One of the factors affecting crime rates and social damage, and location of the tumor mass. Crime and social deviance is unique in space and time Which makes culpability in the same place, Spatial distribution is not uniform. The main purpose of this study to identify factors influencing the formation of social ills is worn in places. The aim of the present study, applied and the type of documents is athletics.Surrey old neighborhoods in three cities selected as the study area for this study, In this study, the sample size was calculated using the formula 320 Cochran, who were selected by random sampling. Data with the software Bhrh Gyry Spss, Excel tests using Pearson's correlation coefficient, fi - Kramer and chi-square test were analyzed. Research results show that Between the crime and the physical characteristics of the crime scene And socioeconomic characteristics of the local residents, there is a high correlation And the place looks run down areas prone to rise and growth of crime and social damage (Drug use, theft and robbery, conflict, migration, poverty, cultural, sexual perversion, insecurity, women and children, suicide and unfamiliar faces) Be considered.Research results show that Between the crime and the physical characteristics of the crime scene And socioeconomic characteristics of the local residents, there is a high correlation And the place looks run down areas prone to rise and growth of crime and social damage (Drug use, theft and robbery, conflict, migration, poverty, cultural, sexual perversion, insecurity, women and children, suicide and unfamiliar faces) Be considered.