Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI), as a new technology, can create improvements and loopholes in the process of judicial proceedings. Artificial intelligence may create challenges in the field of maintaining civil rights and privacy, transparency, and justice, providing uncertain information and data, and reducing interaction between humans and the court. This research can help improve our understanding of this technology and how it is used in courts, and it can also evaluate the positive and negative effects of artificial intelligence on judicial proceedings and its effect on justice and Access to proceedings. In this research, using library tools and descriptive-analytical methods, we will better understand the impact of artificial intelligence on the efficiency of the judicial system, and provide suitable solutions to increase the efficiency of this system on the judicial system of the courts, one of the most important goals of this research. It is possible to mention the reduction of the time needed to process cases, increase the accuracy and accuracy of decision-making, increase judicial transparency, and improve the process of handling cases using artificial intelligence technology. This research has shown that by using artificial intelligence, there can be significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, speed, and access to justice in the judicial system. But at the same time, one should pay attention to the issues of protecting rights and privacy, algorithms, social acceptance, and security risks and take appropriate measures to deal with these issues.