Introduction: Burnout reactions are physical, psychological, or behavioral reactions that the bereaved person exhibits. The aim of this study was to determine the level of psychological factors which effectively contribute to the facilitation of the bereaving process of mothers who had lost their children to cancer. Materials and Methods: The current research was a purposive descriptive study with the statistical universe of mothers whose children had lost their lives in the battle with cancer. Out of this statistical universe, 54 people were chosen using snowball sampling. Results: The results of the study reveal that self-efficiency, unemotional coping, meaning-centered coping approach, Get counseling and psychological services, Spouse support, Social support and family support, quality of interpersonal relationships, personal characteristics (hardiness), Being involved with a child's memory, Anger at God / the world / nature, Lack of confidence in the continuation of life after death, Release by the health system, Feeling lonely, avoid, Isolation, emotional coping, speed of losing a child, Seeing children of their child's age, marital conflicts, Lack of confidence in the quality of healthcare, feel guilty, A record of dying patient care, Distortion were variables which contributed to the facilitation of the bereavement of parents whose children had died of cancer. Conclusion: In light of the results of this study, the utilization of the following variables of self-efficiency, unemotional coping, meaning-centered coping approach, quality of interpersonal relationships, personal characteristics (hardiness), emotional coping and physical symptoms to facilitate the bereaving process of those mothers who lost their children due to cancer can be suggested.