Flood routing in rivers is a mathematical procedure to determine flow hydrograph at a point in a river. One of routing methods is to solve Saint-Venant equations for non-uniform flows. As solving this equation has complex calculations, using computers and extended models are needed. On the flip side, other methods with simple calculations and reasonably accurate results are extended and from the hydrologist’s point of view, generally give satisfactory results. Muskingum model is one of these methods that accuracy in evaluation of its parameters effects on predicting flood hydrograph, especially peak rate of flow. As far as genetic algorithm is an appropriate solution to determine optimized nonlinear Muskingum’s coefficients, in this study we used this method to determine optimized coefficients in MATLAB and for a wide range of hydrographs getting from HEC-RAS software. By getting optimized values of these coefficients and by having physical and geometrical characteristics of rivers, the effects of changes of these characteristics and also Muskingum-Cunge’s coefficients on nonlinear Muskingum coefficients were discussed. Then, equations were obtained for nonlinear Muskingum’s coefficients, x, k and m as a function of rivers’ characteristics and incoming floods’ hydrograph. Then flood routed solving differential equations using rung-kutta order 4. To determine the accuracy of extended equations, measured hydrographs of 5 floods in a reach, were compared to hydrographs computed by extended equations and HEC-RAS software and the results were analyzed using RMSE factor and correlation coefficient. Results indicate that the accuracy of extended model is almost like HEC-RAS software, so this model can easily be used in future studies to route floods.