The tradition of “’Iʻrifū Allāh bi Allāh” is a difficult (mushkil) hadith that has been considered by philosophers, mystics, and hadith scholars. Some tried to draw the meaning and impact of this narration in the system of Islamic knowledge by using sanad criticisms, while some by explaining and interpreting hadith with different approaches. Accepting the apparent meaning of this hadith requires circle and chain, and as it appears from logical and philosophical findings, circle and chain are vicious and invalid. Therefore, this hadith is a difficult one. This study, using the library method of collecting data, extracting the narrative, and presenting it to other texts, concludes that the existence of the difference between the versions of Kulainī and Sadūq of Mahāsin, with the existing version of Mahāsin al-Barqī and the changes occurred in the sanads, shows the complexity of the sanad. It shows also the ambiguity of the content and makes scholars provide a solution to solve the content and sanad problems of this hadith. Unlike similar studies, this research does not explain the opinions of philosophers and mystics but tries to provide a solution from the perspective of hadith knowledge. Traditionists present six meanings of the hadith to reduce its difficulty. However, looking at the concept of hadith through traditions of the same family and the same topic and presenting the text of the hadith to other hadiths, are a key to better understanding the hadith, and the criticism and review of the views raised in the explanation of this narration. Presenting and preferring the theory of negative and retributive theology and knowing God according to the negation of attributes, is one of the other achievements of this study, with the approach of explaining hadiths by other hadiths.