river many different effects on the city and its residents are and In recent years, high-level non-procedural soft-peddling in the city, especially in these areas has been made.This research was functional and cross – sectional study. Combination of data collection methods and survey library. In this study, SPSS software for statistical analysis and GIS software for mapping was used.The results of the study indicate that: In recent years without procedural tall building in the city and particularly in the southern regions of Zayandeh river taken. High-rise buildings in the southern regions of Zayandeh river has had negative effects on Including obstruction of vision and perspective of the surrounding buildings, to prevent wind flow in the city, traffic impact, social– cultural issues and …. Tall buildings and their status in the regions 5, 6 and 13 cause the difference is the amount of traffic. so that traffic in the area 5 is higher than the 6 and 13. Social and cultural issues created by tall buildings in zones 5, 6 and 13 were different. District 13 has been the most social and cultural issues.

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The productivity of natural resources requires the accurate recognition of predominant mechanisms on environmental processes. Soil, as one of the most important natural resources, will always need a comprehensive planning and management for efficiency and conservation against the erosion.Soil erosion, as an environmental hazard, causes the loss of a large volume of fertile soil in the world annually. Therefore, purposes of this study are to estimate the amount of soil erosion per t. h-1 yr-1 in Shahroud-Mayami watershed using SLEMSA model, and finally provide the erosion map of study area through integrating the data by GIS technique. For this, first, the parameters of the mentioned model and the numerical values of erosion rates were estimated based on existing relationships. Then, their digital layers were prepared in the environment of ArcGIS software, and the erosion map of Shahroud-Mayami watershed was plotted by integration of these layers. The results show that study area includes three erosional belts with minimum rate of less than 2.371 to a maximum of 353.425 t. h-1 yr-1 that are located in the north and northwest, south, and center of study area. Spatial position of erosional belts indicates the importance of topography parameters such as slope, aspect, sediments instability in side’s slope and rainfall erosivity in soil degradation. Versus, the minimum erosional class, with eroded soil of less than 2.371 t. h-1 yr-1, involve the 48.42% of total area that illustrate the expansion of erosion minimum rate per its maximum rate in study region.This erosion values require the comprehensive and applied planning and management in long-term according to natural potential of the area

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Spatial balance through spatial planning is possible. Spatial planning means planning for the site over time. Territorial planning is the latest and most complete spatial planning, Experience in various countries shows that the aim of spatial and Territorial planning often with reduced spatial inequalities, balance growth and participation in national affairs.This study aimed to investigate the spatial imbalance in the development of various aspects of social, economic, environmental and infrastructure in the Khorasan Razavi province. In Iran in 1345, the issue of Territorial planning at the Institute for Social Research of Tehran University was introduced. In this province, the study of Territorial planning, Interim Comprehensive Plan Development Khorasan" in 1347 which was followed by CETCOPE. This study is the first study in the province before the Islamic revolution in Iran. The final result, the province is divided into twelve geographic areas that studies published in 24 volumes. This paper explains the spatial imbalance in the Khorasan Razavi province.Based on this conceptual model, using 47 indicators in seven field, consist of human development, quality of manpower, economic, social, cultural, environmental facilities and services in the Khorasan Razavi province was made and Spatial Multi Criteria Decision Models to action on province level variables were considered. The development of composite index was calculated. Then the cities were clustered using Pearson index calculation is based on the assessment ward in Minitab software. The results showed that the existing imbalances in the various areas, spatial clustering and imbalance in the development of homogeneous regions in the province. Mashhad, with a considerable distance from the other cities of the province, is ranked first. Combination indices indicated imbalances even within the cluster value. Understanding the capabilities and potential of cities can be developed to meet internal and external imbalances and regulation of homogeneous clusters of cities, used to be the province of Town Planners.

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One of the factors affecting crime rates and social damage, and location of the tumor mass. Crime and social deviance is unique in space and time Which makes culpability in the same place, Spatial distribution is not uniform. The main purpose of this study to identify factors influencing the formation of social ills is worn in places. The aim of the present study, applied and the type of documents is athletics.Surrey old neighborhoods in three cities selected as the study area for this study, In this study, the sample size was calculated using the formula 320 Cochran, who were selected by random sampling. Data with the software Bhrh Gyry Spss, Excel tests using Pearson's correlation coefficient, fi - Kramer and chi-square test were analyzed. Research results show that Between the crime and the physical characteristics of the crime scene And socioeconomic characteristics of the local residents, there is a high correlation And the place looks run down areas prone to rise and growth of crime and social damage (Drug use, theft and robbery, conflict, migration, poverty, cultural, sexual perversion, insecurity, women and children, suicide and unfamiliar faces) Be considered.Research results show that Between the crime and the physical characteristics of the crime scene And socioeconomic characteristics of the local residents, there is a high correlation And the place looks run down areas prone to rise and growth of crime and social damage (Drug use, theft and robbery, conflict, migration, poverty, cultural, sexual perversion, insecurity, women and children, suicide and unfamiliar faces) Be considered.

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The initial step of each phenomenon is complementary recognizing and understanding of its relationship with other effecting and affecting phenomena. Runoff yield and flood occurrence are affected by complex factors. Therefore, defining these factors recognizing their effect on the runoff generating in the catchment can help the better planning for decreasing losses of runoff and increasing the flood in the catchment. There are several factors that affecting runoff and flood generating such as non- fundamental the exploitation of nature by man, physical and hydrological properties of the catchment. Determining the effective factors may be useful to achieve optimal models and methods for champion and reducing runoff and flood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of these factors on production runoff in Hesarak catchment. In view if this, runoff of the catchment were measured using SCS method and HEC- HMS model based on five groups variables including physiographic characteristics (seven parameters), geology (three parameters), sediment types (three parameters), land use (seven parameters) and the maximum daily rainfall and twenty one parameters. So The required layers and informations includes layers of land use, geology, Maximum daily rainfall and runoff were calculated for each subbasin. Then The informations collected after transformed and standardized, The most effective factors were determined using principal component analysis. The results showed that geology and land use are the most effective factors on runoff yield in the study area.And due the large number of variables that 2 factors justified 100% of the data variance.

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Estimated the volume of garbage produced by the tourism activities and provide plans management (Case study: roadside of Golestan National Park) In recent years, the rates of the natural areas visitors to unique territories are increased. As a result, it has been created a lot of negative effects on entertainment of the most common of these effects is collection of visitors' trash. One of these places is the Golestan national park as one of the most prominent tourism resources with a lot of request for visiting to use and the garbage on the earth faces. Overall they have no efficiency.At present inadequate trash can place at improper location collection and of role of management for this purpose following the initial assessment in shahrivar of 1391 according to the terms of most players to maximum of the garbage to main road distance up to 200meters at 2 side of golestan road 200 sampling unit in places in 1 square meter area inside of park and in different distances of road along of road path is considered. Any of imagines and the average height of rubbish were measured. Finally analyzing 1000 pictures show a volume of 140000 cubic meters rubbish in the park. Simply was calculated which the cost of collecting the same volume of garbage exist on the ground- even if non added by new visitors- Is More than the cost of new dustbin established of collecting their garbage. As a result, the cost of garbage collecting will be reduced by better performance management of waste and adding new dustbin in suggested places.

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The waste landfill and principles requires management-wise, as in the case of improper waste disposal, many losses to the environment and consequently it will be for health. The site selection for urban waste disposal in order to comfort and protect the health and welfare of their citizens and the protection of the environment is necessary. The purpose of this paper is to find a suitable location for waste disposal of Maku city using GIS and fuzzy and Boolean techniques. Therefore multiple layers including topographic maps, slope maps, groundwater maps, road maps, urban and rural areas, land use were used to determine suitable areas for landfill.By integrating the maps and convert them to optimize the best place to locate a landfill in the city of Maku has been achieved is shown in Figure 3. In the form, the color blue is the right place. The most important features and benefits found in the following locations: 1. The vegetation coverage is low.2. away from the water about 500 meters high.3. away from the airport (urban infrastructure, slaughterhouses, military centers) have an average of 400 meters.4. height of 1851 meters above sea level on average.5. Frequency of the wind direction and other areas of low intensity.-6 Of land for construction type is inappropriate.-7 Type of agricultural land for almost inappropriate.-10 Of Nzrkhak of a group of clay soils.-11 Of urban development than other areas of the building and there around the city.-12 Of the main limitations in the area of soil salinity and drainage is difficult.-13 Of 1015 meters away from the roads The mean distance of the legal limit of -14 to 3000 m -15 Average of around 98 meters away from the main fault.The results showed that the optimum location is located in the southeastern part of the city at an altitude of between 700 to 900 meters. The estimated area of 24, 528 square meters in Boolean logic and fuzzy logic is also an area of 14, 957 square meters

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On of the most important factors of development of international traveling is the development of transportation and communication.traveling by air has its own special importance.Regarding the field of transportation, Tourism, time and place speed that planes have brought forth, they have had a vast number of consequences on tourism patterns, because it takes less than 24 hours to travel across the world from any place.In fact there has been a reduction in both time and money finance to travel by air. yet the effects of traveling by air are not always the same.So in this article in order to analyze the above mentioned subject, the Emam Khomeini international Airport has been selected, as a case study and the most important airport of the country.using the number of travelers and the number of flights information to and from this airport to 47 international Airport s of the world, during the years 84 to 88.Using regressions time & measure and time series Models. Also using Spss and Itsm soft wares, I have analyzed the number of flights of tourism (regression model) the airport grading among the world airports, the number of travelers and flights to and from this airport has been considered (time series model).It is also anticipated that the number of travelers will be increased in coming years.

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The aim of the present application which was carried out using descriptive analytical, is the Food Security Status and Measure food security implications on rural communities. The study sample was composed of the All heads of rural households Ravansar Township, using Cochran formula, Have been selected as a sample of 180 household heads. The main research tool is United States Department of Agriculture Questionnaire (USAD) and used to assess the implications food security questionnaire which confirmed its validity and reliability respectively, using the expert opinions and Pre-test, with a total of 30 questionnaires in a village outside the study area.Questionnaires were distributed according to geographical basis, in the 17 villages of the study area. The data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling (data is a combination of Independent variable food security six variables Quality of life, Destroying property, Pressure on water resources, Land use change, Principles of Sustainability and Degradation of pastures, forests and wildlife). Show results for food security situation in the study area have food security 25 percent of people and 75 percent in the group of food insecurity (Food insecurity without hunger 26.7 percent, Food insecure with moderate hunger 23.9 percent and Food insecure with severe hunger 24.4 percent). Show results for food security implications the fitted model on the rural residents Ravansar Township and have a food security greatest impact on destroying property, Pressure on water resources and degradation of pastures, forests and wildlife variables, respectively, with a total effect of 0.402, 0.304 and 0.262.

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Land surface temperature is one of the important parameters for determining the energy balance of the earth, weather studies and the environment. On the other hand, rapid population growth, urban development, environmental pollution, climate change, air inversion, and environmental activities, such as the creation of green spaces on the other, are factors that affect the quality of human environments. The temperature of the air and the surface temperature of the earth are indicators that are increasing in importance. The present study was conducted to investigate the role of geographic components in the thermal islands of Mashhad. For this purpose, the ETM+ satellite images of the LANDSAT7 satellite were loaded for July 2012, and then vegetation subtraction indices, normal vegetation indices, and surface temperature were extracted. The results of this study showed that the relationship between the temperature of the earth's surface and the vegetation cover in most regions with high temperatures (from 36 to 43 degrees) or thermal islets corresponding to open and inland areas, mainly due to the formation of thermal islands, vegetation poverty, and Buildings are urban. There was also a strong direct and strong correlation between surface temperature (LST) with urban levels and a strong reverse correlation between NDVI and surface temperature in the holy city of Mashhad.

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Therefore todays a procedure which is considered to be the most effective, the least expensive and the most constant is "Good Urban Governance". It can be defined as a procedure of managing municipal activities with cooperation and engagement of three sectors; public, private and civilized society in order to create a sound city with high level of living capabilities and constant development.This study is a descriptive- explanative one regarding studying factors and practical nature of the study. Data and information are collected with library and field studies. It is a survey study and it is done by preparing a questionnaire. Statistical population is 42613 Ilamian families and case study is 397 head of families whom are selected by Cochran formula and random sampling. Cronbach's coefficient alpha is used for reliability of questionnaire which is 0.76. Analyzing data is done by T-test method. The aim of the study is evaluating Ilam 14 areas about Good Urban Governance indexes.Geographical limit of the study is Ilam city. Its population was 172213 people and 42613 families in 1390. Criteria of this study are World Bank criteria and United Nation developing program. Three factors, accountability, responsibility and Role of law are analyzed using T-test. Results show that rate of accountability is -8.340 which is meaningful in 5 percent error level. It can be said that there is a meaningful difference between real average (2.08) and imagined average (3). As the real average is lower than imagined one it can be said that from citizens' views accountability index is in an undesirable level and they evaluate it lower than Likert scale. There is a meaningful difference between real average (2.14) and imagined average (3) for responsibility level and as it is below Likert scale therefore it is in a lower level. Average for Role of law is 3.54 which is more than imagined average. Therefore the level of law abidance is high according to citizens' view. Therefore it can be said that Ilam 14 areas has undesirable levels according to these scales and the hypothesis of this study is confirmed.

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The last decades of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century is characterized by an integration process which is referred to as globalization. The process of globalization and its impact on cities including important things that is very important in today's world. One of the major issues of this trend is the emergence of competition between different cities. Studies to date on the major urban competitiveness, have been conducted on the economic dimension. But it should be noted that due to the issues of sustainable development, competitiveness with economic, social and environmental. In the present study, economic, social and environmental urban competitiveness have been studied in order to measure the competitiveness of the 31 provinces of Iran. This study, in terms of purpose, applied research and in terms of nature, is descriptive analytical. The population of all the provinces in 1390 to analyze the competitiveness is used of 56 provinces index. The model used in this research is VIKOR and Morris.The results of VIKOR and Morris techniques was divided to groups with average ranks integration and competitiveness can be high, medium and low. The results show that the integration techniques of Tehran, Isfahan, Fars, Khorasan, Khuzestan, West Azarbaijan, Yazd, Mazandaran, East Azarbaijan, respectively, of the high competitiveness And Kurdistan, Zanjan, Qazvin, Iran, Ilam, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, South Khorasan and Northern Khorasan low competitiveness of their power. So in order to increase competitiveness among the provinces, the provinces that have low competitive ability, should be a priority for planners and specialists.

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Introduction: human beings from the beginning of creation until now always with a variety of injuries, wars and invasions and faced disaster have been. And damage to life and property is much to them Entered The targeting of cities, especially and hospitals, to demoralized and inflict economic damage and disruption of social order is Since Ahvaz during the eight years of war Is attacked has been. The aim of this study is That to Location the hospital of Ahvaz with an emphasis on passive defense Methods: Type Research Development of applied research methods Check is Analytical. Our study area eight is Area in Ahwaz. Data analysis has been conducted With is the theoretical foundations And using geographic information system And Fuzzy Share And the use of variogram model Results: The findings from the study show. That At The planning and location for hospitals in Ahvaz. Overlay maps resultant the model The factor and fuzzy gamma 1.6= g, were appropriate. At situation present, Between the 22 hospitals in city Ahvaz Only 4 hospitals in the number 4 region From the perspective passive defense In a good condition.Conclusion: The results show that in the city Ahvaz With regard to economic status That In the country As well as geopolitical position and historical background of In terms of the threat of war At Past and present a very important city in addition. Hospitals in the city are not suitable for passive defense And is require a more detailed plan and structured strategies.

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Dam as a development infrastructure with an emphasis on the use and management of soil and water, upstream and downstream the rural areas according to Its objectives, the impact are different. Identify and Reviews this impacts on the sustainable development of rural villages with regard to the previous situation, can be very necessary and also to take advantage of the capabilities developed as a result of dam construction and provide useful solutions. Based on the principles of sustainable development, was based on theoretical research. Karun-3 of Dam, Izeh County as one of the largest reservoir dams around the country, especially rural areas, including dams that according to geographical features of the Region have some effect. The study aimed to assess the economic impacts of Karun-3 of Dam, rural settlements and provide appropriate solutions. The research methodology based on the nature is descriptive- analytical and based on the purpose is functional. Through 63 villages around the Karun-3 of Dam, due to different properties (proximity the river and lake, topography, less than 100 meters, 3 km access, staff working in the dam, etc.), 38 villages were selected. The statistical population included 2, 531 households, which is calculated using a Cochran formula 334 households as sample and eventually need to increase the the confidence sample, the number increased to 350 households. The resultaccording to t-test for dependent samples showed that the economic development of tourism, employment, industry development, enhance facilities, increase prosperity and purchasing power according to a significant level, the better the condition of rural settlements around after the dam they are before the build the dam. Also, independent -sample t-Test suggest that of significant difference between the upstream and downstream rural areas of in terms of effectiveness on the economic variables. Analysis of variance (F Fisher) variables showed that the effectiveness of dam in rural settlements, agricultural development not only significant variable in case it is true.

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