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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Rural development as a goal or development strategy is emphasized by policy and planning systems in many countries. To achieve this goal, it is important to pay attention to the content and procedural principles of planning (rural development) based on theoretical-experimental literature and the attitude of experts at different spatial levels, including the rural constellation. The present research has been done with the aim of providing a conceptual framework for planning the development of the rural constellation based on the viewpoints of experts. The research method is qualitative and exploratory based on interpretive approach. Also, the approach of content analysis (qualitative) has been used. The participants of the research were university experts, executive and local authorities. The sample size was determined based on theoretical saturation and the purposeful sampling method was used to select the participants. Data collection was done using documentary and field methods, form and semi-structured interview checklist. To analyze the data, the open, axial and selective coding technique was used in the Atlas TI software environment. Based on the findings, protection of limited natural-ecological resources, human-social capital, pseudo-endogenous rural economy, spatial justice, spatial integration and good rural governance were content principles, and integration, local community participation, spatiality, gradualism and simultaneity of preparation and implementation are the principles of the process that have formed the conceptual framework of planning the development of the rural system.

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In recent years, following the increase in population and migration to cities, social housing has been proposed as one of the ways to respond to housing needs. Since social housing is considered a new experience in Iran, the study of housing seems necessary due to the ever-increasing expansion of such housing in cities. With this work, clear scientific foundations can be created in the design of social housing in accordance with human needs. The purpose of this article in the first part is to explain the dimensions of hidden housing in accordance with human needs with a semantic approach and in the second part to comprehensively analyze the dimensions of hidden housing in the social housing of Hamadan city in order to achieve design and implementation policies to improve the quality of housing. The present study was conducted in the field of architecture using a combined method and using content analysis, with a semantic approach. The first part of the data was collected qualitatively using interviews and the second part was collected through a quantitative method. First, based on the documents, the concepts and theories related to living and realizing the dimensions of human existence in the place were studied. Then, the data have been analyzed in the first part, using coding. In the second part, the data obtained in the first part were put into a questionnaire and evaluated using SPSS software and statistical methods such as t-test, Friedman and factor analysis. According to the studies, four dimensions including physical-spatial, social-cultural, perceptual-aesthetic and ecological-environmental dimensions are in accordance with human needs. Among the dimensions mentioned, the socio-cultural dimension is more important than other dimensions in achieving the concept of living in housing. After that, physical-structural, environmental and finally perceptual-aesthetic dimensions are in the next levels, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to improve the quality, realize real human habitation and peace in such settlements by providing solutions in design, according to each dimension.

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Like living organisms, the regeneration of cities is done through the renewal of worn-out cells and tissues. Sometimes the process of wear and tear is faster than the process of renewal, which causes the accumulation of wear and tear to reach a critical stage and makes it necessary to accelerate the renewal of worn tissues. What is important is the level of people's participation in improving and renovating worn-out structures. The current research is of a qualitative type and the method of conducting it is a systematic literature review using a meta-composite approach to analyze data extracted from selected sources. Finally, in the systematic review process, 28 sources were selected and used for qualitative analysis and coding. For this purpose, reliable documents accessible in search systems such as Google, NOormagz, Magiran Elm-Net and SID were referred to in the time period of 2010 to 2014. Then, by collecting and categorizing the counted codes, 15 dimensions and 67 indicators were extracted. The codes include physical, social, environmental, managerial, psychological, service, infrastructural dimensions, partial participation, how people are involved, the level of learning of executive and functional levels, the motivation that creates it, the quality of people's cooperation, the executive realm and the subject. The results of the research show that the low value of land and housing with frequency (27) and non-standard buildings with frequency (23) are indicators that have played great importance in various researches. On the other hand, informing, endogenous and exogenous motivation, the quality of imposed and forced cooperation, etc. are some of the less important indicators in this field. The most important aspects of the innovation of this research are the multi-level and systematic look at people's participation in the improvement and renovation of the worn-out urban fabric and also the identification of the main elements of this issue.

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Cemetery is one of the effective elements in arranging the spatial structure of human settlement and especially Iranian cities. The social-cultural development of cemeteries along with the increase of social interactions and presence of citizens will bring vitality to urban spaces. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The method of data collection is documentary and survey, and ArcGIS software and models such as cluster analysis (Group Analysis) and interpolation (IDW) were used for quantitative data analysis. In order to identify and verify the cultural areas of cemeteries, accessibility indicators such as Imam Reza shrine, typical tourist attractions, historical monuments, residential centers and other citizen facilities and services were used. The results showed that the shrine complexes of Imam Reza, Gonbad Kheshti, Gonbad Sabz and Khwaja Rabi as the first cultural area, Yasir and Nasser as the second cultural area, Khwaja Murad and Khwaja Abbasalt as the third cultural area and Miami as the fourth culture area can be identified. In order to increase the role of the cultural areas of cemeteries in the urban vitality of Mashhad metropolis, the indigenous model of the garden-cemetery to promote the Iranian identity in historical cemeteries and the planning of tourism facilities and equipment through the spatial-functional connection of cemeteries with the shrine of Imam Reza in socio-cultural development of urban cemeteries is effective.

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The purpose of this research is to investigate and evaluate the physical and spatial effects of executive actions affected by the approach of neoliberal policies in the planning system in the urban peripherals of Birjand. In terms of nature and method, the present study is descriptive with a survey approach. Data collection was done through a questionnaire and data analysis was done using classic and spatial statistics indexes. The research population included the surrounding villages of Birjand city, and the samples were selected according to distance and population. First, villages located within 15 km of the legal boundary of Birjand city were selected, then villages with more than 20 households were selected as samples. The number of samples included 22 settlements with 7739 households based on the 2016 census. The sample size at the household level was selected using Cochran's formula with an error level of 0.5%, which includes 336 households based on the population ratio of each village. The results showed that the actions affected by the approach of neoliberal policies by the planning system on spatial and physical changes in Birjand peripheral were significant at a "high" level. Then, the comparison test of the average of the societies (independent paired test) was conducted in order to compare the degree (power and intensity) of the effects of neoliberal policies in two physical and spatial domains. The results showed that the effectiveness of neoliberal policies in spatial and physical dimensions was almost the same. Also, the results show that as the distance from the city center increases, spatial and physical developments increase, and in this regard, executive proposals have been presented.

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Inefficient urban structures are of great importance due to specific problems and the high proportion of urban population density. The present study aims to investigate the role of the government in realizing the development and stabilization of inefficient urban structures. In order to understand the role of good urban governance in solving the problems of unstable physical-environmental and social contexts in Semnan city, indicators were calculated through documentary and library study. The required information was collected through a survey method. Data analysis was done by SPSS statistical software and structural equation model indices were analyzed by Amos software. The results of this research showed that the status of urban governance indicators and indicators of improving the urban sustainability of worn-out fabric in Semnan city are suitable, and in the optimal urban governance, the indicators of people's participation and responsibility have the greatest impact on improving the state of urban governance, and environmental-physical factors have the greatest impact. In the improvement of the sustainable development of the middle worn out fabric of Semnan city.

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Khodapanah Kiomars

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Rural tourism is a new strategy to achieve rural development, which plays a major role in empowering local people and diversifying economic growth through creating complementary activities and transforming these areas. The current research has been done with the approach of the driving factors of rural tourism. The research is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. The required data were obtained through documentary and field methods. The statistical population of the research is 12 villages above 20 households in Hiran district in the central part of Astara township with a population of 2509 people and 798 households. The sample size was estimated to be 260 people based on Cochran's formula, and the number of samples was distributed in villages according to their population. Environmental, managerial, economic and social factors were used to examine the issue. Based on the qualitative content analysis of the collected data through the review of sources and interviews, key concepts were extracted from the text of notes and interviews, and during open coding, 30 effective factors of translation were identified. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experienced experts and the reliability coefficient was estimated at 0.80 based on Cronbach's alpha. SPSS25 and Lisrel software were used for analysis. The results show that the highest factor load among the environmental factor is the flora and fauna index (0.88), in the management factor is the incentive policies index (0.76), in the economic factor is the villa construction and second home index (0.88) and in the social factor, it is dedicated to the comfort facilities in the village (0.89) in the field of tourism.

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Considering the great potential of Yasouj city in the tourism industry and its impact on sustainable development, strategic planning of tourism in this city is a necessity. The purpose of the current research is to plan the strategic development of tourism in Yasouj city, to identify the factors of tourism development and to compare it with competing regions based on the sustainable development approach. The research was carried out by descriptive-analytical method and the data was collected by survey. The statistical population includes all experts and executive managers who are proficient in urban planning and sustainable tourism in Yasouj city. A total of 25 research samples were selected using the purposeful sampling method. The Meta-swot model was used to develop strategies for the development of urban tourism in Yasouj, to present objectives, to compare with competitors in the region, and to influence the factors of Yasouj's return. The findings of the research showed that the most important competitor of Yasouj region is Shiraz with a score of 3.2. Also, the most important factor in the sustainable development of tourism in Yasouj is paying attention to environmental issues with Bubble size: 5.36 and preventing the destruction of natural attractions around the city.

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