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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The complete involvement of human sensory perceptions with space and the presence of meaningful elements in it, will be the basis for creating the quality of the environment in future times and will cause a collective awareness of the physical quality in question. The key purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of environmental perception on the physical planning of rural suburbs of Mashhad metropolis. . This research is descriptive-analytical in nature and applied in terms of purpose. Data collection was done by two methods: documentary and field. The field method is based on the distribution of questionnaires. The unit of analysis in this study is rural households. In the present study, according to Cochran's formula, 193 households out of a total of 4800 rural households living in 12 villages around the metropolis of Mashhad in the central part of the township have been studied. Based on the results of the research, according to the villagers, the level of physical planning of rural settlements in general with a value of T-7.66 was lower than the theoretical average of the research (ie 3). According to the results of Cumulative Weight Production Evaluation Model (WASPAS), Loghmani, Amrghan Toos and Arvand villages have the highest level of rural physical planning. According to the GRA model ranking results, Arvand, Loghmani and Amrghan Toos villages are ranked first to third. The results showed that there is a significant and direct relationship between the two variables (with a value of T equal to 7.394 and an acceptable level of significance); and a person's perception of the physical environment with an impact factor of 0.487 has a direct effect on rural physical planning. This indicates a direct relationship between people's perception of the environment and their mental image of the environment. Also, on the one hand, human perception of the environment affects physical planning, and on the other hand, the ability of environmental planning affects the individual's perceptions. Perception of the physical environment determines the factors of a person's reaction to the environment and causes the individual to prefer the natural environment, followed by the effectiveness of planning.

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One of the fundamental goals in physical development planning is to reduce the vulnerability of the constructed space to environmental hazards. One of the most important dangerous crises in the geographical space of the country is the occurrence of earthquakes and the resulting economic and social damages. The occurrence of the Bam earthquake in 2003 led to the implementation of the "Reconstruction Plan of Bam city and surrounding villages" in 2005, which has had thought-provoking changes in the planning and reconstruction of rural housing. This study intends to identify and analyze the evolution of housing and its basic functions in the structural-functional understanding of rural housing by physically examining and evaluating the mentioned plan. The present study is applied in terms of purpose with a "positivist" approach and is descriptive-analytical based on methodology. Information and data were collected through documentary and field methods in the form of questionnaires, observations and purposeful interviews. Data were recorded, processed and analyzed in statistical software and GIS environment. The statistical population of the study was the villages covered by the Bam city reconstruction plan. Twelve villages were selected using cluster sampling method based on the effect of earthquake penetration and the formation of a three-dimensional matrix. The three-dimensional matrix included: the number of households in the village, the distance of the village from the fault and the epicenter of the earthquake, and the amount of damage to the village. In the next step, the samples were determined based on Morgan table and finally, by distributing the researcher-made questionnaires in proportion to the weight of the population of each village, 354 questionnaires were completed by the heads of households. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were determined using experts in the field of rural planning and Cronbach's test (0.94), respectively. Findings show that in the housing pattern of the affected villages of Bam, fundamental changes have taken place in retrofitting and the type and location of materials, map, number of rooms and the level of infrastructure compared to before and after the earthquake. One of the results of the effectiveness of the reconstruction plan is the visible functional changes and the lack or incompatibility of some functions in the newly built houses. This means that pre-earthquake bio-subsistence housing has become purely post-reconstruction bio-housing. The role of the villagers in these developments has been very small, which has been due to the centralism of the project. In reviewing the design and reconstruction of rural houses at risk of earthquakes, the following should be considered: institutionalization of rural participation, utilization of indigenous knowledge, rural housing with socio-economic functions and especially the origins of special culture, planning and intervention in rural physical context and access to the pattern of sustainable rural housing.

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One of the main policies of the country and one of the most important strategies of the government in recent years is the "Mehr Housing Project" with the aim of providing housing for different groups. The purpose of this study is "Comparative evaluation of residents' satisfaction with Mehr housing in Zahedan." The research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method. In the process of collecting data and information, documentary and field methods have been used. The statistical population of the study is the residents of Mehr Shargh and Gharb housing complexes in Zahedan and includes 4950 heads of households. The sample size was estimated to be 562 heads of households based on Cochran's formula and SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results of Pearson correlation analysis show that there is a significant relationship between age and monthly income and education with satisfaction with the residential complex. However, the results of t-test showed that the satisfaction of the residents of Mehr Zahedan housing complexes with a total average of 79 sub-criteria is lower than the average (2.41). Friedman test was used for the final ranking of indicators and the most important effect is the performance-structural index including accesses and facilities. SAWARA model was used to analyze the most effective indicators affecting the quality of housing according to experts. The most important content indicators are the presence of CCTV cameras and closer proximity to the shopping center. Finally, the results of independent t-test to compare the two residential complexes of Mehr showed that there is no significant difference in terms of satisfaction in Mehr housing in Zahedan.

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Identifying suitable areas to provide the services needed by tourists in the form of tourist villages is one of the most important issues for tourism planners. The aim of this study was to find suitable areas in Mirabad forest located in Oshnoyeh township according to 9 effective indicators in locating tourist villages (slope, sunshine, land use, land ownership, distance from the line Forests, roads, rural settlements, fault lines and canals). The research approach is descriptive-analytical and applied. In order to analyze the suitable places for the construction of tourist villages in the study area, various GIS-based multi-criteria decision-making techniques have been used. To evaluate and standardize the criteria, the fuzzy logic method has been used, to determine the weight of the criteria and to determine the optimal locations in terms of the studied components, the pairwise comparison and TOPSIS methods have been used. By analyzing the results of the final layer output and its adaptation to the ground realities, three sites based on the degree of desirability for development and creation of a tourist village in the form of 100 by 100 meter pixels (equivalent to one hectare) are proposed and finally proposals for tourism development in the studied area was presented.

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Cities are a complex and alive system of integrated economic, social, and physical identities in which economic, social, cultural, and physical components play a role. Sustainable development, which is one of the main goals of the policies and activities of the United Nations and is a constant discussion of developed and developing countries, has been mentioned as a process, the need for improvement and progress in various fields. The goal of sustainable development is very broad and its achievement takes place in the shadow of planning. Planning should be a two-way planning because at the macro level, the policies of national governments, even global policies, and at the micro level, education and public participation are very effective in achieving sustainable development and advancing its goals. The issue of urban laws and regulations is one of the most important issues of urban planning and urban planning and it is the basis for the balanced growth of cities and the implementation of a comprehensive plan and detailed plans and criteria set out in the plans. In fact, by applying the rules and methods, control and monitoring the separation of land and buildings, and authorizing the relevant authorities in urban planning to review and amend the proposed separation plans by landowners before registration measures at least 60% of correction comments can be implemented in comprehensive and detailed plans. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of urban planning laws and regulations on sustainable urban development (Case study of Babolsar city). The present research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature. The method of data collection was designed as a document and field through a questionnaire in the form of Likert scale and research questions were evaluated by SPSS software. The results show that according to the average of items and the use of one-sample t-test, the opinions of experts and citizens in all indicators and items explaining the level of significance is higher than 0.05. This means that the effects of urban planning laws and regulations on sustainable urban development on the level of sample households are below average. The use of TOPSIS method for ranking Babolsar neighborhoods based on the effects of urban planning laws and regulations on sustainable urban development in terms of the weights calculated in each index showed that Javaheri neighborhood with a value of (0.9101) ci with 1 rank of the highest status and neighborhood Katie Bin with the value of (0.3008) ci with the rank of 20 had the lowest position.

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Khodapanah Kiomars

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Nowadays, the tourism industry is a dynamic global and social phenomenon whose scientific knowledge and analysis can provide a reliable framework for planning the tourism industry. The aim of this study was to identify the drivers that affect the future status of sustainable rural tourism in Nir township and how these drivers affect each other. In terms of nature, this research is based on the method of futures research, analytical and exploratory science and is based on an applied goal. After holding meetings and discussions with 30 tourism experts and elites of Nir township as a statistical population, 37 variables were identified in four categories. Findings based on the condition of the scattering plate showed that the system is unstable and most of the factors are scattered around the diagonal axis of the plate. Out of 37 factors considered, due to the high impact score and direct impact, only 13 factors as the output of Mick Mac and drivers are influential in the future of sustainable development of rural tourism in Nir township. The results show that among the 13 driving factors, the following are more influential and important: factors of attracting surplus agricultural sector in tourism activities, increasing technology, receiving bank credits, rural land management, income distribution and diversification to the economy and increasing job opportunities for young people.

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Morphotectonics is a science that determines the effect of active tectonics by using geomorphic indicators as a measurement and quantitative description of landforms and landscapes. Morphotectonics provides quantitative measurements that can be used to identify areas with active tectonics. In this study, using quantitative morphometric indices obtained from morphotectonic studies, a part of Central Alborz (Marzanebad and Taleghan cities) has been studied and five hierarchical anomaly indices (a∆), branching index (R), Basin shape (Ff), drainage density (Dd) and roughness coefficient (Bh) were calculated in 19 drainage sub-basins. In these areas, each of these indices is classified into five groups: very high, high, medium, low and very low, and finally the relative active tectonic index (Iat) is obtained. Based on the results of this study, the Caspian, North Alborz, Dozdben and Kandovan and North Taleghan fault basins are in very high and high groups, which indicates the impact of these faults on the active tectonics of the region. Due to these high values, it is expected that the seismic risk of the region will increase due to fault rupture. The density of recent earthquakes in the region confirms this.

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In sustainable development planning, it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of housing and home. Home as a place for human life is related and connected to all aspects of her/his life and has different meanings beyond housing. Using phenomenological topics as a method of perceiving the structures of experience and consciousness, qualitative studies on the relationship between humans and living space can be done. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the yard as a fixed physical element in interpreting the concept of a traditional Iranian house as a model of sustainable housing and its representation in contemporary cinema. For this purpose, two films "Tehran Tehran" and "Mom's Guest" made by Dariush Mehrjoui, which are stories taken from the lives of people in the contemporary period, were studied. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the semantic role of courtyard elements for the house in the above-mentioned cinematic narratives has been studied, interpreted and argued. The results show that the concept of home and its existential connection with human beings in Mehrjoui's works emphasizes the mutual identification between home and human life. The central courtyard is the lifeblood of the house and is one of the main factors in the stability of the traditional Iranian house. Therefore, due to the crisis of identity and meaning in contemporary lives, one of the ways to recover them is to pay attention to the role of the yard as a lost space of contemporary housing in sustainable urban development planning using new architectural methods.

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