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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is an ulcerative skin disease caused by some species of the genus Leishmania. Evidence shows that Perovskia abrotanoides is an important herbal medicine against Leishmania. This study was conducted to investigate the killing effect of terpenoid‑, rich fractions on promastigotes of L. major (MRHO/IR/75/ER). Material and Method: The eluates of reverse phased medium pressure liquid chromatography (RP‑, MPLC) of the extract were subjected to thin‑, layer chromatography (TLC) and categorized into six final fractions. Primary proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H‑, NMR) spectroscopy confirmed fractions’,nature. Fractions 4, 5, and 6 (F4, F5, F6) were identified as terpenoid‑, rich content. Two concentrations of 50 and 100 µ, g/ml were prepared to test leishmanicidal activity. Followed by treating promastigotes of L. major by the fractions in incubation times of 12, 24, and 48 hours, their viability was determined using a cell proliferation MTS ((3‑, (4, 5‑, dimethylthiazol‑, 2‑, yl)‑, 5‑, (3‑, carboxymethoxyphenyl)‑, 2‑,(4‑, sulfophenyl)‑, 2H‑, tetrazolium) assay. Result: F4, F5, and F6 showed significant killing activity on promastigotes of L. major in a concentration‑, dependent manner. The viability of promastigotes was significantly reduced at a concentration of 100 µ, g/ml compared to 50 µ, g/ml (P‑, value <0. 05). Also, over time a significant decreasing trend in the viability of promastigotes confirmed the time‑, dependent manner of the fractions (P‑, value <0. 01). Furthermore, F5 had the highest leishmanicidal activity at the first incubation time compared with other fractions. Conclusion: Terpenoid‑, rich fractions of the P. abrotanoides have a leishmanicidal activity that depends on time and concentration. Among them, F5 has the highest potency that may contain potent terpenoid constituents.

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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression pattern of tenascin in ameloblastoma, odontogenic keratocyst, and dentigerous cyst. Materials and Methods: The expression of tenascin was evaluated in microscopic slides of 42 paraffin blocks including 12 ameloblastomas, 15 odontogenic keratocysts, and 15 dentigerous cysts by immunohistochemistry. The expression of tenascin was examined in stroma, epithelium‑, connective tissue interface, and epithelium of the lesions by two pathologists semiquantitatively. Results: Stromal expression of tenascin was higher in ameloblastomas than other groups. All the paired groups showed significant differences except comparison of odontogenic keratocysts and dentigerous cysts. Epithelial‑, mesenchymal interface expression of tenascin was significantly higher in ameloblastomas and odontogenic keratocysts than dentigerous cysts. All the paired groups showed significant differences except comparison of odontogenic keratocysts and ameloblastomas. Expression of tenascin in epithelial cells of ameloblastomas was focal whereas in odontogenic keratocysts and dentigerous cysts negative immunoreactivity was reported. Conclusions: Expression of tenascin in these lesions suggests that it could play a role in epithelial‑, mesenchymal interaction. Higher expression of tenascin in ameloblastoma, can explain immaturity of its stroma and aggressive nature of this lesion compared with other studied groups. Moreover, higher expression of tenascin in epithelial‑, mesenchymal interface of odontogenic keratocyst compared with dentigerous cyst reveals its more immature and aggressive nature and high rate of recurrence.

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Background: Self‑, care applications are effective in the control and treatment of disease symptoms. Today, the mobile phone is used as one of the tools that can help us in this regard. The present study attempts to develop and evaluate a functional self‑, care mobile‑, phone application for patients with skin and hair problems using treatment protocols of herbal medicine. Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive‑, applied type. At first, a questionnaire was prepared for data need assessment and also to determine the data items and required capabilities of the application. Based on the results, an application was designed using the Java programing language in the Android software environment. In the next step, the application was installed on the mobile phones of several specialists and patients, and the necessary corrections were made. Then, the final version of the application was evaluated. Results: The most critical data elements of the mobile application for skin and hair patients included the application’, s functionality, temperament survey, and clinical information. After considering users’,feedback, the screen functionality, the application’, s information and idiom, and overall functionality of the application were evaluated and approved by the users. Conclusion: By and large, the developed application could help the patients to receive the best and high‑, priority treatment protocols based on their own temperament.

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Background: Emergence agitation (EA) is one of the complications following anesthesia in pediatric surgery. Various drugs are used to prevent this complication, and one of them is dexmedetomidine. Choosing the right dose of this drug for the best efficiency is an important issue due to this complication. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the prophylactic effect of intravenous dexmedetomidine in different doses in preventing EA after tonsillectomy in children. Materials and Methods: Our study was a double‑, blind clinical trial performed on 75 children ASAI, II candidates for tonsillectomy. Patients were divided into three groups. The group 1 received a dose of 0. 6 µ, g/kg per hour and group 2 received a dose of 0. 3 µ, g/kg per hour and group 3 was the control group. Then vital signs and observational pain score (OPS) and pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium (PAEDS) criteria were measured in patients. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS software version 23 and non‑, parametric tests such as Friedman, Mann‑, Whitney. Results: According to the data analysis, mean blood pressure, mean heart rate, OPS and PAEDS score in group 1 were lower than other groups. Also, the average time of staying in recovery and extubation in group 1 was less than other groups. Conclusion: A dose of 0. 6 µ, g/kg dexmedetomidine has a better effect on reducing EA (emergence agitation) after pediatric tonsillectomy.

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Background: Ocular trauma is one of the most common causes of hospitalization in patients with ocular injuries. It imposes many direct and indirect physical and psychological costs on the patient and the community. Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross‑, sectional and retrospective study includes all patients with ocular trauma who underwent surgery in the referral center’, s ophthalmic operating room for 10 years. A checklist was completed for each patient, including demographic information and the variables required for the study. A total of 927 patients who underwent eye surgery due to ocular trauma were eligible for the study. All descriptive data were reported as the mean plus standard deviation for quantitative variables and distribution tables and frequency percentage for qualitative variables. Inferential tests such as independent t‑, test and Chi‑, square test were used to evaluate the research questions. Results: This study showed that most ocular traumas occur at a young age and mostly in males. The types of trauma in the studied eyes were divided into penetrating and non‑, penetrating in different age groups. The results showed that the most common type of surgery was corneal laceration repair, and in all patients, visual acuity improved significantly after surgery. In this study, a total of 81% of patients underwent only one operation. Conclusions: Training and caring for children and adolescents about high‑, risk behaviors and educating industry professionals to wear goggles, and increase workplace safety can reduce these types of trauma.

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Background: Shoulder pain is considered as the most important and relatively common postoperative cholecystectomy complications that often controls in recovery room by systemic narcotics that may have some side effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of premedication with oral tizanidine on shoulder pain relief after elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Materials and Methods: In this double‑, blinded clinical trial, 75 adults of American Society of Anesthesiologist physiologic state 1 and 2 scheduled for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia were selected and randomly divided in three groups of T, P, and control groups. Ninety minutes before the induction of anesthesia, patients received either 4 mg tizanidine (T group), 100 mg pregabalin (P group), or orally in 50cc or the same volume of plain water as a placebo (control group). Then, the vital signs, pain intensity, and the need for analgesic were measured during 24 hours and then compared in the groups. Results: There was no significant difference in patient characteristics, with respect to age, weight, gender, and duration of anesthesia and surgery between the groups (P > 0. 05). The pain intensity and need for analgesic were significantly lower in tizanidine and pregabalin groups than the control group (P < 0. 003) vs (P < 0. 001). There was no significant difference in vital signs characteristics between the groups. Conclusion: Oral administration of 4 mg tizanidine and 100 mg pregabalin 90 minutes before laparoscopic cholecystectomy significantly relive postoperative shoulder pain and analgesic consumption without any complication.

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Background: This study investigated the impact of individual factors on the Health information‑, seeking behavior (HISB) of infertile couples undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Materials and Methods: This applied study was done using the descriptive‑, analytical method. The population of the study remains to be infertile couples undergoing ART referred to a public Infertility Center and a private one in Bandar Abbas (capital of Hormozgan province, Southern Iran) in the summer of 2020. Using simple random sampling, 168 people were selected. The data collection tool was a questionnaire extracted from Longo HISB Model, used after validation and reliability. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential tests. Results: The results showed that individual factors (gender, education, income, age, and cause of infertility) affect the HISB of infertile couples. Based on the analysis of variance, there was a significant difference between infertile couples concerning Passive Information Receipt (F = 2. 688 and P = 0. 048) so the couples with a male cause used Passive Information Receipt more. Conclusions: Considering the results, it is necessary for the country’, s health system to take appropriate measures to provide an appropriate situation for better decision‑, making for infertile couples and improve the chances of fertility by reducing the existing inequalities to Active Information Receipt and quality health information.

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Background: Stationary cycling is the popular, preferred, and convenient form of exercise. During exercise, autonomic modulation is seen which can be assessed by heart rate variability (HRV). The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in HRV during mild‑, intensity cycling exercise. Materials and Methods: An observational cross‑, sectional study was done on 20 healthy male volunteers with the age (35. 44 ±,4. 12), height (71. 12 ±,11. 98), and weight (161. 23 ±,11. 65), BMI (27. 12 ±,3. 49) attending various YOGA sessions in AYUSH OPD. Volunteers underwent an exercise program at the mild intensity of 30% to 50% of maximal heart rate on a stationary cycle for 20 min. HRV was recorded by the HRV mobile unit Dynamika Machine at rest, every 5 min (4×) over 20 min and during the recovery period. Repeated measures of analysis of variance with post‑, hoc analysis with Bonferroni and Holm’, s multiple comparisons. Results: Significant change was observed in mean heart rate and time domain parameters. Frequency domain parameters that showed significant change were total power, High Frequency‑,HF (ms 2 ), Very Low Frequency ‑, VLF (ms 2 ), Low Frequency ‑, LF (ms 2 ), and Very Low Frequency %‑, VLF (%). Conclusions: The HRV parameters conclusively point towards cardiac parasympathetic withdrawal and sympathetic dominance at the initiation of exercise. With the progression of exercise, the sympathetic influence is retained. In the recovery period parasympathetic reactivation gains control over heart rate as well as HRV. The HRV response to exercise challenges may be helpful in designing exercise programs based on variations in the autonomic response.

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Background: It is difficult to approach the Trigeminal Ganglion (TG) and Meckel’, s cave (MC) during surgeries. Therefore, the exact knowledge of the relationship of surgical landmarks to related anatomical structures is vital to reduce the associated postoperative morbidity. The aim of the present study was to enhance the knowledge of the surgical anatomy of structures that are present in the conduit of all surgical approaches to TG and MC, their distances from surrounding neurovascular structures, and their variations. Material and Methods: The study was carried out on 40 embalmed cadavers (Eight Female) of the anatomy department of a teaching hospital in Central India. Meticulous dissection of cranial fossae was done to locate TG, MC, and related anatomical structures. All distances from TG and MC were measured using an electronic digital calliper. Results: Length, width, and thickness of TG were 15. 39 mm, 4. 39 mm, and 2. 54 mm, respectively. The distance from zygomatic arch, the lateral end of the petrous ridge, arcuate eminence, foramen ovale, and foramen spinosum to MC was 26. 10 mm and 37. 94 mm, 16. 46 mm, 4. 54 mm, and 11. 23 mm, respectively. The sixth, fourth, and third cranial nerves were 6. 26 mm, 4. 94 mm, and 2. 53 mm from MC, respectively. The MC was 42. 72 mm and 33. 87 mm anteromedial from posterior and anterior limits of the sigmoid sinus. Conclusion: Findings of the present study will aid surgical planning and decide the approach to TG and MC and avoid surgical complications.

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the status of social support in people with drug abuse and its relationship with social health in patients referring to addiction treatment centers in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: This cross‑, sectional study was performed in Isfahan addiction treatment centers in 2019–, 2020. The study population was the total number of people with drug abuse in Isfahan addiction treatment centers that 300 people with substance abuse and 300 people as control group were included. Social support and social health questionnaires were distributed among the participants. The Keez Social Health Questionnaire, designed in the United States in 2004, is about daily life and the social environment and measures social health. Another questionnaire was the social support of Sherbon and Stewart (MOS). This scale was a self‑, report tool that measured the amount of social support received by the subject. Results: The results showed a positive, direct, and significant relationship between the dimensions of social support and social health in the group of patients with drug abuse (P < 0. 05). Comparison of social support and its dimensions in the two control and affected groups showed that the scores in the healthy group were significantly higher than the affected group (P < 0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the level of social support and social health in people with substance abuse is less than other people in society, and to improve the social health of people with substance abuse, more social support should be provided.

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Background: Controversy remains about the positive role of music during general anesthesia and postoperative recovery. We, therefore, tested the hypothesis that intraoperative exposure to classical music reduces the propofol necessary to maintain the bispectral index (BIS) close to 50 during vitrectomy surgery. Materials and Methods: This double‑, blind clinical study is evaluating 50 patients undergoing vitrectomy surgery under general anesthesia. Patients were randomly assigned to music and white noise groups, and relevant sounds were played to patients after induction of anesthesia. The two groups were compared for the use of propofol as an anesthetic to maintain a BIS near 50 and for postoperative pain, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. Results: Propofol consumption to maintain the set BIS score was much lower in the music group than in the white noise group (78. 72 ±,25. 76 microgram/kg/min and 117. 91 ±,36. 78 microgram/kg/min, respectively, P-value = 0. 000). Postoperative pain scores were also much lower in the music group than in the white noise group (P‑, value = 0. 000) and anxiety levels between these two groups did not differ (P‑, value = 0. 870). No patient in the music group had complaints of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) compared to six patients in the white noise group (P‑, value = 0. 011). Conclusions: Listening to music during general anesthesia for vitrectomy surgery can reduce the use of anesthetics, postoperative pain, and PONV. Further, controlled studies are necessary to confirm our results.

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Background: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between maternal predisposing factors with the level of maternal serum pregnancy‑, associated plasma protein A and free subunit human chorionic gonadotropin and nuchal translucency. Materials and Methods: We performed a cross‑, sectional‑, analytical study on 762 pregnant women who referred to the Gene Azma Medical Genetics Laboratory in Isfahan for amniocentesis. All pregnant women at high risk of screening in the first trimester of pregnancy for trisomy 21 and other aneuploidy were referred to a gynecologist for amniotic fluid sampling (amniocentesis). Multiple of the means (MoM) of PAPPA ≤, 0. 5, 0. 5 ≥,MoM free β, ‑, hCG >2. 5, and NT ≥, 3. 5 mm were considered abnormal. We used Chi‑, square method and Mann–, Whitney U‑, test to compare data qualitative and quantitative, respectively. Results: In individuals with less pregnancies and deliveries, the value of abnormal NT was higher (P < 0. 01, P < 0. 001, respectively). On the other hand, the highest abnormal rate of NT was observed in pregnant women under 35 years (21, 84%, P < 0. 012). In addition, abnormal levels of free β, ‑, hCG are more common in women < 35 years of age (186, 66. 9%, P < 0. 02) and female fetuses (171, 58. 8%) (P < 0. 006). Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be said that considering the underlying factors of pregnant mothers in performing tests related to screening in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to a reduction in false positive rates.

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Background: Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) is a common household plant with needle‑, like leaves and white flowers that belongs to the family Lamiaceae and has various medicinal properties including ailments of hair and scalp, cardiovascular, nervous disorders, etc., In the current work, we have focused on formulation and evaluation of 1% hair lotion incorporated with methanolic extract of R. officinalis. Materials and Methods: The aerial parts of the plant were extracted with methanol and then the nature of phytochemicals were identified by chemical tests. It showed the presence of proteins, amino acids, fats and oils, steroids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, volatile oil, and vitamins. The extract was formulated to a suitable hair lotion and then evaluated for its various quality control parameters. Finally, the lotion was evaluated for hair growth promoting activity on C57BL/6 mice, using water as control and 2% minoxidil hair lotion as standard. Results: It was observed that the formulated 1% herbal hair lotion passed all the evaluation parameters and showed a significant hair growth promoting activity than the standard drug‑, treated animals. Conclusion: Although several researches have been carried out on the rosemary, an investigation on formulation of hair lotion adding the extract of the aerial part of the plant is for the first time. Since our formulation exhibited an excellent activity, it can be well thought out to be an alternative to the commercially available hair growth promoters with a lot of unwanted effects.

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Background: Many studies in the past have evaluated the role of immune system boosters in the treatment of leishmania major infection. Protein A (PA) is one of the structural components in peptidoglycan cell wall of gram‑, negative bacteria such as staphylococcus aurous which functions as a stimulator in the cellular immune system. The present study aims to evaluate the anti‑, inflammatory effect of PA on the recovery of leishmania major infection. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 24 female Balb/c‑, infected mice. The experimental group received PA at a dose of 60 mg/kg for four weeks. There was no intervention for the negative control group,the third group received the solvent of PA and sterile H2O, and the positive control group received Amphotericin B at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight. At the end of the treatment period, a real‑, time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was performed to determine parasitic burden, and the size of the lesions was measured by caliper with an accuracy of 0. 01 mm. Results: Results showed that PA did slightly decrease the wound spread and growth but not to an extent that can be considered statistically significant. Also, differences in cycle threshold (Ct) values between the treated group and the untreated group was not impressive. Conclusions: Although findings showed that PA isn’, t such a good candidate for leishmania treatment, it may still be suitable for therapies that use multiple drugs in combination to speed up the healing of leishmaniosis, an issue that merits evaluation in future studies.

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Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) is one of the most common bacteria in nosocomial infections. Inappropriate usage of antibiotics has led to expanding emergence resistance to A. baumannii as a multidrug‑, resistant (MDR) strain. Empirical antibiotic therapy is necessary to evaluate the resistant gene pattern of MDR A. baumannii. For this purpose, the present study evaluated the resistance genes pattern of MDR A. baumannii collected from hospitalized patients using a genotypic diagnostic technique. To find evidence related to the study objectives, databases were searched such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, Science Direct, PubMed, and Scopus from 2000 to 2022, with specified keywords in the title and text of the articles. Articles were included based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The mentioned database displayed 284 articles. After screening, 65 eligible articles were included. The results showed that various b‑, lactamases genes, aminoglycoside‑, modifying enzymes (AMEs) genes, and pump‑, expressing genes are resistance gene patterns in MDR A. baumannii isolates. MDR A. baumannii has significantly become resistant to b‑, lactams, carbapenems, and aminoglycosides.

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