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Consideration of comprehensive and exact criteria in the route locating stage can play a decisive role in reducing of costs, increasing the safety and accessibility of roads as well as protecting the environment. In this regard, several parameters such as Digital Elevation Model, land cover, population distribution, touristic areas, sunshiny level of roads during cold seasons along with distribution of rivers and fault lines are considered in optimal route location of Ilam-Homeil road. In this research, an approach is proposed in order to assign inter-layer costs. According to the proposed method, a specific cost function is defined for each layer regarding its own characteristics and influence on final decision. The most outstanding advantage of this approach is that cost variations is not linear for different data intervals of each layer and the characteristics of corresponding layer is considered in defining relevant cost function. Then pair-wise comparison and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are implemented for relative weighting of layers. Accordingly, the short path analysis is applied to supply the minimum cost considering three different variants. In the first variant the traditional method is used for inter-layer weighting and opinions of experts are considered for relative weighting of layers. In the second variant, the only criterion is the slope variation in the study area. The proposed knowledge-based weighting method is applied in the third variant. According to the results, the main parameter for route location of available road has been the topographical condition of study area and less attention has been paid to other factors such as distance from fault lines and rivers, access to population centers and touristy areas. The proposed routes resulting from each variants are shorter than constructed road.

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Monitoring how large-scale expansion of urban areas is very important for planning urban development and the prevention of catastrophic problems in metropolitan areas. However, in most cases, lack of basic information in this area, especially in developing countries is a major obstacle to achieve this. So in order to check the balance was used in the Iranian city of urban primacy index and Rank-Size cities from 1335 to 1390. using data from urban population census was used in different periods. As well as for monitoring the dynamics of urbanization in contemporary Iran through the eyes of space-time benefit from multi-temporal images DMSP / OLS for the years 1371 to 1391. The results showed that there is a phenomenon of urban primacy with regard to all aspects of the urban system, in all these periods, And overall results of the logarithmic distribution Rank-size cities in the period 1335 to 1390 shows, That in 55 years time, the distribution of the cities to the imbalance in 1385 showed that desire and imbalanced distribution with an absolute slope of 1.142. Finally, in order to analyze images of DMSP in relation to urban areas and the GDP of the linear regression model was used, The results showed that there is a linear relationship between light at night and population, urban population and GDP. R2 is the urban population equal to 0.854. Which shows the images can be used as an agent to identify the dynamics of the urban system. Which shows the images can be used as an agent to identify the dynamics of the urban system.

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One important aspect of community development, health development, namely the quality of people’s access to health services. The need for any plan to provide services to those in need is the status quo be evaluated. The purpose of this paper is to examine the deeper differences between the municipalities of the province to access to health centers and to determine the level of development in this field. To use the results of this study will be used by officials at the local and regional decision-making and policy. The methodology of this study is cross-sectional and case choosing. We used as libraries that have been compiled 36 indicators in three areas: institutional, human resources and expertise and information through Statistical Yearbook 1393, Statistical Center of Iran. Data on-line and through Excel calculation TOPSIS technique and has been used for mapping software GIS. The ranking shows the city of Sanandaj & Saqez city developed and turpentine; Qurveh, Bijar, Marivan and Baneh and deprived developing Divandarreh; Kamyaran; Dehgolan and Sarvabad. The results based on the number of shows, 20 percent of the province deprived of health services, 36% moderate, and 44% of the population have access to health care is relative. The results clearly show that in the midst of the city, not the distribution of health services in line with the needs of the population. Therefore, the proposed development is planned to be operational axis according to the levels of development of cities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Lut Desert, in southeastern of Kerman, is on of the Iran and is the world largest desert in the world. It is one of the world’s driest and hottest places. Granolumetric analysis of sediments can indicate the properties of old formative processes and also account for morphology of landforms. Yardangs or Kalut in Lut desert have special forms in Iran and in the world and it can be very useful to find the relationship between granolumetric characteristics of the landforms and their morphology. In this study, two sample yardangs -from north east of Shahdad in north of Kaluts have been selected to collect sediment samples from different heights. The sediment samples have been measured by pipet equipment in laboratory. This method first designed by the authors at faculty of geography in Tehran university. The results have indicated more amounts of silt sediments in higher heights of these two Yardangs. According to the results, it can be discussed that evolution of these yardangs in this desert was by wind erosion process. Yardangs of the northern part of Lut desert in the height of the relief is mainly formation of clay sediments. The research also shows that the morphology of the Yardangs. in this paper associated with silty sediments of the upper and clay sediments of lower terrace is a part of this topography. In this study also determined the color of the sediment with Munsell color system, calcimetry and statistical parameters such as mean seeds, SD, kurtosis and skewness data is calculated. Also this article was taken from a research project and has been completed by financial support of faculty of geography in Tehran university.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Using satellite images with a medium spatial resolution to detect, monitoring and prediction of urban built-up areas has a great development in recent decades. The most important step in predicting of the urban areas growth is extracting the urban features with a high precision but also the greatest challenge in this way is the complexity of urban components and the issue of mixed pixels. The purpose of this research is using sub-pixel analysis to extract the surface features of Rasht city to predict the future growth of the city’s built-up areas changes. To achieve this purpose we used three Landsat images related to; 1990 (Landsat Sensor TM), 2002 (Landsat Sensor ETM +) and 2015 (sensor OLI / TIRS) years and Normalized Spectral Mixture Analysis (NSMA). In order to classifying the images, the fraction layers as input layers, endmembers as training samples and maximum likelihood as classifier algorithm were used, As a result, the overall accuracy and kappa coefficient for three period of study were calculated up to 99% and 0.98 respectively. In this study, however, in order to predict urban growth by ANN model, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) with Back-Propagation learning algorithm (BP) were used. The results of comparison between model’s output and 2015 classification map showed a 92% kappa coefficient, a 89% standard Kappa and a 93% classification Kappa (for classes) respectively. The used model in this research has been successful in predicting the growth of urban boundaries, but also less accurate in predicting the individual built-up areas around the urban areas.

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Finding a suitable location for the landfill site selection is one of the most important aspects. Municipal solid waste management is one of the aim of geomorphology with regard to its nature as a source of developed land forms, processes for their formation or composition of the material is relevant in environment and plays an important role in location. Hashtgerd area with an extent of 398 square kilometers, that is in the south of the Savojbolagh city which is located in Alborz province. In this region due to the placement of permanent rivers on alluvial fans (Kordan), also and land with high permeability, Existence of some surface water and underground water layer at shallow depths (less than 50 m), High population areas (urban and rural) and abundant agricultural land, Identifying suitable landfill areas so that it does not damage the surrounding environment has great importance and necessity. The research aim is Finding locate for Landfill in Hashtgerd area by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS) and it is concerning geomorphic parameters. Research method is analytical - analogycal. In order to optimize the location of a landfill in the area of Hashtgerd, Statistics and data about groundwater 16 piezometers wells geological and hydrological land use data and topologies of digital geological maps (1: 100,000) with a scale of topographic maps (1: 25000), Results was obtained through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and in the Arc GIS software suitable areas for waste identification, designation, were introduced and zoned. Research results show that suitable regions for landfill have the lowest area. The most suitable area for the landfill is to eastern region graveside of the Mohammadabad Afshar village and south region is inappropriate for landfill.

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Since most of the country’s urban population centers, shelter and often economic, political, cultural, social and governance in health centers, their preparedness against crisis (passive defense), should always be considered specialists. Ordering city in the quarter scale (as the smallest and most efficient urban units) on the basis of the requirements of civil defense, in order to cope with crisis (natural and human) and to minimize the risks of using the techniques of geography and urban planning The objectives of this research. Thus, quarters of sixth district in the second zone of Tehran chosen as a case study, such results were presented to possible hereby extended investigation in other urban areas will be provided.The study applied a standard research method-analysis. This research-based scientific foundations of urban crisis management concepts with emphasis on geography and urban planning. In this study, the identification and evaluation of the current situation, the vulnerability of communities in times of crisis, strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities in each area studied passive defense approach and based on relevant conclusions have been data gathering is based on field studies and library research. Following the research, the comparative method is used to provide a summary. In this study, SWOT analysis techniques used to determine the strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities, as well as provide guidelines, policies and proposed measure, ArcGIS software to display and also, analysis of descriptive data is used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Analysis of temporal and spatial relationship between meteorological and hydrological drought in Tehran province drought is a recurring and temporary natural event which leads to many damages to human life and natural ecosystems. In this study, the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Stream flow Drought Index (SDI) were used to assess droughts. For this purpose, monthly statistics of 72 rain-gauge stations and 42 hydrometric stations were used in Tehran province and drought indices of SPI and SDI were calculated in the matlab software. In the next stage of their zoning maps of these indices were prepared using ArcGIS software in different periods and the relationship between the two drought indices was obtained using the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of this study showed that the drought trend has been increased over time in different parts of the province. Also, there was a significant relationship (at confidence level of 99%) between meteorological drought and hydrological drought in the area. The results show that the extent of drought has been increased over time and from north to south of the province. Based on rainfall and discharge data, the occurrence of meteorological drought, either as instantly or with a time delay of one month, has the highest impact on the hydrologic drought. Also, study of the spatial order showed that the highest correlation between meteorological drought and hydrological drought was found in Roudak station because of the small size of its upstream basin compared to position of its rain-gauge and hydrometric stations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Smuggling as an unofficial activity has a special place in the quality of life of border villages that are in the suffering and pressure due to be in the periphery in methods planning center - around. On the other hand, considering the need to eliminate smuggling, which is significant to improve the country’s economic dynamism. So, the present study examines the changes in quality of life in rural villages in the border city of Marivan by emphasizing on the significant reduction in smuggling and removing it. To achieve this point, the recognition of the status quo to provide practical solutions in order to improve the quality of life of the villagers of the area, which would lead to the elimination of smuggling. In the applied research, in the terms of method, analytical descriptive is used to collect information from method libraries and field based distribution questionnaires and interviews. The population of this research included families living in two border villages Zarivar and Khav and myrabad that using formula Cochran from the 5223 household sample size of 360 households were selected as class method and then randomly selected among the villages and villagers that they were distributed. Data analysis using descriptive statistics (mean) and inferential statistics (t-test, friedman, fit square, Kruskal-Wallis test, binomial) showing the smuggling as nacceptable phenomenon has been removed from the area but the quality of life the villagers in the social and economic dimensions reduced and only the quality of life of the villagers improved in the physical. Also, the level of satisfaction with the quality of life of people with a job dependent on the distance from the border and there is a significant trade relationship. Finally, cross-border and established markets as well as alternatives have been done to improve the quality of life ofthe villagers.

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Analyzing multi-temporal remotely sensed images is a powerful technique for monitoring land use and land cover changes in urban areas. Apart from the change detection (CD) technique, the features space have an enormous impact on the CD accuracy.To achieve satisfactory CD results in urban area, optimum selection of textural and spectral features is necessary. Although an exhaustive search guarantees the optimality of the selected features, but it is computationally prohibitive. Data reduction techniques such as PCA considers the independence of the data to find a smaller set of variables with less redundancy without intending to improve the CD accuracy. Difficulty in setting the best threshold for JM distance in separability analysis algorithm (SAA) reduces its efficiency. The aim of this paper is finding the optimal textural and spectral features to enhance the CD accuracy using genetic algorithms (GA) and Bayesian classifier. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, a case study using IRS-P6 and GeoEye1 satellite imagery acquired on July 15, 2006, and September 1, 2013, respectively, from Sahand New Town (Northwest of Iran) was performed. All the mentioned feature selection methods (PCA, SAA and proposed GA-based method) were implemented in MATLAB R2013a. Results show that, textural features provides a complementary source of data for CD in urban areas. Results show that features selection is an effective procedure in change detection based on textural and spectral features. Each of feature selection methods has its own limitation and advantages, but in general they increase the CD accuracy. The proposed GA-based feature selection approach was found to be relatively effective when compared to PCA and SSA approaches. Overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of CD were increased from 53.66% to 88.49% and 58.94% to 90.39%, respectively using proposed method in compared with that using only spectral information.

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