In recent decades, continuum damage mechanics based models, has been of interest to researchers in the area of damage in composites. These models with considering the effects of damage on the mechanical properties of composites and without considering detailed phenomenon of the damage, can analyze wide range of failure modes, loadings and layups. The aim of this paper is to analyze holed composite laminates using continuum damage mechanics. The general damage theory that serves as the foundation for the model of this paper is the model proposed by Ladeveze, which involves damage and inelastic strains to estimate residual stiffness. The Ladeveze model is implemented in a user material defined subroutine of the ABAQUS software, to analyze four different laminate sequences of [02/902]s, [0/90/0/90]s, [452/-452]s, and [0/90/45/-45]s. The analysis includes initiation and growth of damage parameters, subsequently a parametric study for the influence of diameter of hole and the inelastic strain material constant in Ladeveze model. Hence, it was shown that increasing the hole diameter, reduces the laminate strength, while the inelastic strain material constant is proportional to transverse inelastic strains.