Journal Article
فارسی Version
A study of response inhibition in overweight/obesity people based on event-related potential
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The influence of grit on nurse job satisfaction: Mediating effects of perceived stress and moderating effects of optimism
Determinants of patients' satisfaction and trust toward healthcare service environment in general practice clinics
Research on the Relationship of Consumption Emotion, Experiential Marketing, and Revisit Intention in Cultural Tourism Cities: A Case Study
Impact of Parenting Style on Early Childhood Learning: Mediating Role of Parental Self-Efficacy
Consequences of Online Misinformation on COVID-19: Two Potential Pathways and Disparity by eHealth Literacy
Physical attractiveness and women’s intra-household bargaining power
Emotion regulation strategies and sense of life meaning: The chain-mediating role of gratitude and subjective wellbeing
Authentic Leadership and Task Performance via Psychological Capital: The Moderated Mediation Role of Performance Pressure
Factors affecting face mask-wearing behaviors to prevent COVID-19 among Thai people: a binary logistic regression model
Fear of Childbirth in Nulliparous Women
Presleep focusing on positive spontaneous thoughts enhanced the possibility of dreaming of them
Benefits of group compassion-focused therapy for treatmentresistant depression: A pilot randomized controlled trial
Language Learning Motivation and Burnout among English as a Foreign Language Undergraduates: The Moderating Role of Maladaptive Emotion Regulation Strategies
Environmental value and pro-environmental behavior among young adults: the mediating role of risk perception and moral anger
Moderated Mediating Mechanism Effects of Chinese University Entrepreneurship Education on Independent Student Entrepreneurship
Sexual Activity in Couples Dealing with Breast Cancer. A Cohort Study of Associations with Patient, Partner and Relationship-Related Factors
Trust, Identity, and Public-Sphere Pro-Environmental Behavior in China: An Extended Attitude-Behavior-Context Theory
Eco-anxiety in children: A scoping review of the mental health impacts of the awareness of climate change
Examining the relationship between academic stress and motivation toward physical education within a semester: A two-wave study with Chinese secondary school students
A process-based approach to cognitive behavioral therapy: A theory-based case illustration
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Impact of fine arts education on psychological well being of higher education students through moderating role of creativity and self-efficacy
Effects of group-play moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity intervention on executive function and motor skills in 4-to 5-year-old preschoolers: a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial
Massive distance education: Barriers and challenges in shifting to a complete online learning environment
Psychological assessment in infertility: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Envisioning the Role of Educators' Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and Self-Regulated Learning in an English as a Foreign Language Context
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A sensation of COVID-19: How organizational culture is coordinated by human resource management to achieve organizational innovative performance in healthcare institutions
The association between sleep problems and general quality of life in cancer patients and in the general population
The influence of academic pressure on adolescents’ problem behavior: Chain mediating effects of self-control, parent-child conflict, and subjective well-being
Proactive personality and critical thinking in Chinese medical students: The moderating effects of psychological safety and academic self-efficacy
Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance of SMEs Employees: The Moderating Role of Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors
The impact of psychological distress on problematic smartphone use among college students: The mediating role of metacognitions about smartphone use
Fear and Challenges of Nursing Students Being in Hospital for Clinical Posting During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Survey
Influence mechanism of teacher support and parent support on the academic achievement of secondary vocational students
Mental Health in Athletes: Where Are the Treatment Studies?
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Relationships between depression, anxiety, type D personality, and worry and rumination in patients with coronary heart disease
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Relationships between parenting style and sibling conflicts: A meta-analysis
Individual Differences in Cognitive Functioning Predict Compliance With Restoration Skills Training but Not With a Brief Conventional Mindfulness Course
University students' online learning during COVID-19: the role of grit in academic performance
Meta-analyses of differences in blended and traditional learning outcomes and students' attitudes
Healthcare Worker Mental Health and Wellbeing During COVID19: Mid-Pandemic Survey Results
Fathers’ sensitivity in infancy and externalizing problems in middle childhood: the role of coparenting
Role of Program Curriculum in Building Social Skills and Sports Coaching in Academic and Career Development Under Sports Humanities and Sociology
Research on the relationship between marital commitment, sacrifice behavior and marital quality of military couples
The work-family interface and the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review
Job autonomy and work-life conflict: A conceptual analysis of teachers' wellbeing during COVID-19 pandemic
Effect of cognitive reappraisal on archery performance of elite athletes: The mediating effects of sport-confidence and attention
The impact of untreated hearing loss on depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness in tonal language-speaking older adults in China
Enriching sociocultural perspectives on the effects of idealized body norms: Integrating shame, positive body image, and self-compassion
Social Support and Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Chinese Breast Cancer Survivors: The Mediation Role of Illness Uncertainty
Predictors of problem-solving skills among emergency medical services staff in Iran: A cross-sectional correlational study
The role of leadership in collective creativity and innovation: examining academic research and development environments
Quality evaluation of entrepreneurship education in higher education based on CIPP model and AHP-FCE methods
The correlation between posttraumatic growth and social support in people with breast cancer: A meta-analysis
Linking ethical leadership to followers’ knowledge sharing: mediating role of psychological ownership and moderating role of professional commitment
Self-stigma among people with mental health problems in terms of warmth and competence
Impact of instruction based on movie and TV series clips on EFL learners’ pragmatic competence: Speech acts in focus
Associations between frailty and inflammation, physical, and psycho-social health in older adults: a systematic review
Transition to Parenthood and Marital Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis
Explanations for the Cloudy Evidence That Theory Benefits Health Promotion
The effect of the online eye movement desensitization and reprocessing early intervention protocol (EMDR R-TEP) for the risk groups with post-traumatic stress symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic
Social cognition in adult ADHD: A systematic review
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Impact of internet plus health education on urinary stoma caregivers in coping with care burden and stress in the era of COVID-19
The impact of job related stress on township teachers’ professional well-being: A moderated mediation analysis