Landscape ecology is one of the youngest branches of ecology science, and especially deals on the study of landscape composition, structure and function. Landscape elements are such as patches, corridors, matrix along the border and ecotons. Landscape metrics are algorithms for quantifying the spatial characteristics of patches, classes or entire landscape mosaics, and the best way to compare different landscape requirements. Due to this, the aim of this study was to quantify landscape patterns and the possibility of breakdown of plant communities using landscape metrics. Metrics that were used in this study the number of patch, class area proportion in the landscape, mean patch size, edge density, mean shape index, mean patch fractal dimension and total edge in the class level and Shannon diversity index in the landscape level. Metrics listed for vegetation map and morphology units were calculated using the patch analyst extension for Poshtkooh rangelands of Yazd. Then, using the principal component analysis were determined the important metrics for the separation of plant communities. The results of the principal component analysis for the separation of class in morphology units map showed that edge density metric have the greatest impact but in the vegetation map landscape metrics, were equally important and more importance metric could not be determined and compared to separation the units of land shape in the morphology units map were less separation. Finally, with using of discriminate analysis, was determined the differentiation function and metrics that create separation between the plant communities and land classes. Discriminate analysis showed that the number of patch metric, edge density and mean patch fractal dimension can be separated plant communities and classes in the map, units are less resolution.